Hull Geological Society
Recent publications
Copyright statement - Hull Geological Society.
If you enjoy reading the articles please consider joining the Society or sending a donation.
The most recent articles from Humberside Geologist -
The distribution of indicator glacial erratics in eastern Yorkshire by Mike Horne
The scientific study of glacial erratics by Mike Horne
Ancient Mere at Barmston on the Holderness Coast – The Snail’s Tale
Catalogue of the Centenary Chalk Collection by Mike Horne
A geological alphabet compiled from the "Geological I Spy" Club Nights 2020 to 2024
Fieldwork reports - Flamborough Quaternary Research Project
A brief introduction to the geology of East Yorkshire
The sad story of my Paracrioceras by Mick Oates [pdf 2mb]
A geological alphabet from the geological "I Spy" virtual meetings (2020 to 2024)
Updated Society archival pages -
135th Annivesrary meetings - reports and memories 2023
Officers and Committee Members 1983 onwards
Club Night topics 2013 onwards
You can find lots more articles and web pages by clicking on the links below -
Complete list of articles from Humberside Geologist
Statement about funding - all the recent research and articles published in Humberside Geologist and the Hull Geological Society Website have received no external funding; they were written by amateur or academic geologists.
Please send articles for future issues to the Editor of the Hull Geological Society, 28 Salisbury Street, Hull, HU5 3HA Preference is given to items about local geology and the history of local geological studies.
Please refer to "Humberside Geologist Guidance Notes for Authors" for information about 'house style'.
The opinions expressed by authors in this publication do not necessarily represent the views of the Society as a whole. The Society does not accept any responsibility for any inaccuracies.
It is your responsibility to get permission from landowners before entering quarries and geological sites. Remember to wear proper protective clothing and always be careful.
(c) Hull Geological Society 1999 - 2023
Hull Geological Society grants permission to print single copies of the online edition of Humberside Geologist for the purpose of individual study or research. Commercial reproduction by print or electronic means is prohibited