Hull Geological Society


copyright permission and fees:

Any article or image printed or used by other individuals or organisations from Humberside Geologist (printed, online or on CD ROM) or the Hull Geological Society website may not be altered or edited - it must be used in its original form and the source acknowledged.

Permission is given for individuals to make one copy of printed material or print out one copy form the web-site or CDs for personal educational use.

If an individual wishes to print more than one copy of an article or webpage then they should pay 50 pence a copy to the Society.

If any not-for-profit educational organisation wishes to print multiple copies for free distribution within that organisation they may do so as long as they inform the Society.

If an indvidual, organisation or publisher wishes to use text or images from Humberside Geologist or the web-sites they should request permission from the Secretary and pay a fee of at least ten pounds, if the Secretary agrees.

The Society might "name and shame" orgainisations or people who use copyright material without permission.

The recording of our Zoom virtual lectures is prohibited, as is the redistribution of posts and images from our Facebook Club Nights. [added November 2020]

Hull Geological Society, policy adopted March 2007

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147