The Yorkshire Chalk
Catalogue of the Centenary Chalk Collection
of the Hull Geological Society
compiled by Mike Horne
This collection has been donated to Hull Museums
number | description | locality | donor or more details | |
HG1 | Echinoid | Echinocorys | Pit 101 | Roy Thackray |
HG2 | Echinoid | spine of Cidarid | Willerby | |
HG3 | Echinoid | Micraster | Willerby | |
HG4 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Willerby | |
HG5 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Willerby | |
HG6 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Willerby | |
HG7 | Echinoid | Willerby | ||
HG8 | Echinoid | Micraster cortestudinarium | Willerby | |
HG9 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lamarcki in flint | Willerby | |
HG10 | Echinoid | [small] | Little Weighton | |
HG11 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf. schloenbachi | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG12 | Brachiopod | Clyclothyris reedensis | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG13 | Bivalve | Inoceramus schloenbachi | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG14 | Bivalve | Inoceramus schloenbachi | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG15 | Bivalve | Spondylus latus | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG16 | Bivalve | Inoceramus schloenbachi | Kiplingcotes Station | |
HG17 | Brachiopod | Terebratulid | Newbald | |
HG18 | Echinoid | large Echinocorys | Willerby | |
HG19 | Brachiopod | Gibbithyris sp. | Newbald | |
HG20 | Bivalve | Inoceramus ?lamarcki [small] | Newbald | |
HG21 | Echinoid | Echinocorys ? | Bainton No. 2 | |
HG22 | Sponge | attachment site of sponge? | Bainton No. 2 | Sheila Rogers |
HG23 | Bivalve | Inoceramus pinniformis | Bainton No. 2 | |
HG24 | Bivalve | Inoceramus pinniformis | Bainton No. 2 | |
HG25 | Echinoid | Cardiaster sp. | Hunmanby TA099758 | Eric Chicken |
HG26 | Sponge | Ventriculites radiatus | Hunmanby TA099759 | Eric Chicken |
HG27 | Echinoid | Cidarid | Hunmanby TA099760 | Eric Chicken |
HG28 | Sponge | Ventriculites sp. | Hunmanby TA099761 | Eric Chicken |
HG29 | Bivalve | Inoceramus labatus | Hunmanby TA099762 | Eric Chicken |
HG30 | Ammonite | Dscioscphites binodus | Hunmanby TA099763 | Eric Chicken |
HG31 | Sponge | Ventriculaites | Hunmanby TA099764 | Eric Chicken |
HG32 | Sponge | Pororsphaera globularis | Hunmanby TA099765 | Eric Chicken |
HG33 | Echinoid | Hagnowia blackmoorei | Flamborough | near sample FL2 |
HG34 | Echinoid | Hagnowia blackmoorei | Flamborough | between FL1 & FL2 |
HG35 | Echinoid | Hagnowia blackmoorei | High Stacks | |
HG41 | Bivalve | Inoceraums pinniformis | Bainton No. 2 | |
HG42 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata with serpulid and oyster | Enthorpe | |
HG43 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG44 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG45 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG46 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG47 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG48 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG49 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG50 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata [high domed , internal mould] | Enthorpe | |
HG51 | Echinoid | ? | Enthorpe | |
HG52 | Echinoid | Micraster praecursor | Enthorpe | |
HG53 | Echinoid | Micraster bucailli | Enthorpe | |
HG54 | Echinoid | Echnicorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG55 | Echinoid | Echinocorys [2 small ] | Enthorpe | |
HG56 | Echinoid | Echnicorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG57 | Sponge | Ventriculites [small] | Enthorpe | |
HG58 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Enthorpe | |
HG59 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lamarcki | Enthorpe | |
HG60 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf. schloenbachi in flint | Enthorpe | |
HG61 | fish | fish vertebra | Enthorpe | |
HG62 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf schloenbachi | Enthorpe | |
HG63 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf schloenbachi | Enthorpe | |
HG64 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf schloenbachi | Enthorpe | |
HG65 | Bivalve | Inoceramus cf inconstans gp | Enthorpe | |
HG66 | Bivalve | Inoceramus sp. | Enthorpe | |
HG67 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG68 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG69 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG70 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG71 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG72 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG73 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG74 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG75 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG76 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis (hollow) | Enthorpe | |
HG77 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG78 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG79 | Sponge | Isographinia tosta | Sewerby | Roy Thackray |
HG80 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG81 | pyrite | Enthorpe | ||
HG82 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Enthorpe | |
HG83 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG84 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG85 | Bivalve | Ostrea vessicularis | Enthorpe | |
HG86 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Enthorpe | |
HG87 | Bivalve | Inoceramus sp. | Bessingby Pit | top level |
HG88 | Bivalve | Inoceramus sp. | Butterfly Farm (Brid.) | |
HG89 | Sponge | sponge | Sewerby sponge bed | Richard Myerscough |
HG90 | Sponge | sponge | Sewerby sponge bed | Richard Myerscough |
HG91 | Ammonite | Turrilites sp. | Middlegate Quarry | |
HG92 | Sponge | sponge | Sewerby sponge bed | Richard Myerscough |
HG93 | Sponge | sponge | Sewerby sponge bed | Richard Myerscough |
HG94 | Echinoid | Echinocorys | Enthorpe | Enthorpe Echinoid Bed |
HG95 | Echinoid | Micraster | Enthorpe | |
HG99 | Bivalve | Inoceramus | Queensgate Quarry | |
HG201 | Sponge | sponge (counterpart of HG202) | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG202 | Sponge | sponge (counterpart of HG201) | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG203 | Bivalve | Inoceramus ? balticus | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG204 | Belemnite | Actinocamax sp. | Nafferton | middle level |
HG205 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG206 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua [x 2 ] | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG207 | Sponge | sponge | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG208 | ? | Nafferton | middle level | |
HG209 | Bivalve | Oxytoma tenuicostatum | Nafferton | middle level |
HG210 | Sponge | Ventriculites ? radiatus | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG211 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG212 | Brachiopod | Terebratulid [x 2 ] | Nafferton | highest level |
HG213 | trace fossil | burrows | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG214 | Sponge | sponge | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG215 | Sponge | Ventriculites ? radiatus | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG216 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua | Nafferton | lowest level |
HG217 | Belemnite | Actinocamax granulatus | Nafferton | middle level |
HG221 | Bivalve | Inoceramus involutus | Eppleworth Quarry | Mike Horne |
HG231 | Ammonite | Discoscaphites binodosus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG232 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG233 | Bivalve | Inoceramus ? balticus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG234 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG235 | Bivalve | Inoceramus ? lingua | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG236 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG237 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua [small] | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG238 | ? | ? | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG239 | Echinoid | ? Echinocorys | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG240 | Echinoid | Micraster ? coranguinum | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG241 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG242 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG243 | Bivalve | Inoceramus sp. | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG244 | Ammonite | Scaphites inflatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG245 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG246 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG248 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG249 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lobatus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG250 | Bivalve | Inoceramus | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG251 | Bivalve | large I. lobatus and small I. lingua | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG252 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua, large | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG253 | Bivalve | Inoceramus lingua | Bridlington Hospital | |
HG254 | Bivalve | Inoceramus and echinoid | Enthorpe | Ron Harrison |
HG300 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG301 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG302 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG303 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG304 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG305 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata [hollow] | Bainton no.2 | |
HG306 | Brachiopod | Rhynconellid | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG307 | Bivalve | Inoceramus | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG308 | ? | ? | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG309 | Belemnite | Actinocamax | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG310 | Echinoid | ? | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG311 | ? | ? | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG312 | ? | ? | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG313 | Belemnite | Actinocamax | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG314 | Belemnite | Actinocamax | Bainton no.2 | highest level |
HG315 | Bainton no.2 | |||
HG316 | Sponge | Ventriculites | Bainton no.2 | |
HG317 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | |
HG318 | Sponge | sponge | Bainton no.2 | |
HG319 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Bainton no.2 | |
HG320 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Bainton no.2 | |
HG321 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Bainton no.2 | middle level |
HG322 | Echinoid | Echinocorys scutata | Bainton no.2 | middle level |
HG323 | flint | highest flint in Northern Chalk | Bainton no.2 | lowest level |
HG324 | Bivalve | Bainton no.2 | lowest level | |
HG325 | Bivalve | oyster | Bainton no.2 | |
HG326 | Bivalve | Inoceramus | Bainton no.2 |
Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2025
Registered Educational Charity No. 229147