Humberside Geologist no.9
"A Bibliography of East Yorkshire Geology 1938 to 1988"
by Mike Horne.
First published in 1991. Updated version 2006.
This bibliography is published as a tribute to the members of the Hull Geological Society, past and present, and records works published during the second half-century of the Society's history. The Society published similar bibliographies in its Transactions during its first fifty years.
This work does not just include publications within the strict confines of the title. As well as East Yorkshire, papers are included from surrounding areas which have always featured in the Hull Geological Society's Field Meetings and research interests. So, geographically this bibliography includes articles about the whole of the Yorkshire Coast, East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. There are also some references from outside this area which should be useful for local geological researchers; such as monographs on Mesozoic palaeontology and books about palaeogeography. Also some papers published after 1988 have been included, to make this bibliography as up to date as possible.
Because this bibliography starts at 1938, the pioneering work by the Society's early members such as Stather, Crofts, Maule Cole, Danford and Ennis, and the hundreds of papers by Tom Sheppard have been omitted. But you can find out about them in previous bibliographies compiled by Adamson, Harker, Sheppard, Hudson, Versey and Turner, published in the Naturalist, the Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society and the Transactions of the Hull Geological Society.
I started work on this bibliography in 1984. Because of my increasing interest in local geology and research into the Yorkshire Chalk, I found that I needed a list of what had already been published about the area. There are only two or three books about East Yorkshire Geology, but I soon found that there is a wealth of information published in journals or as chapters of books. This is only about half of the bibliography I compiled on card index, covering the last hundred or more years.
I have found the bibliography very useful for my research and it has enabled me to help other members of the Society who needed information about specific topics or localities. I realise that it is not complete, new papers have been published whilst I have been typing it. The index at the end is even more incomplete. But I do hope that, in spite of the omissions and errors, you will find it useful too, and it will at least be a starting point for future research.
I would like to thank the Hull Geological Society for agreeing to publish this work. And I would like thank Mike Boyd, Derek Siveter, Mike Tylor, Roy Thackery, Felix Whitham and Willy Wright, for lending me books or telling me about papers that should be included.
The mistakes, omissions and spelling errors are all my own work. Please send me any corrections, details of papers that should have been included or information about new publications and I can compile a supplement to be published later. The Society has been publishing bibliographies of local geology since 1896, it would be nice to see the tradition continue!
Many of the books and journals mentioned in this bibliography are in the Bynmor Jones Library of the University of Hull, which also contains the Hull Geological Society's Library, which has been donated to the University. Now that the Geology Department has closed the Library has stopped taking many of the journals. Some of these books and runs of journals may be sold to other Universities if they are not being used. Members of the Hull Geological Society may register as readers at the University Library, free of charge. So please do register and make use of this valuable resource whilst it is still there. [Note - in 2002 some of the geology books were donated to the Hull Geological Society.]
The Local History Library in Albian Street has many of the local books and periodicals, as well as some archives from the Society. Most of the Society's archives are in the Natural History section of Hull Museum [now in the Hull and East Riding Museum in High Street]. The Museum also has many local books and journals, as well many publications useful for the identification of geological materials.
Mike Home
July 1991.
I thank Paul Richards for scanning the original typewritten version of this Bibliography and converting it into a word-processed format. I thank Paul Richard and Anne Horne for proof reading the document also.
March 2003
Note - This version of the Bibliography includes some corrections of errors that appeared in the original printed version and some added references. But some errors may also have crept in from the OCR scanning of the printed version. If you find any errors or would like to bring missing references to my attention then please do contact me.
A continuation of this bibliography from 1988 onwards is now available on my personal web-site.
[In the original version of this bibliography -] to save space, abbreviations have often been used for the titles of Journals. This is not current acceptable practice for scientific publications, but it has helped to keep the number of pages to a minimum. The names of fossils, books and journals have not been underlined or put into italics. Some additions to the titles of papers have been made in rounded brackets to add information; these are mostly ' in memoriam ... ', ' report of ...' or ' field meeting at ... and should be recognisable. [In this updated version some of these abbreviations have been corrected.]
PYGS - Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society.
Nat. - The Naturalist, the journal of the Yorkshire Naturalists' Union, note - volumes are not numbered and are usually bound by year.
Humb. Geol. - Humberside Geologist, the journal of the Hull Geological Society, note - pages are not numbered in early issues.
J. Harker. Geol. Soc. - Journal of the Harker Geological Society which was the student geological Society at Hull University. note - sometimes called 'Harker Magazine' or 'Harker Journal'.
Most other abbreviations follow previously accepted conventions [at the time of writing].
[Note - journal runs in the Hull Geological Society Library include :- Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology ]
A Bibliography of East Yorkshire Geology 1938 to 1988
Abbas H L 1973. Some British Cretaceous gastropods belonging to the families Procerithiidae, Cerithiidae and Cerithiopsidae (Cerithiacea) Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 23, 103-175, 8 pl.
A.H. 1972. [Obituary notice:] Vernon Wilson M.Sc., Ph.D., D.I.C. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 83, 119-120.
Adams A V 1951 . Pagiophyllum gracillimum sp. nov. a conifer from the Yorkshire Jurassic. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 4, 1132-1140.
Adams C G 1955. Foraminifera from the Upper Lias of North Lincolnshire. Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Nottingham.
- 1962. Calcareous adherent Foraminifera from the British Jurassic and Cretaceous and the French Eocene. Palaeontology 5, 149-170, pl 21-24.
Agar R 1960. Post-Glacial erosion of the North Yorkshire coast from the Tees estuary to Ravenscar. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 32, 409-428.
Ager D V 1956. The geographical distribution of Brachiopods in the British Middle Lias. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London. 112, 157-188.
- 1957. Some new Liassic Terebratulids. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 67, 1-14.
- 1956-1967. A monograph of the British Liassic Rhynchonellidae. Pal. Soc. 172pp & 13 pl.
- 1971 . Space and time in Brachiopod history. p 95-110 of Middlemiss F A, Rawson P F & Newall G (eds.) Faunal provinces in space and time. Seal House Press, Liverpool. 236pp.
Ahmed S T 1987. Upper Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian ostracods from the South Ferriby Quarry, South Humberside. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 267-274.
Aja S J 1982. The suitability of the Jurassic and Cretaceous clays from Filey Bay for making structural clay products. Unpub. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Hull, 79pp.
Alabaster C & Straw A 1976. The Pleistocene context of faunal remains and artefacts discovered at Welton-le-Wold, Lincolnshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 75-94.
Al-Bakri, D H. 1980 The Sediments of the Humber Estuary Mouth and the Adjacent Coastline. Unpublished Ph.D t hesis,, University of Sheffield.
- 1986. Provenance of the Sediments in the Humber Estuary and the Adjacent Coasts, Eastern England, Marine Geology, 72, 171-86.
Ali O E 1983. Microsolenid corals as rock formers in the Corallian (Upper Jurassic) rocks of England. Geological Magazine 120, 375-380.
Alexander J 1986. Idealised flow models to predict alluvial sandstone body distribution in the Middle Jurassic Yorkshire Basin. Marine and Petroleum Geology, 3, 298-305.
Alvin K L & D. H. Dalby 1987. Numerical analysis of some Yorkshire Jurassic conifers. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 51, 107-115.
Anderton R, Bridges P H, Leader M R & Sellwood D W 1979. A Dynamic Stratigraphy of the British Isles. George Allen and Unwin. 301 pp.
Andrews I 1980. The Red Chalk of Speeton Cliffs. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 11, No 3, 105-112.
Andrews J T & Smith D I 1970. Statistical analysis of till fabric:- methodology, local and regional variability (with particular reference to North Yorkshire till cliffs). Journal of the Geological Society 125, 503-542.
anon. 1939. Jubilee of the Hull Geological Society. Naturalist. 75-76.
- 1939. Northern Glacial Drifts. Naturalist 194-195.
- 1941-2. Water supply from underground sources of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Geol. Surv. Wartime Pamphlet No. 12.
- 1944. The status of the amateur geologist. Naturalist 80.
- 1967. Hydrogeological map of North and East Lincolnshire. Institute of Geological Sciences, London.
- 1984. Slipping into the sea. Gradlink [University of Hull alumni journal] Autumn 1984, 5.
- 1984. The problems of coastal erosion. University of Hull Bulletin no. 64, 1-2.
- 1984. Spurn Head S.S.S.I., Humberside. Earth Science Conservation no. 21, 28-31. Nature Conservancy Council.
- 1985. Liquified petroleum gas caverns at South Killingholme. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 18, ii-iv.
Archer J S & Hancock N J 1980. An appreciation of Middle Brent Sand reservoir features by analogy with Yorkshire coast outcrops. Paper EUR197 (p501-511) in European offshore petroleum conference 2nd exhibition for Society of Petroleum Engineers U.K. Ltd. proceedings, Vol. 1 (London).
Arkell W J 1935-1945. A Monograph on the Ammonites of the English Corallian Beds. Pal. Soc. 420pp + LXXXIV + 78pl.
Arkell W J 1945. The zones of the Upper Jurassic of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 25, 239-257.
- 1951 - 1958. A Monograph of English Bathonian ammonites. Pal. Soc., London. VIII + 264 + 33pl.
- 1956. Jurassic geology of the World. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh & London.
- & Callomon J H 1963. Lower Kimmeridgian Ammonites from the Drift of Lincolnshire. Palaeontology 6, 220-226.
- see Cox & Arkell 1948-50.
Ashton M 1975. A new section in the Lincolnshire Limestone of south Humberside and its significance. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 419-429.
- 1976. New evidence for the age of the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) of Eastern England. Transactions of the Leicester Literary & Philosophical Society 70, 21-34.
- 1977. The stratigraphy and carbonate environments of the Lincolnshire Limestone Formation (Bajocian) in Lincolnshire and parts of Leicestershire. Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hull.
- 1979. Field meeting in the Lincolnshire Limestone of Southern Lincolnshire and Leicestershire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 90, 15-20.
- 1980. The stratigraphy of the Lincolnshire Limestone (Bajocian) in Lincolnshire and Rutland (Leicestershire). Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 91, 203-223.
- 1981. Carbonate tidal rhythmites from the Middle Jurassic of Britain. Sedimentology 28, 689-698.
Audley-Charles M G 1970. Stratigraphical correlation of the Triassic rocks of the British Isles. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 126, 19-47, pl 1-6
Aylwin E 1967. A geographical study of the water economy of the East Riding of Yorkshire. Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hull
- & Ward R C 1969. Development and utilisation of water supplies in the East Riding of Yorkshire. University of Hull Occasional Papers in Geography no. 10, 98pp.
Baden-Powell D F W see Wilson et al. 1954.
Bailey H W, Gale A S, Mortimore R N, Swiecicki A & Wood C J 1983. The Coniacian-Maastrichtian stages of the United Kingdom with particular reference to Southern England. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 12, 29-42.
-, -, -, -,& - 1984. Biostratigraphical criteria for the recognition of the Coniacian to Maastrichtian stage boundaries in the chalk of north-west Europe, with particular reference to Southern England. Bulletin Geological Society Denmark 33, 31-39.
- see Hart & Bailey 1979, Hart et al. 1981.
Bairstow L & Hemingway J E 1961. [Field meeting at] Robin Hood's Bay 1960. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 33, 45-46.
- 1969. Lower Lias. p 24-37 of William Smith Bicentenary Meeting, International field symposium of the British Jurassic, excursion guide no. 3. Hemingway J E, Wright J K & Torrens H S (eds.), Keele University Geology Department.
Balchin D A & Ridd M F 1970. Correlation of the younger Triassic rocks across eastern England. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 126, 91-101, pl 14
Bale R B 1980. Mineralogy, chemical and colour properties of the Chalk of part of East Yorkshire and its industrial suitability. Unpub. M.Sc. thesis, University of Hull. 100 pp.
[Baker F T] 1951. Report of the Hon. Secretary and Treasurer 1950. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 12, 190-195.
Banner F T & Desai D 1988. A revision of the Jurassic - early Cretaceous Globigerina, with special reference to the Aptian assemblages of Speeton (North Yorkshire) England. Journal of Micropalaeontology 7, 143-185.
- & Lord A R (eds.) 1982. Aspects of Micropalaeontology. George, Allen and Unwin, London. 324pp.
Barker D see Kaye & Barker 1965,1966.
Barker J 1984. Foraminifera and coccoliths from the Red Chalk of South Ferriby, Lincolnshire and Speeton, East Yorkshire. Unpub. M.Sc. Thesis, University of Hull.
Barker R D, Lloyd J W & Peach D W 1984. The use of resistivity and gamma logging in lithostratigraphical studies of the chalk in Lincolnshire and South Humberside. Q.J.Eng. Geol. 17, 71-80.
BarnardT 1963. Evolution in certain biocharacters of selected Jurassic Lagenidae. p 78-92 of von Koeninswall G H R, Emeis J D, Buning W L & Wagner G W (eds): Evolutionary Trends in Foraminifera Elsevier Publishing Co. 355 pp.
-, Cordey W G & Shipp D J 1981. Foraminifera. from the Oxford Clay (Callovian - Oxfordian) of England. Rev. Espanola de Micropaleontologia 13, 383-462.
Bartenstein H 1979. Worldwide zonation of the Lower Cretaceous using benthonic foraminifera. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 7, 142-154.
Bartley D D see Gaunt et al. 1974.
Bartley D D 1962. The stratigraphy and pollen analysis of lake deposits near Tadcaster, Yorkshire. New. Phytol. 61, 277-287.
Bassett D A 1969. Directory of British Geology 1. A provisional annotated bibliography and index of geological excursion guides and reports for areas in Britain, C , England. Welsh Geol. Quarterly 3, 3-91.
Bassett M G 1975. Bibliography and Index of Catalogues of type, figured and cited fossils in Museums in Britain. Pal. 18, 753-773.
Bate R H 1959. The Yons Nab Beds of the Middle Jurassic of the Yorkshire coast. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 32, 153-164, pl 3.
- 1963, Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from North Lincolnshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 8, 173-219, 15 pl.
- 1963. Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from South Yorkshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 9, 19-46, 13 pl.
- 1964. Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from the Millepore series, Yorkshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 10, 1-33, 14 pl.
- 1965. Middle Jurassic Ostracoda from the Grey Limestone series, Yorkshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 11, 73-134, 21 pl.
- 1967. Stratigraphy and palaeogeography of the Yorkshire Oolites and their relationship with the Lincolnshire Limestone. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 14, 111-141.
- 1967. The Bathonian Upper Estuarine series of Eastern England. Part 1: Ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 14, 21-66, 22 pl.
- 1968. Praeschuleridea ventriosa ventriosa (Plumhoff) and Praeschuleridea ornata Bate (ostracoda) from the Bajocian of N. E. England. J. Nat. Hist. 2, 205-214.
- 1980. Middle Jurassic Ostracods. Appendix 1 p 34 in Gaunt G D et al : Mesozoic rocks proved by I.G.S. boreholes in the Humber and Acklam areas. Rept. I.G.S. No. 79/13, 34 pp.
- see Bradshaw & Bate 1982 , Gaunt et al. 1980.
Beckett S C 1977. The Bog, Roos. p 42-46 in Gail (ed.) q.v.
- 1981. Pollen diagrams from Holderness, North Humberside. Journal of Biogeography 8, 177-198.
- see Hulme & Beckett 1973.
Best J C see Scott et al 1985.
Benton M J B & Taylor M A T 1984. Marine reptiles from the Upper Lias (Lower Toarcian, Lower Jurassic) of the Yorkshire coast. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 44, 399-429.
- & Wimbledon W A 1985. The conservation and use of fossil vertebrate sites: British fossil reptile sites. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 96, 1-6.
Berry A 1986. The Hull Geological Society Medal 1938. Humberside Geologist 5, 7-10.
Bigg P J see Hart & Bigg 1981, 1983.
Binks H J B, Deacon J & Peglar S 1975. Pollen maps for the British Isles 5000 years ago. Proceedings of the Royal Society. B189, 87-105.
Birtles A B & Morel E H 1980. Factors affecting cost optimisation of groundwater schemes for river regulation. J. Hydrology 48, 197-214.
Bisat W S 1939. The relationship of the Basement Clays of Dimlington, Bridlington and Filey Bays. Naturalist 133-135 & 161-168.
- 1943. A horizon with gypsum in the Holderness boulder clays. Naturalist 165-171.
- 1940. [Field meeting 1939 at] Hessle. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24, 169.
- 1940. Older and new Drift in East Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24, 137-151.
- & Dell J A 1941. On the occurrence of a bed containing moss in the Boulder Clays of Dimlington. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24, 219-222.
- 1946. Geology: Spurn. Yorkshire Naturalists Union Circular.
- 1948. Interglacial moss at Dimlington, Yorkshire. Naturalist 1.
- 1948. Silt and sand residues from Yorkshire coast boulder clays. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 6, 57-72.
-& Versey H C 1950. [Field meeting at] Bridlington 1948. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 28, 55-56.
- 1952. Post glacial peat and Scorbicularia Clay near Easington, Yorkshire. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 6, 210-214.
- 1954. Additional records of mollusca from the Dimlington area and the relation of the beds to the Bridlington Crag. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 65, 325-7.
-, Penny LF & Neale J W 1962. Geology around the University towns Hull. Geologists' Association guides No. 11.
- see Wilson et al. 1954.
Black N 1953. The constitution of the Chalk. Proc. Geol. Soc. London, 1449, 81-84
- 1970. Derived coccoliths in the Bridlington Crag. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 38, 37-45.
- 1971. Coccoliths from the Speeton Clay and Sutterby Marl. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 38, 381-424.
- 1972 & 1975. British Lower Cretaceous coccoliths I, Gault Clay. Pal. Soc. monograph. 142 pp.
Blackwood J W 1972. The distribution of Nature Reserves in the natural regions of Lincolnshire. Trans. Lincs. Nat. U. 18, 1-6.
Bomstad K see Nagy et al. 1983.
Bonell N
1972. An assessment of possible factors contributing to well level fluctuations
in Holderness boulder clay, East Yorkshire.
- 1972. The application of the auger hole method in Holderness glacial drift. Journal of Hydrology 16, 125-446.
- 1976.
Some comments on the association between saturated hydraulic conductivity
and texture of Holderness boulder clay.
- 1978. An evaluation of shallow groundwater movements in a small Boulder Clay catchment in Holderness. University of Hull Department of Geography miscellaneous series No. 18, 133 pp.
Bott M H P, Robinson J & Kohnstamn N A 1978. Granite beneath Market Weighton, East Yorkshire. Journal of the Geological Society 135, 535-543.
Bowen R 1964. Faunal realms in Jurassic and Cretaceous belemnites. Geological Magazine 101, 374-376.
Boyd M J 1980. The smallest 'improved' ammonite? Geological Curator 2, 609-10.
- 1983 . Catalogue of type, figured and cited fossils in Kingston upon Hull City Museums. Geological Curator 3, 476-485.
- 1989. Fossils, Phoenix and the Future or a "Geologist Writes" p 4-6 of The Newsletter of the Phoenix Project No. 5.
- 1989. Treasures in the Museum. No. 1: Dean Buckland's Dinosaur or one of our dinosaurs is missing. p 3-4 of Phoenix - The Newsletter of the Phoenix Project No. 1 - Darnbrough A (ed.).
- 1989. Treasures in the Museum, No. 3: The Mortimer Fossil Collection. p 4-5 of Phoenix No. 3.- Darnbrough A (ed.).
Boylan P J 1966. New records of Holocene Mollusca from East Yorkshire. Naturalist 113-118.
- 1966. The geological material in the T. B. Parks Collection. Hull Museums Publication no. 216.
- 1966. The Pleistocene deposits of Kirmington, Lincolnshire. Mercian Geologist 1, 339-350.
- 1967. The Pleistocene Mammalia of the Sewerby-Hessle buried cliff East Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 36, 115-125.
- 1972. The scientific significance of the Kirkdale Cave hyenas. Ann. Rep. Trans. Yorks. Phil. Soc. for 1971, 38-47.
- 1977. The Ice Age in Yorkshire and Humberside. 32 pp Yorkshire Museum, York.
- 1980. The geological material in the T. B. Parks collection, Kingston upon Hull. Humberside Geologist 3 (p 8-11 not numbered).
- 1981. A new revision of the Pleistocene mammalian fauna of Kirkdale Cave, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 43, 253-280.
- 1981. The role of William Buckland (1784-1856) in the recognition of Glaciation in Great Britain. p 1-8 of Neale & Flenley q.v.
- see Whitham & Boylan 1968.
Bradshaw N J & Bate R H 1982. Lincolnshire borehole proves greater extent of the Scarborough Formation (Jurassic: Bajocian). J. Micropalaeontology 1, 141-147.
- & Penney S R 1982. A cored Jurassic sequence from North Lincolnshire, England : Stratigraphy, facies analysis and regional context. Geological Magazine 119, 113-134.
see Hallam & Bradshaw 1979.
Bramley D 1972. Erratics at Robin Hood's Bay. Gems 4, 19-20
Brasier M D & Brasier C J 1978. Littoral and fluviatile facies in the "Kellaways Beds" on the Market Weighton swell. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 1-20.
Brasier M D 1981. Microfossil transport in the tidal Humber basin. p 314 - 322 of Neale & Brasier q.v.
Bray D A, Freeman S M C, Read D, Walsh, PT & Wilson P 1981. Quaternary Sediments at Westfield Farm, Fimber, N. Humberside. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 43, 377-394.
Bridge V A 1980. Palaeoecology of the Yorkshire Jurassic. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 12, 2-10.
British Geological Survey 1983. York. [1:50 000 geological map] sheet no 63.
Brookfield M 1973. Palaeogeography of the Upper Oxfordian and Lower Kimmeridgian (Jurassic) in Britain. Pal. Pal. Pal. 14, 137-167
Brown D S 1981. The English Upper Jurassic Plesiosauridae (Reptilia) and a review of the phylology and classification of the Plesiosauria. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 35, 253-347.
Brumhead D 1979. Geology explained in the Yorkshire Dales and on the Yorkshire coast. 192pp. David & Charles.
Brumstrom R G W 1962. A borehole through the Coal Measures at Whitwell on the Hill, East Yorkshire. Proc. Geol. Soc., London 1595, 42-44.
Brush E R see Oakley et al. 1942.
Buckland P 1982. The coversands of north Lincolnshire and the Vale of York. p 143-178 of Adlarn B H, Fenn C R & Morris L (eds) Papers in Earth Sciences, Lovatt Lectures. Geoabstracts, Norwich.
Burns D A 1976. Nannofossils from the Lower and Upper Cretaceous Chalk deposits, Nettleton, Lincolnshire, England. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 8, 279-300.
Busbridge see Simm & Busbridge 1976.
Bush M K 1986. The late Quaternary Palaeoecological History of the Great Wold Valley. Unpub. Ph.D. Thesis, University of Hull. 393pp.
Bush M B & Ellis S 1987. The sedimentology and vegetational history of Willow Garth. p 45-52 in Ellis S (ed.) q. v.
Bush M B & Flenley J R 1987 The age of the British chalk grassland. Nature, 329 (6138), 434-436.
Butler N see Lott et al. 1986
Callomon J H 1960. New sections in the Corallian beds around Oxford, and the subzones of the plicatilis zone. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 71, 177-208.
- 1985. The evolution of the Jurassic ammonite family Cardioceritidae. Special papers in Palaeontology no. 33, 49-90.
- & Wright J K 1989. Cardioceratid and Kosmoceratid ammonites from the Callovian of Yorkshire. Palaeontology 32, 799-836, pl 88-96.
- see also Arkell & Callomon 1963, Sykes and Callomon 1979.
Calton P M 1980. Priodontognathus phillipsii (Seely) an ankylosaurian dinosaur from the Upper Jurassic (or possibly Lower Cretaceous) of England. Neues Jahrbuch Fur Geologie und Palaontologie Monatshefte 8, 477-489.
Cambridge P & Parks T B 1955. Geology. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 13, 251-3.
Campos H S & A. Hallam 1979. Diagenesis of English Lower Jurassic limestones as inferred from oxygen and carbon isotope analysis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 45, 23-31.
Caruthers R G 1939. On Northern glacial Drifts: some peculiarities and their significance. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 155, 229-333.
- 1947. The secret of the Glacial Drifts. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 27, 42-57.
- 1949. The secret of the Glacial Drifts part II, applications to Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 27, 129-170.
- 1953. Glacial drifts and the undermelt theory. 42pp Newcastle upon Tyne.
Carter P J & Hart M B 1977. Aspects of mid-Cretaceous stratigraphical micropalaeontology. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 29,l-l35.
Carter I D S 1985. Micropalaeontological investigations of the Cenomanian Chalk collected from the quarry at South Ferriby. Unpub. report, Hull University, Geology Department.
Casey R 1957. The Cretaceous ammonite genus Leymeriella, with a systematic account of its British occurrences. Palaeontology. 1, 28-59, pl 7-10.
- 1961 A monograph of the Ammonoidea of the Lower Greensand pt. II Pal. Soc.
- 1961. The stratigraphical palaeontology of the Lower Greensand. Palaeontology 3, 487-621, pl 77-84.
- 1962. The ammonites of the Spilsby Sandstone and the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary. Proc. Geol. Soc. London 1598, 95-100.
- 1964. The Cretaceous period. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, London 120, 193-201.
- 1971. Facies, faunas and tectonics in late Jurassic - early Cretaceous Britain. p 153-168 of Middlemiss F A, Rawson P F & Newall G (eds) Faunal provinces in space and time. Seal House Press, Liverpool. 236pp.
Casey R & Rawson P F 1973. A review of the boreal Lower Cretaceous. p 415-430 in Casey & Rawson (eds) q.v.
Casey R 1973. The ammonite succession at the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary in Eastern England. p 193-266 of Casey and Rawson q.v.
Casey R & Rawson P F 1973 (eds.) The Boreal Lower Cretaceous. Geol. J. Special Issue 5, Seal House Press, Liverpool, 448pp.
Casey R - see Dodson et al. 1964, Kent & Casey 1963.
Catt J A 1963. Glacial and interglacial periods in the Geological History of Holderness. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 1, no. 1, 2-8.
- 1963. Stratigraphical investigations in the Pleistocene deposits of Holderness, East Yorkshire. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis, Hull University.
-& Penny L F 1966. The Pleistocene Deposits of Holderness, E. Yorks. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 35, 375-420.
- , Gad M A, Le Rishe H H & Lord A R 1971. Geochemistry, micropalaeontology and origin of the Middle Lias Ironstones of north east Yorkshire (Great Britain). Chemical Geology 8, 61-76.
- , Weir A H & Madgett P A 1974. The Loess of eastern Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 23-39.
- & Madgett P A 1977. Field meetings: Holderness and the Yorkshire Wolds 1976. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 374-380.
Catt J A (ed.) 1977. XINQUA congress excursion guide C7 Yorkshire arid Lincolnshire. Geo Abstracts, Norwich. 56pp.
- 1979. Distribution of Loess in Britain. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 90, 93-95.
- 1981. British Pre-Devensian Glaciations. p 9-19 of Neale & Flenley q.v.
- & Madgett P A 1981. The work of W S Bisat F.R.S. on the Yorkshire coast. p 119-136 of Neale & Flenley (eds) q.v.
- 1985. Late
Quaternary environments and man in Holderness : edited by D.D. Gilbertson,
British Archaeological Reports British Series 134, 5 Centremead, Osney Mead,
Oxford OX2 0ES, 1984, ISBN 0-86054-287-4, £14.00, 243 pp.
- 1987. Effects of the Devensian cold stage on soil characteristics and distribution in Eastern England. p 145-152 of Boardman (ed.) Periglacial processes and land forms in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge University Press. 296pp.
- 1990. Geology and Relief. Chap. 2, p 13-28 of Ellis & Crowther (eds).
- see also De Boer et al. 1965, De Beer & - 1969, Gad et al. 1969, Madgett & - 1978, Penny & - 1967, Penny et al. 1969, Wintle & - 1985.
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Coope G R see Penny et al. 1969.
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- 1988. English Callovian (Middle Jurassic) Perisphinctid Ammonites, Part 1. Pal. Soc. Monograph p 1-54, pl 1 - 23.
- see also Gaunt et al. 1980, Penn et al. 1986, Thomas and Cox 1988.
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- see Ellis & Crowther 1990.
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- see Rawson et al. 1978.
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- 1979. The Stratigraphic distribution of Dinocysts in the Portlandian (Latest Jurassic) to Barremian (Early Cretaceous) of Northwest Europe. A.A.S.P. Contributions Series No. 58, 49-81.
- see also Lott et al. 1989.
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- , Donovan D T & Howarth M K 1961. The Liassic ammonite zones and subzones of the North-West European province. Bull. Br. Mus. Nat. Hist. (Geol.) 4, 438-505, pl 63-75.
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- see Rawson et al. 1978
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- 1971. A marine geological survey off the north-east coast of England (western North Sea). Journal of the Geological Society. 127,303-338, pl 1-13.
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- 1966. The Lower Liassic Ammonites Neomicroceras Gen. Nov. and Paracymbites. Pal. 9, 312-318, pl 53.
- see Dean et al. 1961, Howarth & Donovan 1964.
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Downie C see Davey et al. 1966, Harland & Downie 1969.
Downing R A & Gray P A 1986. Geothermal resources of the United Kingdom. Journal of the Geological Society 143, 499-507.
- see Gale et al. 1983.
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- 1990. Teuthid Cephalopods from the Lower Jurassic of Yorkshire. Palaeontology 33, 193-207.
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- 1978. Bivalvia from the English Lower Oxford Clay (Middle Jurassic). Pal. Soc. Monograph 137 pp + 13 pl.
- see Cope et al. 1980.
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- 1981. The Tills of Filey Bay. p 108-118 of Neale & Flenley (eds.) q.v.
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- 1990. Soils. Chap. 3, p29-42 of Ellis & Crowther (eds.) q.v.
- see Bush & Ellis 1987.
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- 1988. Rosedale Mines, Railway and Industrial Archaeology. Humberside Geologist 6, 15-17.
- see also Horne & Emery 1988, Whitham & Emery 1988.
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Evans R 1976. Observations on a stripe pattern. Biuletyn Peryglacjalny 25, 9-22.
Evans W P see Tonks et al. 1941.
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- 1975. Report of the field excursion to Robin Hood's Bay on 27th April 1974. Humberside Geologist 1 (7-8 not numbered.).
- 1977. Bridlington to Hornsea. Humberside Geologist. 2, (10 not numbered).
- 1980. In the beginnings.... Humberside Geologist 3, (2-3 not numbered).
- 1980. Section of the Red Cliff North Ferriby. Humberside Geologist 3, (14-15 not numbered).
- 1984. The Hessle "Buried Cliff". Humberside Geologist 4, 6-13.
- 1988. An introduction to the study of the Chalk. Humberside Geologist 6, 9-11.
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- & Hancock N J 1985. The Scalby Formation (Middle Jurassic, Ravenscar Group) of Yorkshire: reassessment of age and depositional environment. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 45, 293-298.
- see also Fenton & Fisher 1978, Hancock & Fisher 1981.
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- 1969. A lithological subdivision of the Speeton Clay C Beds (Hauterivian), East Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 37, 323-327.
- 1973. The distribution of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian-Barremian) foraminifera in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire, England. p 161-168 of Casey & Rawson, q.v.
- see also Hart et al. 1981, Knox & - 1978, Lott et al. 1986.
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- 1987. The meres of Holderness. p 73-81 of Ellis (ed.) q.v.
- 1990. Vegetational history. Chap. 4, p 43-53 of Ellis & Crowther.
- see also Neale & Flenley 1981.
Florin R 1958. On Jurassic Taxads and Conifers from North-Western Europe and Eastern Greenland.. Acta Hort. berg. ,Uppsala, 17, 257-402.
Ford D see Flenley et al. 1975.
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- & R I Crease 1974. Nitrate pollution of Chalk groundwater in East Yorkshire. J. Inst. Water Engineers 28, 178-194.
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- & Milton V A 1976. Hydrological basis for large-scale development of groundwater storage capacity in the East Yorkshire Chalk. IGS Rept. 76/3, 71pp.
Francis B A see Smith et al. 1973.
Fraser N C see Wallden et al. 1987.
Fredericksen N O 1980. Significance of monosulcate pollen abundance in Mesozoic sediments. Lethaia 13, 1-20.
Freeman S M C see Bray et al. 1981.
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Gad M A, Catt J A & Le Riche H H 1969. Geochemistry of the Whitbian (Upper Lias) sediments of the Yorkshire Coast. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 37, 105-139.
- see also Catt et al. 1971.
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- & Cleevely R J 1989. Arthur Rowe and the zones of the White Chalk of the English Coast. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 100, 419-432.
- see also Bailey et al. 1983, 1984.
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- 1979. Oil shale resources in Great Britain. unpublished report of the Institutes of Geologocal Sciences, London. 2 volumes.
- see also Penn et al. 1986.
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- see also Ivimey-Cook et al. 1980, Jones & - 1976, Smith et al. 1973.
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- 1964. Groundwater conditions of the Chalk of the Grimsby area, Lincolnshire. Water Supply pap. Geol. Surv. G.B. Res. Rep. No. 1 , 24 pp.
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- 1979. The Lower Toarcian black shales of England. Documents des Laboratoires de la Faculte de Sciences de Lyon No. 75, 91-92.
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- 1975. The petrology of the Chalk. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 86, 499-535.
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- see also Archer & - 1980, Fisher & - 1985.
Hansom S P see Mason & Hansom 1989.
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- see also Gaunt et al. 1974, Lott at al. 1983.
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- 1942. Wonnacottia, a new bennettitalean microsphorophyll. Ann. Bot. 6, 577- 592,
- 1943. Notes on the Jurassic flora of Yorkshire. 4-6. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 10 (11), 505-
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- 1943. On the fossil conifer Elatides williamsonii. Ann. Bot. London N.S. 7, 325-339.
- 1944. A revision of Williamsoniella. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London B 231, 313-328, p1. 25-26.
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- 1945. Notes on the Jurassic flora of Yorkshire. 13-15. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 11 (11), 661-690.
- 1945. Notes on the Jurassic flora of Yorkshire. 16-18. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12 (11), 213-234.
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- 1946. Notes on the Jurassic flora of Yorkshire. 25-27. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 12 (11), 820-835.
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- 1956. The investigation of a fossil plant. Proc. Roy. Instn. Gt. Br. London 36, 456-466, 2 pl.
- 1961. The Fossil Cycads. Palaeontology 4, 313-323.
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- 1964. The Yorkshire Jurassic Flora. Vol. II. Caytoniales, Cycadales and Pteridosperms. British Museum (Natural History), London viii + 191 pp + 7 pl.
- 1969. The Yorkshire Jurassic Flora. Vol. III. Bennettitales. British Museum (Natural History), London vi + 186 pp + 7 pl.
- 1964. Collecting fossil plants from the Jurassic of North Yorkshire. Naturalist, Leeds. 57-59.
- 1968. Williamsonia gigas. Phytomorphology 17 (for 1967), 359-364.
- 1971. The stem of Caytonia. Geophytology 1, 23-29.
- 1973. The strange Bennettitales. Seward Memorial Lecture no. 19 (1971). Birbal Sahni Inst. Palaeobot., Lucknow. 11 pp.
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- 1974. Williamsoniella higheri : its pollen and the comparison of spherical pollen grains. Palaeontology 17, 125-148, pl 15.
- 1976. The Mesozoic Gymnosperms. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 21, 119-134.
- 1979. Equisetum filum sp. nov. from the middle Jurassic of Yorkshire. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 28, 161-168.
- 1979. The Yorkshire Jurassic Flora. vol. V. Coniferales. British Museum (Natural History), London. 155pp.
- 1980. The Yorkshire Jurassic fern Phlebopteris braunii (Goeppert) and its reference to Matonia R. Br. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology Series 33, 295-311.
- see also Thomas & Harris 1960.
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Harrison R W (? 1984 - not dated). Discovering the post along the East Yorkshire Coast. James Freeman, North Ferriby. 56pp.
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- , - , Fletcher B N, Price R & Sweicicki A 1981. Cretaceous. p 149- 227 of Jenkins D G & Murray J W (eds) Stratigraphical atlas of fossil Foraminifera. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester.
- & Bigg P J 1981. Anoxic events in the late Cretaceous chalk seas of North-West Europe. p 177-185 of Neale & Brasier (eds).
- 1983. Some thoughts on the ecology (and palaeoecology) of the arenaceous foraminifera: a workshop report. p 251-263 + 1 pl. in 'Proceedings of the first workshop on Arenaceous Foraminifera. 7 - 9 September 1981', edited by Verdenius J G, van Hinte J E & Fortuin A R. Continental Shelf Institute, Trondheim, Norway. 303pp.
- & Bigg P J 1983.. Arenaceous foraminifera from late Cretaceous 'anoxic events' in Northwest Europe. p 89-90 of Proceedings of the first workshop on Arenaceous Foraminifera (as above).
- see also Carter & Hart 1977.
Hayward J F 1941. The English varieties of Echinocorys and their significance, with an illustration from the Chalk of Yorkshire. Naturalist 257.
- 1941. The sea-urchin Offaster sphaericus Schluter and the ancestry of Echinocorys scutata. Naturalist 41.
- 1941. Size and proportion changes in the sea-urchin Echinocorys from the Chalk of Yorkshire. Naturalist 109.
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- &. Knox R W O'B 1973. Lithostratigraphical nomenclature of the Middle Jurassic strata of the Yorkshire basin of N-E England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 527-535.
- l974. Jurassic. p 161-223 of Rayner & Hemingway. q.v.
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- & - 1982. Basin inversion in North Yorkshire. Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. Sect. B 91, 175-186.
- see also Bairstow & - 1961, Rastall & - 1939, 1940, 1941, Rayner & - (eds.) 1974, Wilson et al. 1954.
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Hilhrecht H 1986. On the correlation of the Upper Cenomanian and Lower Turonian of England and Germany (Boreal and N-Tethys). Newsletters in Stratigraphy 15, 115-138.
- see also Ernst et al. 1984.
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- 1974. Further plant fossils from the Hasty Bank locality. Naturalist 55-56.
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- 1976. Coprolites of Ptilophyllimi cuticles from the Middle Jurassic of north Yorkshire. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 27, 289-294, pl.3.
- 1987. Jurassic Angiopteris (Marattiales) from North Yorkshire. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 51, 65-93 .
Hitchins H V 1980. Tentilenticulina latens n. gen. n. spec.: a forminifera from the Corallian (Upper Jurassic), Great Britain. Microplalaeontology. 26, 216-21.
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Holmes S C A 1972. Geological applications of early large-scale cartography. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Asscociation 83, 121-138, pl 3-12.
Horne M 1976. Geology of Hull University. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 73.
- 1984. A short walk near North Newbald. Humberside Geologist 4, 17-18.
- 1984. Hull Geological Society's members evening, 9th. February 1984. Humberside Geologist 4, 1.
- 1986. From our archives - a letter from Rev. B. Maule Cole Humberside Geologist 5, 31.
- 1986. Hull Geological Society Field Meetings 1985. A year of plenty. Humberside Geologist 5, 12.
- 1986. Members Evening [of Hull Geological Society] 1985. Humberside Geologist 5, 28.
- 1986. Notes and comments. Humberside Geologist 5, 6 & 14.
- 1986. Past Officers of the full Geological Society, 1888 - 1985. Humberside Geologist 5, 29-30.
- 1986. The Geology of Pearson Park, Hull. Humberside Geologist 5, 27.
- 1986. Tom Sheppard "Hyper-Scientist". Humberside Geologist 5, 5-6.
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- 1988. Field Excursions 1986-7. Humberside Geologist 6, 12-13.
- 1988. Kenneth Fenton and the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 6, 7-8.
- 1988. Members evening 1988. Humberside Geologist 6, 25.
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- 1988. Notes and Comments. Humberside Geologist 6, 28-29.
- 1988. The Centenary Chalk Project of the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 6, 19-20.
- & Whitham F 1988. The Turonian of South Ferriby, Middlegate Quarry. Humberside Geologist 6, 18.
- 1989. The History of the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 7, 40pp.
- see also Emery et al. 1986.
Horsley G F 1948. Interglacial moss at Dimlington, Yorkshire. Naturalist 81.
Horton A see Ivimey-Cook et al. 1980.
House M R 1969. Forward. 3 pp of Journal of the Harker Geological Society. 5 pt. 2.
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- 1985. Cephalpoda pp 114-162 of Murray J (ed) 1985 - Atlas of invertebrate macrofossils. Longman, Harlow. 241 pp
- 1990. Harker memories. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 34 no. 1, 1-3.
Howard. A S 1984. Palaeoecology, sedimentology and depositional environments of the Middle Lias of North Yorkshire. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis, University of London.
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- & Donovan D T 1964. Ammonites of the Liassic family Juraphyllitidae in Britain. Palaeontology 7, 286-305, pl. 48-49.
- & Rawson P F 1965. The Liassic succession in a clay pit at Kirton in Lindsey, north Lincolnshire. Geol. Mag. 102, 261-266.
- 1973. Lower Jurassic (Pliensbachian and Toarcian) ammonites in Hallam A (ed.) 1973 - Atlas of Palaeobiology, Elsevier, Amsterdam. xii + 500 pp.
- 1973. The stratigraphy and ammonite fauna of the Upper Liassic Grey Shales of the Yorkshire coast. Bull. British Museum (Natural History) Geology 24, 8-277, 7pl.
- 1976. An occurrence of the Tethyan ammonite Meneghinioeras in the Upper Lias of the Yorkshire coast. Palaeontology -19, 773-777.
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-. 1980. The Toarcian age of the upper part of the Marlstone Rock Bed of England. Palaeontology 23, 637-656, pl. 80-82.
- see also Dean et al. 1961.
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- 1947. Bibliography of Yorkshire Geology 1944 to 1946, with additions to those of 1939 to 1943. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 27, 36-41.
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Jarvis I 1980. Palaeobiology of Upper Cretaceous Belemnites from the phosphatic chalk of the Anglo-Paris Basin. Palaeontology 23, 889-914, pl 115-116.
Jarvis R A see Gaunt et al. 1971.
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- 1973. The Market Weighton Structure tectonics, sedimentation and diagenesis during the Cretaceous. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 409-444.
- 1980. Early submarine lithification in the Red Chalk and Lower Chalk of eastern England a bacterial control model and its implications. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 43, 81-158.
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- 1984. The vascular flora of disused chalk pits and quarries in the Yorkshire Wolds. Naturalist 109, 19-23.
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- 1963. The Stratigraphy of the Actinocamax plenus Subzone (Turonian) in the Anglo-Pairs Basin. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 74, 1-33.
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- 1980. Cretaceous anoxic events from continents to oceans. Journal of the Geological Society London 137, 171-188.
- see also Schlanger & - 1976, Sellwood & - 1975, 1976.
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Johnson B see Copestake & - 1981.
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- (ed.) 1988. A Dynamic Estuary: Man, Nature and the Humber. Hull University Press. 180 pp.
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Jose K L 1980. The ammonite Eparietites undaries (Quenstedt) in the Lower Jurassic (Sinemurian) of Britain. Mercian Geologist 8, 63-68.
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- 1963. Ostracoda of the subfamilies Protocytherinae and Trachyleberidinae from the British Lower Cretaceous. Palaont. Z. 37, 225-238, pl. 18-19.
- 1963. Species of the ostracod family Cytherellidae from the British Lower Cretaceous. Senckenberg. leth. 44, 109-125, pl. 18-20.
- 1963. The ostracod genus Neocythere in the Speeton Clay. Palaeontology 6, 274-281, pl 41.
- 1963. The ostracod species Orchonotacythere inversa (Cornuel) and its allies in the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire. Palaeontology 6, 430-439, pl. 61.
- 1964. Observations on the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous). Geological Magazine 101, 340-356.
- 1964. Ostracoda of the Genera Eucytherura and Cytheropteron from the Speeton Clay. Geological Magazine 101, 97-107, pl. IV-V.
- 1964. Some Lower Cretaceous sections in Northern England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 75, 315-320.
- 1965. Some new British Albian ostracoda. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 11 ,215-253.
- & Barker D 1935. Ostracoda from the Sutterby Marl (U. Aptian) of South Lincolnshire. Palaeontology 8, 375-390, p1. 48-50.
- & - 1966. Ostracoda from the Upper Tealby Clay (Lower Barremian) of South Lincolnshire. Palaeontology 9, 208-219, p1. 33.
Kelly S R A & Rawson P F 1983. Some late Jurassic-mid Cretaceous sections, as demonstrated on a Field Meeting 18-20 May 1979. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 94, 65-73.
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- 1948. On six species of Pagiophyllum from the Jurassic of Yorkshire arid southern England. Ann. Nag. Nat. Hist. (12) 1, 73-108.
- 1952. Some conifers from the Jurassic of England. Ann. Nag. Hat. Hist. (12) 5, 583-594.
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- 1971. Cenorrianian Ammonites from Southern England. Special papers in Palaeontology No. 8, Pal. Assoc. London. 135pp + 64pl
- 1977. Ammonite Evolution. Chap. 8, p25l-304 of Hallam A (ed.) Patterns of Evolution as illustrated by the fossil record. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam. 591 pp.
- 1978. Cretaceous. p 280-332 of McKerrow WS (ed.) The Ecology of Fossils.
Kennedy W J see also Hancock & - 1967, Rawson et al. 1978, Wright C W & - 1984.
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- 1938. Notes on a borehole at Kettleby near Brigg. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 9, 221-2.
- 1940. Note on the age of the Uppermost Kimmeridge Clay of North Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 10, 29-30.
- 1943. Upper Rhaetic beds in North Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 10, 130-132.
- 1948. The Carr Lane Borehole, Hibaldstow. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union. 12, 40-43.
- 1953. Shallow borings in the Jurassic rocks of Hibaldstow, North Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 13, 30-33.
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- 1966. The Structure of the Concealed Carboniferous rocks of north-eastern England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 35, 323-352.
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- 1970. Lincolnshire geology in its regional setting. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 17, 135-139 + 135A.
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- 1980. Subsidence and uplift in East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire: a double inversion. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 505-524.
- 1985. UK
onshore oil exploration, 1930 -
- see also Falcon & - 1960, Swinnerton & - 1949.
Keupp & Mutterlose 1984. (Dinoflageliates of the Speeton D Beds) Facies 10, 153-178.
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Kilenyi T I see Neale & - 1963.
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- see also Scott et al. 1987.
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- 1970. Chamosite ooliths from the Winter Gill Ironstone (Jurassic) of Yorkshire. J. Sed. Petrol. 40, 1216-1225.
- 1971. An alternative to the 'Clastic Trap' interpretation of oolitic ironstone facies. Geological Magazine 108, 54.4-545.
- 1973. The Eller Beck Formation (Bajocian) of the Ravenscar Group of N. E. Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 110, 511-534.
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- 1984. Lithostratigraphy and depositional history of the late Toarcian sequence at Ravenscar, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 45, 99-108.
- see also Hemingway & - 1973, Lott et al. 1983.
Kohnstamn N A see Bott et al. 1978.
Larwood G P see Thomas & - 1960.
Latham B 1973. Temporary exposures in the Jurassic rocks around Elloughton, East Yorkshire. East Yorkshire Field Studies 4, 25-28.
- 1975. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 1, (1 not numbered).
- 1975. A temporary section in the ' Black Band ' at Flixton. Humberside Geologist 1, (3 not numbered).
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- see also Livera & - 1981, Nami & 1978.
Lehman U 1971. Jaws, radula and crop of Arnioceras (ammonoidea) Palaeontology 14, 338-341, pl 61.
- 1979. The jaws and radula of the Jurassic ammonite Dactylioceras. Palaeontology 22, 265-271.
be Riche H H see Catt et al. 1971, Gad et al. 1969.
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Llewellyn P G see Harland et al. 1982.
Lloyd J W see Barker et al. 1984.
Lofaldi M see Nagy et al. 1983.
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- 1985. On Paranotacythere (Paranotacythere) magnifica Lomax sp. nov. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 12, 73-76.
- & Young R 1986. The Uppermost Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of North Lincolnshire. Humberside Geologist 5, 18-21.
- 1988. Section of Tealby Series. Humberside Geologist 6, 14.
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- 1968. English Domerian and Toarcian Ostracoda. Unpub thesis, University of Hull.
- 1971. Revision of some Lower Lias ostracoda from Yorkshire. Palaeontology 14, 642-665, pl. 122-123.
- 1972. Wicherella and Gramanella two new genera of Lower Jurassic Ostracoda. Palaeontology 15, 187-196.
- 1974. Ostracods from the Domerian and Toarcian of England. Palaeontology 17, 599-622, pl. 90.
- 1982. Metcopine ostracods in the Lower Jurassic. p 262-277 of Banner & Lord 1962 q.v.
- see also Banner & - 1982, Catt et al. 1971.
Lott G K, Knox R W O'B, Harland R & Hughes M J 1983. The Stratigraphy of Palaeogene sediments in a cored borehole off the coast of north-east Yorkshire. Rept. Inst. Geol. Sci. 83/9, 1-10.
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- , Ball K C & Wilkinson I P 1985. Mid-Cretaceous Stratigraphy of a cored borehole in the Western part of the Central North Sea Basin. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 45, 235-248.
- (compiler) 1986. California sheet 54N 00, Quarternary Geology, 1:250 000 [map] Britich Geological Survey.
- , Fletcher B N & Wilkinson I P 1986. The Stratigraphy of the Lower Cretaceous Speeton Clay Formation in a cored borehole off the coast of north-east England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 39-56.
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- , Thomas J E, Riding J B, Davey R J & Butler N 1989. Late Ryazanian black shales in the Southern North Sea Basin and their lithostratigraphical significance. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 321-324.
- see also Cox et al. 1987.
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- & Catt J A 1978. Petrography, stratigraphy and weathering of Late Pleistocene tills in East Yorkshire, Lincolnshire and north Norfolk. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 55-108.
- see also Catt et al. 1974, Catt & - 1977, 1981.
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tills at the building research establishment test site at Cowden holderness
: Proc International Conference on Construction in Glacial Tills and Boulder
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- 1977. Clay-with-flints on the Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Wolds. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 231-239.
- see also Gaunt et al. 1971.
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- 1963. Foraminifera from the Lower Oxford Clay (Callovian Stage) of the Norman's Cross Pit, near Peterborough, Cambridgeshire. Revista Espanola de Micropaleontologia 15, 221-240.
- see Gallois & - 1979.
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Melmore S 1936. A Pleistocene strand line in the Vale of York. Geological Magazine 75, 141-142.
- 1939. Market Weighton [field meeting 1938]. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24, 21-22.
- 1945. On the presence of sodium chloride in certain glacial clays in Holderness. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 25, 236-238.
- 1946. Obituary Thomas Sheppard (1876-1945). North Western Naturalist 20, 75-
- 1946. A catalogue of types and figured specimens in the Geological Department of the Yorkshire Museum. Pt. I. North Western Naturalist 20, 207-221.
- 1946. Catalogue of types and figured specimens in the Geological Department of the Yorkshire Museum
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- 1946. Catalogue of types and figured specimens in the Geological Department of the Yorkshire Museum Pt III North Western Naturalist 21, 234-245.
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- see also Scott et al. 1987, Simpson & - 1965.
Middlemiss F A 1962. Brachiopods and shore-lines in the Lower Cretaceous. Ann. Nag. Nat. Hist. Series 13, 4, 613-626.
- 1973. The geographical distribution of Lower Cretaceous Terebratulacea in Western Europe. p 111-120 of Casey & Rawson.
- 1976. Lower Cretaceous Terebratulidina of Northern England and Germany and their geological background. Geologisches Jahrbuch A 30, 21-104.
- 1979. Boreal and Tethyan Brachiopods in the European Early and Middle Cretaceous. p 351-361 of Aspeckte der Kreide Europas, I.U.G.S. series A, no. 6.
- 1989. One hundred volumes of geology: a personal review of the Proceedings since 1855. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 100, 55-72.
Miller J see Harris et al. 1974.
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Milton V A see Foster & - 1974,1976.
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Mirgharni M 1982. The geology of the Cave Oolite, North Humberside and its suitability for use by industry. Unpub. M.Sc. thesis University of Hull, 82 pp.
Mitchell C F, Penny L F, Shotton F W & West R G 1973. A correlation of Quaternary deposits in the British Isles. Geol. Soc. London, Special Report No. 4, 99 pp.
- see also Barrington &. - 1951.
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Morel B H see Birtles & - 1980.
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- 1980. Comparison of major sequences of organic-rich mud deposition in the British Jurassic. Journal of the Geological Society 137, 157-170.
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- see also Bailey et al. 1983, 1964.
Muir J see Walkden et al. 1987.
Muir M D 1964. The Palaeoecology of the Small Spores of the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire. Unpub. Ph. D. thesis, University of London. 234 pp.
- & Sarjeant W A S 1977. Antrosphaera Sarjeant 1961 is a chenopodiacean pollen. Pollen et Spores 19, 309-311.
- & - 1978. The palynology of the Langdale Beds (Middle Jurassic) of Yorkshire and its stratigraphical implications. Rev. Palaeobot. Palynol. 25, 193-239.
Murray J W see Shipp & - 1981.
Murray K H 1982. Correlation of electrical resistivity marker bands in the Cenomanian and Turonian Chalk from the London Basin to the Market Weighton area, east Yorkshire. Rep. Hydrogeol. Unit Inst. Geol. Sci. WD/82/5 (unpub.)
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- 1979. Representatives of the subfamily Duvaliinae Pavlov (Belemnitida) from the Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) of N.W. Europe. [in German] Aspeckte der Kreide Europas, I.U.G.S. Series A no. 6, p 121-127.
- 1980. Zur Gliederung des Unter-Barreme in N-W-Europa mit der Unter-Familie Oxyteuthinae Stolley (Belemriitida). Newsletters in Stratigraphy 8, 238-243.
- 1983. Phylogeny and biostratigraphy of the subfamily Oxyteuthinae (Belemnitida) of the Barremian (Lower Cretaceous) of N W - Europe. [in German] Palaeontographioa A 180, 1-90.
- see also Keupp & - 1984, Rawson & - 1983.
Myerscough R 1987. Flamborough Head. p 20-21 of Association of Teachers of Geology 1987 Field Excursions.
- 1987. Market Weighton. p 33-34 of Association of Teachers of Geology 1987 Field Excursions.
- 1988. Flamborough Head. Teaching Geology 13, 55-56.
- 1988. Market Weighton. Teaching Geology 13, 60.
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- see also Leeder & - 1979.
Neale J W 1956. Chlamys (Radulopecten) drewtonensis sp. nov. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 30, 371-374.
- 1959. Norriianicythere Gen. Nov. (Pleistocene and Recent) and the division of the Ostracod family Trachyleberididae. Palaeontology 2, 72-93, pl 13-14.
- 1960. Marine Lower Cretaceous Ostracoda from Yorkshire, England. Micropalaeontology 6, 203-224, pl. 1-4.
- 1960. The Subdivisons of the Upper D Beds of the Speeton Clay of Speeton, East Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 97, 353-362.
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- 1962. Ammonoidea from the Lower D Beds (Berriasian) of the Speeton Clay. Palaeontology 5, 272-296, pl. 40-45.
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- & Sarjeant W A S 1962. Microplankton from the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire. Geol. Mag. 99, 439-458.
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- 1969 (ed.). The Taxonomy, Morphology and Ecology of Recent Ostracoda. Oliver & Boyd, Edinburgh. 553pp.
- 1970. Microfaunas and some aspects of the Speeton Clay environment. Bull. Centre Rech, Pau 5 suppl., 663-681.
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- 1978. On Apatocythere spinosa Neale. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 5, 101-104.
- 1978. On Schuleridea juddi Neale. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 5, 109-112.
- 1978. On Schuleridea lamplughi Neale. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 5, 105-108.
- 1978. On Schuleridea praethoerensis Bartenstein & Brand. Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 5, 113-116.
- 1978. The Cretaceous. p 325-382 of Bate R H & Robinson E (eds) A Stratigraphical index of British Ostracoda. Seal House Press, Liverpool. 538 pp.
- 1979. On Schuleridea hammi (Triebel). Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 6, 1-4.
- 1980. On Faranotacythere speetonensis (Neale). Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 7, 33-36.
- 1980. On Schuleridea bilobata (Triebel). Stereo-Atlas of Ostracod Shells 7, 25-28.
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- 1988. Introduction to the geology of the Hull Area. Teaching Geology 13, 40-44.
- 1988. Speeton Bay. Teaching Geology 13, 52-54.
- 1990. A Stratigraphy of the Department. Journal of the Harker Geological Society. 14, No. 1, 3-8.
- see also Bisat et al. 1962, de Boer et al. 1958, Kent et al. 1963, 1967, Rawson et al. 1978.
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Oakley K P 1941. Phosphorites of Lower Cretaceous age in Lincolnshire. Wartime pamphlet Geol. Surv. England & Wales 8 (2), 1-12
- see also Tonks et al. 1941.
- , Brush E R & Toombs H A 1942. Water supply from underground sources of East Yorkshire and N. Lincs. Geol. Survey Wartime Pamphlets No. 12 part II.
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- 1973. The Distribution of Lower Cretaceous (Berriasian -Barremian) rhynchonellid and terebratulid brachiopods in the northern hemisphere. p 121-130 of Casey & Rawson q.v.
- 1988. Cenomanian brachiopods from the Lower Chalk of Britain and Northern Europe. Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology) 44 , 65-175.
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Parks T B 1991. Mr. C F B Shillito 1870 - 1950. Humberside Geologist 8, 6-7.
- see also Cambridge & - 1955, Dennison et al. 1954.
Parry B L see Foster et al. 1976.
Parsons C F 1974. Bajocian stratigraphy of Eastern England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 115-116.
- 1977. A stratigraphic revision of the Scarborough Formation. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 203-222.
- see also Ashton & - 1980, Cope et al. 1980.
Patsoules, M G. 1983 . Textural classicifcation of Chalk porocity. Society of Petroleum Engineers of AIME, (Paper) SPE,
Patsoules M G & Cripps J C 1982. Investigation of the permeability of Yorkshire Chalk inder differing pore water and confining pressure conditions. Energy Sources, 6, 321-334.
Patsoules MG & Cripps J C 1983 Quantitive analysis of Chalk pore geometry usning resin casts. Energy Sources, 7 (1), 15-31.
Peach D N see Barker et al. 1984.
Peacock G see Clough & - 1975.
Pearce J A 1982. A cone from the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Yorkshire a communiqué. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 44 , 205-206. - reprinted in The Harker Magazine 1983.
Peck R 1973. Pollen budget studies in a small Yorkshire catchment - in Quaternary Plant Ecology Birks H J B & West R G (eds.) Blackwell.
Peglar S see Binks et al. 1975.
Penn I E, Cox B M & Gallois 1986. Towards precision in stratigraphy: geophysical log correlation of Upper Jurassic (including Callovian) strata of the Eastern England Shelf. Journal of the Geological Society London 143, 381-410.
- see also Gaunt et al. 1980, Whittaker et al. 1985.
Penney S R see Bradshaw & - 1982.
Penny L F 1959. The Last Glaciation in East Yorkshire. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 7, 65-77.
- 1963. Vertebrate remains from Kelsey Hill, Burstwick and Keyingham. Hull Museum Publications 214, 5-14.
- 1964. A review of the last Glaciation in Great Britain. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 34, 397-411.
- 1966. Early discoverers XXIV George William Lamplugh (1859 -1926). J. Glaciology 6, 307-309.
- & Catt J A 1967. Stone orientation and other structural features of tills in East Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 104, 344-360.
- , Coope G R & Catt J A 1969. Age and insect fauna of the Dimlington Silts, East Yorkshire. Nature, London 224, 65-67.
- & Rawson P F 1969. Field meeting in East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 80, 193-216.
- et al. 1972. Quaternary Research Association Field Meeting East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. 42pp.
- 1974. Quaternary. Chap. 9, p 245-264 of Rayner & Hemingway (eds.).
- 1977. Radiocarbon Dates for the last Glaciation in Holderness. Humberside Geologist 2, 12-13.
- 1977. The Hessle Till - New light on an old problem. Humberside Geologist 2, 11.
- see also Eisat et al. 1962, Catt & - 1966, de Boer et al. 1958 & 1965, Dossor & - 1957, Mitchell et al. 1973, Smith et al. 1973.
Perch-Nielsen K 1979. Calcareous nanofossils from the Cretaceous between the North Sea and the Mediterarean. p 223-272 of Aspekte der Kreide Europas [Aspects of the Cretaceous in Europe], Weidmann J (ed.), (Symposium proceedings, Munster, April 1978) I.U.G.S. Series A No. 6 680pp. Stuttgart.
Perrin R M S 1971. The clay mineralogy of British Sediments. Mineralogical Society, 347pp.
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- 1988. Holderness Coast and Spurn Point. Teaching Geology 13, 56-58.
- 1990. The Humber estuary. Chap. 5, p 54-70 of Ellis & Crowther (eds.).
Pettit N E 1950-1965. A monograph on some Rhynchonellidae of the British Chalk. Palaeontogr. Soc. 52pp + index + viii + 3 pl.
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- 1963. Tracer experiments at Spurn Head, Yorkhsire. Shore and Beach 31, 30-5.
- 1964. Some observations of coast erosion: studies at South Holderness and Spurn Head. The Dock and Harbour Authority. 45, 64-66.
- see also Pringle A W (nee Phillips).
Piasecki M A J (ed.) 1973. East Yorkshire Field Studies No. 4. Hull Geological Society, 28pp. (Reviewed Naturalist p 160).
Pickton C A G see Harland et al. 1982.
Pinckney G & Rawson P F 1974. Acroteuthis assemblages in the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous of northwest Europe. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 3, 193-204.
Pinckney G 1975. The belemnite genus Acroteuthis in the late Jurassic and early Lower Cretaceous of N. W. Europe. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis University of London. 240pp.
Pitman J I 1978. Carbonate chemistry of groundwater from Chalk, East Yorkshire. Geochimica Cosmochirnica Acta 42, 1865-1897.
- 1978. Chemistry and mineralogy of some Lower and Middle Chalks from Givendale, East Yorkshire. Clay Minerals 13, 93-100.
- 1986. Chemical weathering of the East Yorkshire chalk. New directions in karst. Proc. Anglo-French symposium, 1983, , p 77-113.
Plant J see Raiwell & - 1980.
Poole E G 1979. The Triassic-Jurassic boundary in Great Britain. Geological Magazine 116, 303-311.
Porter R 1987. Filey Brigg. p 2-11 of Association of Teachers of Geology 1987 Field Excursions. 36pp.
- 1988. Field excursion to Filey Brigg. Teaching Geology 13, 45-51.
Powell J H 1984. Lithostratigraphical nomenclature of the Lias Group in the Yorkshire Basin. Proc. Yorkshire Geol. Soc. 45, 51-57.
Price R J 1976. Palaeoenvironmental interpretations in the Albian of western and southern Europe, as shown by the distribution of selected foraminifera. Marit. Sed. Spec. Publ. 1, 625-648.
- 1977. The evolutionary interpretation of the foraminiferida Arenobulimina, Gavelinella and Hedbergella in the Albian of north-west Europe. Palaeontology 20, 503-527.
- 1977. The stratigraphical zonation of the Albian sediments of north-west Europe, as based on foraminifera. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 88, 65-91.
- see also Hart et al. 1981.
Pringle A W 1981. Beach development and coastal erosion in Holderness, North Humberside. p 194-205 of Neale & Flenley (eds.).
- see also Phillips A W.
Pyrah B J 1974. Geological collections and collectors of note 3 - Yorkshire Museum. Newsletter of the Geological Curators Group. No. 2, 52-55.
- 1976 to 1979. Catalogue of type and figured fossils in the Yorkshire Museum
Part 1 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 35-47.
Fart 2 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 241-260.
Part 3 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 437-460.
Part 4 Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 415-438.
- 1977. An exposure of Upper Oxfordian clays in the Vale of Pickering, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 197-198.
Raistrick A 1951. Late Glacial and Post Glacial time in Yorkshire. Naturalist p 1-5.
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-& Plant J 1980. The incorporation of trace elements into pyrite during diagenesis of Black Shales, Yorkshire, England. Economic Geology 75, 684-699.
- see Coleman & - 1978.
Rastall R H 1938. On Brookite crystals in the Dogger. Geological Magazine 75, 433-440.
- & Hemingway J E 1939. Black oolites in the Dogger of North East Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 76, 225-233.
- 1939. In Memoriam. A Harker. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 24, 73-75..
- 1939. On Rutile in the Dogger. Geological Magazine 76, 109-
- & Hemingway J E 1939. The Blea Wyke Beds and the Dogger at Peak, Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 76, 362-372.
- & - 1940. The Yorkshire Dogger I. The Coastal Region. Geological Magazine 77, 177-197 + 257.
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Rawson P F 1963. Report of the field meeting at Robin Hood's Bay, Sunday November 18th. 1962. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 1, no. 1, 28-29.
- 1963. Stratigraphy and Palaeontology of the Jurassic and Cretaceous rocks below the White Chalk of Nettleton, Lincolnshire. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 1, no. 1, 49-51.
- 1964. Field trip to Lindsey and Nettleton, North Lincolnshire, November 10th. 1963. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 2, no. 1, 10.
- & Robinson P C 1964. Field trip to Cayton Bay, North Yorkshire, November 24th 1963. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 2, no. 1, 9.
- 1965. Report of field meeting to North Yorkshire. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 3, no 1, 8-9 [ North Grimston and Marston]
- 1966. A phylloceratid ammonite from the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Yorkshire. Palaeontology 9, 455-457, p1. 72.
- 1966. Report of the field meeting to North Yorkshire, Sunday 15th. November 1965. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 3, no. 1, 8-9.
- 1966. Hauterivian ammonites from north-east England, with notes on some Valanginian forms. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis University of Hull, 364pp.
- 1970. The interpretation of some English species of Aegocrioceras (Cephalopoda, Ammonoidea) from the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous). J. Nat. Hist. 4, 585-591.
- 1971. Lower Cretaceous ammonites from North-East England: the Hauterivian genus Simbirskites. Bull. British Museum ( Natural History ) Geology 20, 25-86, 12 pl.
- 1971. The Hauterivian (Lower Cretaceous) biostratigraphy of the Speeton Clay of Yorkshire, England. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 1, 61-76.
- 1972. A note of the biostratigraphical significance of the Lower Cretaceous belemnite genus Aulacoteuthis in the B beds of the Speeton Clay, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 89-91.
- 1973. Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian - Barremian) marine connections and cephalopod migrations between the Tethyan and Boreal Realms. pp 131-144 of Casey & Rawson (eds.) q.v.
- 1975. Lower Cretaceous ammonites from north-east England the Hauterivian heteromorph Aegocrioceras. Bull. Brit. Mus. ( Nat. Hist. ) Geology 26, 129-159, 6 pl.
- 1975. The interpretation of the Lower Cretaceous heteromorph ammonite genera Paracrioceras and Hoplocrioceras Spath, 1924. Palaeontology 18, 257-283, pl. 43.
- , Curry D, Dilly F C, Hancock J M, Kennedy W J, Neale J W, Wood. C J & Worssam B C 1978. A correlation of Cretaceous rocks in the British Isles. Spec. Rept. No. 9, Geol. Soc. London. 70pp.
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- 1982. New Arctocephalitinae (Ammonoidea) from the Middle Jurassic of Kong Karls Land, Svalbard. Geological Magazine 119, 95-100, 2 pl.
- 1983. Cretaceous. in Smith A J & Duff P McL D (eds) The Geology of England and Wales. Scottish Academic Press.
- , Geensmith J J & Shalby S B 1983. Coarsening upward cycles in the uppermost Staithes and Cleveland. Ironstone Formations (Lower Jurassic) of the Yorkshire Coast, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 94, 91-93.
- & Mutterlose J 1983. Stratigraphy of the Lower B and basal Cement Beds (Barremian) of the Speeton Clay , Yorkshire, England. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 94, 133-146.
- see also Casey & - 1973, Greensmith et al. 1980, Howarth & -1965, Kelly & - 1983, Kemper & - 1981, Milsorn & - 1989, Owen et al. 1968, Penny & - 1969, Pinckney & - 1974.
Raymond L R 1953. Some geological results from the exploration for potash in North-east Yorkshire. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society (for 1952) 108, 283-306.
Raymond L R 1955. The Rhaetic beds and Tea Green Marl of North Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 30, 5-23.
- 1962. The Petrology of the Lower Magnesian Limestone of North-East Yorkshire and South-East Durham. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society London 118, 39-64, pl III + IV.
Rayner D H & Hemingway J E (eds.) 1974. The Geology and mineral resources of Yorkshire. Yorkshire Geological Society, Leeds ix + 405pp, 6pl. [reviewed Geological Magazine (1975) 219-220 & Naturalist p 155.]
Read. D see Bray et al. 1981.
Reeves M J, E L Parry & G Richardson 1978. Preliminary evaluation of the groundwater resources of the western part of the Vale of Pickering. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology 11, 253-262.
Reid. P C & Downie C 1973. The Age of the Bridlington Crag. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 315-318.
Reid R E H 1976. Lower Cretaceous climatic trends, faunas and hydrography in Britain and Ireland. Geological Magazine 113, 115-128.
Renn C 1975. A brief sedimentological study of the laminated silts and clays immediately north of the Barmston Main Drain. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 9, 27-33.
Reyment R A, 1970 .Vertically inbedded cephalopod shells. Some factors in the distribution of fossil cephalopods, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 7, 103-111.
Rex D C see Dodson et al. 1964.
Richardson G 1974. I G S Report for 1973. p 36. IGS, London.
- 1979. The Mesozoic stratigraphy of two boreholes near Worlaby, Humberside. Bull. Geol. Surv. G. B. no. 58, 1-24.
- see also Cox & - 1982.
Richardson P 1975. A measured section in the Corallian of Filey Brigg. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 9, 10-16.
Ridd M F see Balchin & - 1970.
Riddler G P see Hemingway & 1980, 1982.
Riding J B 1983. Two dinoflagellate cyst marker horizons in the Bathonian of the Nettleton Bottom borehole, Lincolnshire, England. J. Micropalaeontology 2, 47-52.
- 1987. Dinoflagellate cyst stratigraphy of the Nettleton Bottom Borehole (Jurassic Hettangian to Kimmeridgian), Lincolnshire , England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 231-266.
- & Wright J K 1989. Palynostratigraphy of the Scalby Formation (Middle Jurassic) of the Cleveland Basin, north east Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 47, 349-354.
- see also Lott et al. 1989, Woolam & - 1983.
Riley L A 1980. Dinocysts from the Upper Kimmeridgian (pectinatus zone) of Marton, Yorkshire. Mercian Geologist 7, 219-222.
- see also Rawson & - 1982.
Ringer B D 1967. Report of field trip to Staithes. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 4, no 1, 1p (not numbered)
Robinson D N 1979. Geology [Section Report]. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 19, 179-180.
- 1982. Geology [Section Report]. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 20, 102
- 1983. Geology [Section Report]. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 20, 137-138.
Robinson J see Bott et al. 1978.
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- 1977. Marine erosive processes at the cliff foot. Marine Geology 23, 257-271.
- 1977. The morphology and development of the northeast Yorkshire platform. Marine Geology 23, 237-255.
Robinson N 1981. Field excursion to Melton Ross Quarries. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 12, no II, 50-52
Robinson P C see Rawson & - 1964.
Rogers S 1986. Some favourite teaching localities. Humberside Geologist 5, 32.
Romano M & Whyte N A 1987. A limulid trace fossil from the Scarborough Formation (Jurassic) of Yorkshire; its occurrence, taxonomy and interpretation. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 85-95.
Rose J 1985. The Dimlington Stadial / Dimlington Chronozone: a proposal for naming the main glacial episode of the late Devensian in Britain. Boreas 14, 225-230.
- 1989. Stadial type sections in the British Quaternary. p 45-67 of Rose J & Schuchter C - Quaternary type sections imagination or reality. Bakema, Rotterdam. 208pp.
- see also Perrin et al. 1979.
Rowley J S 1983. Tetford Hill Quarry. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 20, 166-168.
Rutter J G 1956. The mammals of Pleistocene and Prehistoric times - in: The Natural History of the Scarborough District Vol. 2: Zoology. Walsh G B & Rimington F C (eds.).
Ryder F F see Cooper et al. 1976.
Sallomy J T & J. C. Briden, 1975. Palaeomagnetic studies of Lower Jurassic rocks in England and Wales. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 24, 369-376.
Sarjeant W A S 1959. Microplankton from the Cornbrash of Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 96, 329-346.
- 1960. Microplankton from the Cornbrash Rocks of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 32, 389-408.
- 1961. Microplankton from the Kellaways Rock and Oxford Clay of Yorkshire. Palaeontology 4, 90-118, pl. 13-15.
- 1962. Microplankton from the Ampthill Clay of Melton, South Yorkshire. Palaeontology 5, 478-497, pl. 69-70.
- 1964. New name and diagnosis for an Upper Jurassic species of Gonyaulacysta (Dinophyoeae). Palaeontology 7, 472-473.
- 1969. Fossil footprints from the Middle Triassic of Nottinghamshire and the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire. Mercian Geologist 3, 269-282.
- 1974. A history and bibliography of the study of fossil vertebrate footprints in the British Isles. Palaeogr. Palaeoclim. Palaeoecol. 16, 265-378.
- 1976. Dinoflagellate cysts and acritarchs from the Great Oolite Limestone (Middle Jurassic Bathonian) of Lincolnshire, England. Géobios 9, 5-46.
- 1976. Energlynia, new genus of dinoflagellate cysts from the Great Oolite Limestone (Middle Jurassic - Bathonian) of Lincolnshire, England. Neues Jahrb. Geol. Palaont. Monatsh. 163-173.
- see also Davey et al. 1966, Delair & - 1985, Muir & - 1977,1978, Neale & - 1962.
Schadla-Hall T 1989. Tom Sheppard. Hull's Great Collector. Highgate Publications Ltd., Beverley. 38pp.
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- , Kimyongur N & Middleton R 1987. The mineralogy and petrology of the "Coprolite Bed" phosphorite deposit (Lower Cretaceous) at Speeton, North Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46,123-131.
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- 1971. The genesis of some sideritic beds in the Yorkshire Lias (England). J. Sed. Pet. 41, 854-858.
- 1972. Regional environmental changes across a Lower Jurassic stage-boundary in Britain. Palaeontology 15, 125-157, pl. 26-29.
- & Jenkyns H C 1975. Basins and swells and the evolution of an epeiric sea (Pliensbachian to Bajocian of Great Britain). J Geol. Soc. London 131, 373-388.
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- 1978. Jurassic. p 204-279 of McKerrow W S (ed.) The ecology of Fossils. q.v.
Senior J R & Earland-Bennet P N 1973. The Bajocian ammonite Hyperlioceras rudidiscites in eastern England and its significance Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 319-326.
- & - 1974. The Bajocian stratigraphy of eastern England: a reply. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 117-118.
- 1975. The Middle and Upper Jurassic succession at Boltby Moor near Thirsk, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 289-295.
- 1977. Field. Meetings The Yorkshire Coast near Whitby. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 367-370.
- see also House & - 1981
Shalaby S B 1980. The Middle Lias sedimentary rocks of the coastal zone of north-east Yorkshire their petrology and sedimentation. Unpub. Ph. D. thesis University of London.
- see also Greersmith et al. 1980, Rawson et al. 1982.
Sharp D R 1976. Geology of Hull. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 32-39.
- 1976. The Harker field trip to Frodingham. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 55-57.
Shaw B 1977. An exposure of the Black Band at South Cave. Humberside Geologist 2, (10 not numbered.)
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Sheppard M 1986. Extracts from a letter... October 1984. Humberside Geologist 5, 11.
Sheppard T 1938. In Memoriam J W Stather F G S. Naturalist 182-183.
- 1938. Scandinavian Boulders found in East Yorkshire. Naturalist 126.
- 1938. John Walker Stather. Proc. Geol. Soc. cxxxi
- 1938. Valuable gift to Hull Museum. Naturalist. 246.
- 1939. William Smith and the Hackness Quarries. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24, 26-30.
- 1941. Supposed Meteorite at Filey. Naturalist 174-
- 1942. Introduction - in The fossils of the Yorkshire Lias, Martin Simpson, 3rd. edition, Hull. 256pp.
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- (reprinted) 1986. Lost Towns of the Yorkshire Coast. Mr. Pye Books, Howden. 329pp.
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- 1991. The Cretaceous beds of North Lincolnshire and some correlations of those of East Lincolnshire and the counties to the North and South. Humberside Geologist 8, 8-11.
Shipp D & Murray J W 1981. Jurassic. The Callovian to Portlandian. pp 125-144 of Jenkins & Murray (eds.) q.v.
Shipp D J see Barnard et al. 1981.
Shotton F W 1981. Major contributions of north-east England to the advancement of Quaternary Studies. p 137-145 of Neale & Flenley.
- see also Mitchell et al. 1973.
Simm K F 1984. Engineering solutions to geological problems in the design and construction of the Humber Bridge. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology, London 17, 301-306.
- & Busbidge J R 1976. 31 m deep excavation for the construction of the Barton Anchorage of the Humber Bridge. Sixth European Conference on Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering, Vienna.
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- & Middleton R 1985. Gross morphology and the mode of life of two species of lobster from the Lower Cretaceous of England:- Meyeria ornata (Philips) and Meyerella magna (M'Coy). Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh 76, 203-215.
- (1985 in press) Macrurous and Anomurian Crustacea from the Cretaceous of Britain. Pal. Soc. monograph.
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Smith A B & Wright C W 1988. British Cretaceous echinoids. Part 1, General introduction and Cidarida. Pal. Soc. Monograph 141, 1-103, pl. 1-32.
- see also Gale & - 1982.
Smith A G 1958. Post-glacial deposits in South Yorkshire and north Lincolnshire. New Phytol. 57, 19-49.
- see also Harland. et al. 1982.
Smith D B, Beaumont F, Gaunt G D, Francis B A & Penny L F 1973. North-east England. p 22-28 of Mitchell et al. q.v.
Smith D I see Andrews & - 1970.
Smith E G see Wood & - 1978.
Smith I F see Gale et al. 1983.
Smithson F 1941. Alteration of detrital minerals in the Mesozoic rocks of Yorkshire. Geological Magazine 78, 97-112.
- 1942. The Middle Jurassic rocks of Yorkshire a petrological and palaeogeographical study. Quart. Journal of the Geological Society 98, 27-60.
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- 1962. Large Mammoth tooth at Brandesburton. Naturalist p 146.
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- 1941. On the boundary between the Upper arid Lower Cretaceous. Geological Magazine London 61, 73-89.
- 1942. The Ammonite Zones of the Lias. Geological Magazine 62, 264-
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Spicer R A & C R. Hill 1979. Principal components and correspondence analyses of quantitative data from a Jurassic plant bed. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 28, 273-299 .
Spicer R A see Thomas & - 1987.
Stainforth R N 1939. Uintacrinus westfalicus (Schluter) in the Yorkshire Senonian. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 50, 101- 104.
- 198C. Recollections. Humberside Geologist 3, 4-7.
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Straw A 1958. The glacial sequence in Lincolnshire. East Midlands Geographer 1, 29-40.
- 1961. Drifts, meltwaters channels and ice margins in the Lincolnshire Wolds. Trans. Inst. Br. Geo. 29, 115-128.
- 1961. Notes on certain sections in glacial drift in Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 15, 106-9.
- 1963. Some observations on the "cover sands" of North Lincolnshire. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 15, 260-269.
- 1968. Geology [Section Report]. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 17,25-28.
- 1969. Geology [Section Report]. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 17, 99.
- 1970. Wind-gaps and water-gaps in Eastern England. East Midlands Geographer 5, 97-106.
- 1979. An early Devensian glaciation in Eastern England. Quaternary Newsletter 28, 18-24.
- 1979. The geomorphological significance of the Wolstonian glaciation of eastern England. Trans. Inst. Br. Geogr. 4 (new series), 540-549.
- see also Alabaster & - 1976, Vent et al. 1963.
Stubblefield J 1974. William Sawney Bisat 1886-1973. Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 20, 27-40.
Suggate R P & West R G 1959. On the extent of the last Glaciation in Eastern England. Proc. Roy. Soc. London B 150, 263-283.
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Swiecicki A see Bailey et al. 1983,1984, Hart et al. 1981.
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- 1938. Presidential Address. The Problem of the Lincoln Gap. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 9, 145-153.
- 1941. Further observations on the Lower Cretaceous rocks of Lincolnshire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 52, 198-207.
- &. Kent P B 1949. The Geology of Lincolnshire. Lincolnshire Naturalists Union, Lincoln. 126pp. [reviewed Naturalist p 78-79]
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- 1949. Revised nomenclature for the Yorkshire Estuarine Series. Geological Magazine 86, 263.
- 1953. A Stratigraphical guide to the fossil localities of the Scarborough district. p 19-48 of The Natural History of the Scarborough District Volume 1. Scarborough Field. Nat. Soc.
Tarling D H see Hijab & - 1982.
Taylor N A see Fenton & - 1984.
Taylor P D 1978. A Jurassic ctenostome bryozoan from Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 211-216.
- 1988. Colony growth pattern and astrogenetic gradients in Cretaceous cheilostome bryozoan Herpetopora. Palaeontology 31, 519-549.
- 1990. Bioimmured ctenostomes from the Jurassic and the origin of the cheilostome Bryozoa. Palaeontology 33, 19-34.
- 1990. Preservation of soft-bodied organisms and other organisms by bioimmuration - a review. Palaeontology 33, 1-18.
- & Todd. J A 1990. Sandwiched Fossils. Geology Today 6, 151-154.
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- 1976. The distribution of Calcareous nannofossils in the Speeton Clay (Lower Cretaceous) of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 195-210.
- 1982. Lower Cretaceous (Ryazanian to Albian) calcareous nannofossils. Chap. 4, p 40-80 of Lord A R (ed.) A stratigraphical index of calcareous nannofossils. Ellis Horwood Ltd., Chichester.
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- 1973. Lower Cretaceous Calcareous Nannoplankton Biostratigraphy. Ahhandlungen der Geologischen Bundesanstalt (Wien) 29, 1-52.
Thieuley J-P see Kernper et al. 1981.
Thomas B A & Spicer R A 1987. The evolution and palaeobiology of land plants. Croom Relni Ltd., Kent. 309pp.
Thomas H D & Larwood G P 1960. The Cretaceous species of Pyripora d'Orbigny and Rhammatopora Lang. Palaeontology 3, 370-386, pl 60-62.
- 1963. Lower Cretaceous corals from Yorkshire and Lincolnshire Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 7, 65-77.
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- & Harris T N 1960. Cycadean cones of the Yorkshire Jurassic. Senckenbergiana Lethaea 42, 139-161.
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- see also Cox et al. 1987, Lott et al. 1989.
Thompson R S 1968. Report of the field trip to Robin Hood's Bay, 8th. June 1967. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 5,pt 1, 8-9.
Thulburn R A 1982. Liassic plesiosaur embryos reinterpreted as shrimp burrows. Palaeontology 25, 351-359.
Thurrell R G see Owen &. - 1968.
Todd J A see Taylor & - 1990.
Tonks L H, Evans W B, Wilson V & Oakley K P 1941. Water supply from underground, the East Yorkshire - North Lincolnshire district (Quarter inch Geological sheets 7 eastern half and 8). Part IV. Well catalogues for new series one inch sheets 80 (Hull) and 89 (Brigg). Geol. Survey Wartime Pamphlets No. 12, 58pp.
Tooley N J see Gaunt & - 1974.
Toombs H A see Oakley et al. 1942.
Torrens H J see Cope et al. 1980.
Tralau H 1968. Evolutionary trends in the genus Ginkgo. Lethaia 1, 63-101.
Troger K A 1980. Zu Problemen der Biostratigraphie der Inoceramen und der Untergliderung des Cenomans und Turons in Mittel- und Osteuropa. Newsletters in Stratigraphy 9, 139-156.
Turner J S & Versey H C 1949. Bibliography of Yorkshire Geology 1947-1948. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 27, 298-300.
Twindale C R 1956. Glacial overflow channels in North Lincolnshire. Transactions & Papers Inst. Brit. Geogr. 22, 47-54
Twombley B N 1964. Environmental and diagenetic studies of the Corallian Rocks in Yorkshire, West of Thornton Dale. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis University of Newcastle upon Tyne.
- see also Hemingway & - 1963,1964.
University of Birmingham 1978. South Humberbank Salinity Research Project. Final report to the Anglian Water Authority.
Valentin F 1953. Young morainic topography in Holderness. Nature 172, 919-920.
- 1954. Der Landverlust in Holderness, Ostengland, von 1852 bis 1952. Die Erde , Berlin 6, 296-315.
Van Konijnenburg-Van Cittert J H A 1966. Palaeobotany of the Mesophytic II. New and noteworthy Jurassic ferns from Yorkshire. Acta Bot. Neerl. 15, 284-249.
- 1968. Androstrobus major, a new male cycad cone from the Jurassic of Yorkshire (England). Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 7, 267-273.
- 1971. In situ Gymnosperm pollen from the Middle Jurassic of Yorkshire. Acta Bot. Neerl. 20, 1-96, 16 p1.
- 1972. Some additional notes on male gymnosperm fructations from the Jurassic flora of Yorkshire. Acta Bot. Neerl. 21, 95-98.
1975. Some notes on Marattia anglica from the Jurassic of Yorkshire. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 20, 205-214.
- 1975. Angiopteris blackii van Cittert nom. nov. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 20, 215.
- 1978. Ostmundaceous spores in situ from the Jurassic of Yorkshire, England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology 26, 124-141.
- 1980. The
Yorkshire Jurassic flora, V. Coniferales : T.M. Harris. British Museum (Natural
History), London, 1979, 166 pp., 7 pl., £22.50
- 1981. Schizaeaceous spores in situ from the Jurassic of Yorkshire, England. Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 33, 169-181.
- 1987. New data on Pagiophyllum maculosum Kendall and its male cone from the jurassic of north Yorkshire Review of Palaeobotany and Palynology, 51, 95-105.
Van Der Molen
W H 1980. An evaluation of shallow groundwater movement in a small boulder
clay catchment in holderness : M. Bonell. University of Hull, Department of
Geography, Miscellaneous Series No. 18, 1978, 133 pp., UK £ 2.60 + postage
Verdier J P see Davey & - 1976.
Versey H C 1938. Bibliography of Yorkshire Geology 1936. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 23,234-6.
- 1938. The Humber Warp. Proc. Leeds Phil. & Lit. Soc. Sci. Sect. 3, 553-556.
- 1938. The Speeton pre-glacial shell bed. Naturalist, Hull p227-229.
- 1939. Bibliography of Yorkshire Geology 1937. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 23, 315-316.
- 1939. History of the Yorkshire Geological Society. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 24,11-16.
- 1939. The Tertiary history of East Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 23, 302-314.
- 1942. The build of Yorkshire. Naturalist p 27-37.
- 1945. In memoriam Thomas Sheppard 1876-1945. Naturalist p 74-75.
- 1946. The Humber Gap. Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 6, 26-30.
- 1946. The Ice Age. Naturalist p 15-16.
- 1947. Geology South Cave. Yorks. Nat. Union Circular.
- 1948. The structure of East Yorkshire and North Lincolnshire. [Presidential Address]. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 27,173-191
- 1949. The hydrology of the East Riding of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 27,231-246.
- 1958. Scarborough 1957 [Field meeting]. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 31, 329-330.
- 1973. William S. Bisat 1886-1973. Naturalist p 113.
- 1974. The Leeds Geological Association 1874 -1974. Journal of Earth Sciences [Leeds Geol. Assoc.] 8, 305-320.
- see also Turner & - 1949, Bisat & - 1950, Wilson et al. 1954.
Waites 1988. The Bridlington Book. Highgate Publications (Beverley) Ltd. 56pp.
Walbank W G 1970. A Survey of the jointing and other structural aspects of the Yorkshire Chalk. East Yorkshire Field Studies 3, 30-43.
Walkden W G, Fraser N C & Muir J 1987. A new specimen of Stenosaurus (Mesosuchia, Crocodilia) from the Toarcian of the Yorkshire coast. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 279-287.
[? Walker C H] 1959. Geology. Fossils from the Spilsby Sandstone. Transactions of the Lincolnshire Naturalists Union 14, 244.
Walker P 1355. Late-Glacial deposits at Lund, Yorkshire. New Phytol. 54, 343-349.
Walker K G 1972. The stratigraphy and bivalve fauna of the Kellaways Beds (Callovian) around South Cave & Newbald, E.Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 107-138.
Walsh G B 1944. Thomas Stainforth B.A.,B.Sc. Naturalist p 77-78.
- et al. 1953. The Natural History of the Scarborough District. Scarborough Field Naturalists Society.
Walsh P T see Bray et al. 1981.
Walton F F 1984 [MS 1888]. Report of Excursion to Kelsey Hill. June 16th. 1888 Humberside Geologist 4, 22-23.
- 1988 [MS 1888]. Report of Excursion to Brough, July 25th 1888. Humberside Geologist 6, 24.
Ward R C see Aylwin & - 1969, de Boer & - 1965.
Warrington G 1970. The stratigraphy and palaeontology of the 'Keuper' Series of the Central Midlands of England. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society 126, 183-223, pl. 16-22.
Warrington G see also Ivimey-Cook et al. 1980.
Waters A H S 1949. East Riding Water Authorities. Confidential Report East Riding County Council. Unpub.
Waters R see Harland et al. 1982.
Watson H R 1975. Report of Members' Evening, held on 25th September 1974, at the Museum Annexe, Market Place, Hull. Humberside Geologist 1, 5pp (not numbered).
Watson J S 1976. 'Sic Transit Gloria' or 'Per Ardua ad Hackness': The William Smith Tours Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 122-126. Hull.
- 1976. The Harker field trip to Whitby 1975. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 41-43.
- 1982. The occurrence of Discinisca on Dacryomya ovum an example of commensualism from the Upper Lias of Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 44, 45-51.
Watts W A 1959. Pollen spectra from the interglacial deposits at Kirmington, Lincolnshire Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 32, 145-152.
Weaver P. P E 1981. Ostracoda from the British Lower Chalk and Plenus Marls. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. London 127pp, 20 pl.
- 1981 . The distribution of Ostracoda in the British Cenomanian. p 157-162 of Neale & Brazier q.v.
Weir A H see Catt et al. 1974.
Wesley A 1973. Jurassic plants. p 329-338 of Hallam A (ed.) Atlas of Palaeobiogeography. Elsevier Scientific Publishing Co., Amsterdam.
West R G 1969. A note on pollen analysis from the Speeton Shell Bed. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, London 80, 217-218
- see also Mitchell et al. 1973, Sparks & - 1972, Suggate & - 1959.
Whatley R G 1964. Current Research in the Department [of Geology at Hull University]. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 2, pt 2, 36-43.
- 1965. Callovian and Oxfordian Ostracoda from England and Scotland. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis University of Hull.
Whatley S J 1964. Foraminifera from the Tealby Beds of Nettleton, Lincolnshire. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 2,pt 1, 4-7.
Whitehead T H, Anderson W, Wilson V & Wray D A 1952. The Liassic ironstones. Mem. Geol. Surv., London. 211 PP. [reviewed - Versey H C, Naturalist 1954 p 38.]
Whitehouse J R 1984. One of "those tunnels". Cottingham Local History Society Transactions 6, 278.
Whitharn F & Boylan P J 1968. The Jurassic rocks of the South Cave area. East Yorkshire Field Studies 1, 25-36.
- 1975. The evening field meeting at Associated Portland Cement Quarry Melton Bottoms, N. Humberside. Humberside Geologist 1, [4-6 not numbered].
- 1977. Nafferton Grange Chalk Quarry. Humberside Geologist 2, 9.
- 1980. Evening field meeting at Queensgate Whiting Pit, Beverley. Humberside Geologist 3, [12-13 not numbered].
- 1984. Evening field meeting at North Newbald Quarry, Thursday 23rd. June 1983. Humberside Geologist 4, 14-16.
- 1984. Field meeting at the Rugby Portland Cement Quarry, South Ferriby. Humberside Geologist 4, 19-21.
- 1984. The Geology of South Newbald Quarry (GR. 912356). Humberside Geologist 4, 4-5.
- 1986. The occurrence of the ammonite Hyperlioceras rudidiscites Buckman in the Cave Oolite at North Newbald Quarry, East Yorkshire. Humberside Geologist 5, 13-14.
- 1986. The Upper Jurassic of the Malton-Scarborough district. Humberside Geologist 5, 15-17.
- & Emery L H 1988. Did they fall or were they pushed? Humberside Geologist 6, 26-27.
- see also Emery et al. 1986, Horne & - 1988, Latham & - 1986, Owen et al. 1968.
Whittaker A, Holliday D W & Penn I P 1985. Geophysical logs in British Stratigraphy. Special Report Geological Society, London. 18. 74pp.
Whittaker A see also Ivimey-Cook et al. 1980.
Whyte M A see Romano & - 1987.
Wignall P B 1990. Benthic palaeoecology of the late Jurassic Kimmeridge Clay of England. Special papers in Palaeontology 43.
- 1990. Depositional history and palaeoecology of the Oxfordian/Kimmeridgian boundary beds at South Ferriby, South Humberside. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 48, 197-208.
Wilcockson W H 1950. Sections of strata of the Coal Measures of Yorkshire. 3rd Ed. Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, Sheffield.
Wilkingon I P see Cox et al. 1987, Lott et al. 1985,1986.
Williams B P see Fleming et al. 1980.
Williams G L see Davey et al. 1966.
Williams P F V see Douglas & - 1981.
Williams R B 0 1964. Fossil patterned ground. in Eastern England. Biul. Peryglac. 14, 337-349.
( Wilson A A ?) 1987. Medal Presentation [to Prof. J W Neale]. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 46, 291.
Wilson P see Bray et al. 1981.
Wilson V 1938. The Geology of the district around Whitwell in the Howardian Hills (East Yorkshire). Transactions of the Leeds Geological Association 5, 217-220.
- 1939. The occurrence and origin of Chert in the Corallian formation in Yorkshire. Proc. Yorks. Phil. Soc. for 1938, p 1.
- 1948. British Regional Geology East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire. H.M.S.O.
- 1949. The Lower Corallian rocks of the Yorkshire coast and Hackness Hills. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 60, 235-272.
- , Wright C W, Hemingway J E, Versey H C, Bisat W S & Baden-Powell D F W 1954. Summer Field Meetings in East Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 65, 313-327.
- see also Hemingway et al. 1958,1968, Kent et al. 1967, Tonks et al. 1941.
Wiltshire D W 1969. Field trip to Staithes, 31st. October 1968. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 5, No. 2, 1-2.
Winkelmolen A M 1978. Size, shape and density sorting of beach material along the Holderness coast, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 42, 102-142.
Wimbledon W A see Benton & - 1985, Cope et al. 1980.
Wintle A G & Catt J A 1985. Thermoluminescence dating of Dimlington Stadial deposits in Eastern England.. Boreas 14, 231-234.
Wood C J & Smith E G 1978. Lithostratigraphical classification of the Chalk in North Yorkshire, Humberside and Lincolnshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society. 42, 263-288.
- 1980. Upper Cretaceous. Chap. 9, pp 92-105 of Kent P - British Regional Geology.
- 1986. Discussion of interpretation. pp 14-18 of Murray K H - Correlation of electrical resistivity marker bands in the Cenomanian and Turonian Chalk from the London Basin to east Yorkshire. British Geol. Surv. Rept. 17, no. 8, 18 pp.
- see also Bailey et al. 1983, 1984, Ernst et al. 1984, Mortimore & - 1986, Rawson et al. 1978, Smart & - 1976.
Woodland. W H (ed.) 1975. Petroleum and the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe. Vol. 1 Geology. Applied Science Publishers, London.
Woollam R & Riding J B 1983. Dinoflagellate cyst zonation of the English Jurassic. Inst. Geol. Sci. Rept. 83/2, 41pp, 8pl.
Worsley P 1987. Permafrost stratigraphy in Britain - a first approximation. pp 89-99 of Boardman J (ed.) Periglacial processes and landforms in Britain and Ireland. Cambridge Univ. Press.
Worssam B C see Rawson et al. 1978.
Wright C D 1973. Certain problems of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous stratigraphy south-east of Malton and north of Market Weighton, E Yorkshire. Unpub. M.Sc. thesis Hull Univ.
Wright C D 1976. New outcrops of Ampthill Clay north of Market Weighton, North Yorkshire and their structural implications. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41,127-140.
Wright C W & Wright E V 1940. Notes on Cretaceous Asteroidea. Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society London 96, 231.
- & - 1942. The Chalk of the Yorkshire Wolds. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 53, 112-127.
- & - 1943. Some British Cretaceous echinoids. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 54, 126
- & - 1947. Prehistoric boats from North Ferriby, East Yorkshire. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 13, 114-138.
- & - 1949. The Cretaceous echinoid genera Infulaster Desor and Hagenowia Duncan. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (12) 2, 454-474.
- & - 1951. A survey of the fossil Cephalopoda of the Chalk of Great Britain. Pal Soc. Monograph 41pp
- 1967. Notes on Cretaceous Saleniidae. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 78,9-25.
- & Collins J S H 1972. British Cretaceous Crabs. Palaeontographical Soc. Monograph 114pp + 22 pl.
- 1975. The Hauterivian ammonite genus Lyticoceras Hyatt 1900 and its synonym Endemoceras Thiermann 1963. Palaeontology 18, 607-611.
- 1979. The ammonites of the English Chalk Rock (Upper Turonian). Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History) Geology 31, 281-332.
- & Kennedy W J 1981. The ammonoidea of the Plenus Marls and the Middle Chalk. Monogr. Palaeontogr. Soc. London 148 pp, 22pl.
- & - 1984. The Ammonoidea of the Lower Chalk Part 1. Monograph Palaeontographical Soc. London 126 pp, 40 pl.
- 1984. The Society in the 1930s. Humberside Geologist 4, 2-3.
- see also Hemingway et al. 1958, 1968, Smith & - 1988, Wilson et al. 1954.
Wright E V & Churchill D M 1965. The boats from North Ferriby, Yorkshire England. Proc. Prehist. Soc. 31, 1-24.
- 1990. An East Yorkshire retrospective. Chap. 6 of Ellis & Crowther (eds.).
- see also Wright C W & - 1940, 1942, 1943, 1947, 1949, 1951, 1967.
Wright J K 1968. The Callovian succession at Peckondale Hill, Malton, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 37, 93-97.
- 1968. The stratigraphy of the Callovian rocks between Newtondale and the Scarborough coast, Yorkshire. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 79, 363-399.
- 1972. The stratigraphy of the Yorkshire Corallian. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 39, 225-266.
- 1974. Field meetings - The Corallian of the Vale of Pickering 1973. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 40, 207-210.
- 1977. The Cornbrash Formation (Callovian) in north Yorkshire and Cleveland. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 41, 325-346.
- 1978. The Callovian succession (excluding Cornbrash) in the Western and Northern parts of the Yorkshire Basin. Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 89, 239-261.
- 1978. The Corallian succession in the Malton Bypass. Geologists' Association Circular no. 807, 9-10.
- 1981. The Corallian succession in the Malton Bypass . Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association 91, 350-351.
- see also Callomon & - 1989, Cope et al. 1980, Riding & - 1989.
Yorkshire Ouse and Hull River Authority 1969. Survey of water resources. Leeds.
Young R L A. 1988. The palaeoecology of Jurassic foraminifera from selected. sequences of Great Britain with particular emphasis on the Superfamily Robertinacea. Unpub. Ph.D. thesis University of Hull.
- see also Lomax & - 1986.
Young S 1978. Geology of the Yorkshire Coast, Whitby to Bridlington. Dalesman. 104pp.
Ziegler W H 1975. Outline of the Geological History of the North Sea. pp 165-190 of Woodland A W (ed.) Petroleum and the Continental Shelf of North-West Europe, 1. Applied Sci. Publishers.
An index of localities and geologists:-
Localities -
Acklam - Bate 1980, Gaunt et al. 1980.
Barmston - Boylan 1966, Renn 1975.
Barton on Stather - Balchin & Ridd 1970.
Beverley (Chalk Pit) - Hancock 1975, Whitham 1980.
Black Band localities - Chepstow-Lusty 1985, Hart & Bigg 1981,1983, Hart 1983, Jeffries 1963, Jenkyns 1978, 1980, Latham 1975, Schlanger & Jenkyns 1976, Shaw 1977.
Blea Wyke - Dean 1954, Doyle 1985, Gowland 1988, Riding 1984.
Brandesburton - Spalding 1962.
Bridlington - Bisat 1939, Bisat & Versey 1950, Black 1970, Fenton K 1977, Stather 1986.
Brough - Inst. Geol. Sci. 1973.
Carnaby - Curry 1982.
Cayton Bay - Rawson & Robinson 1964, Rawson 1982, Sarjeant 1961, Stansfield. 1968.
Claxby - Hughes 1973, Inst. Geol. Sci. 1977.
Cockle Pits - Inst. Geol. Sci. 1973.
Dimlington - Bisat 1939, 1948, 1954, Neale 1959, Penny et al. 1969. Rose J 1985,1939, Wintle & Catt 1985.
Easington - Bisat 1952.
East Ayton - Bridge V A 1930, Fursich 1977.
Elloughton - Latham 1973.
Elsham - Cambridge & Parks 1955, Dennison et al. 1954, Hart 1983, Hart & Bigg 1983.
Filey Bay/ Filey Brigg - Aja 1932, Bisat 1939, Edwards 1981, Fursich 1976,1977, Giblett 1948, Porter 1987,1988, Sheppard 1941, Wright J K 1974.
Fimber - Bray et al. 1981.
Flamborough - Dingle 1965, 1967, 1971, Farrington & Mitchell 1951, Hancock 1975, Myerscough 1987.
Flaxfleet - Hulme & Beckett 1973.
Frodingham Ironstone Mines - Davies & Dixie 1951, Dudley 1942, Hallam 1963, Sharp 1976.
Hawsker Bottom - Howarth 1973, 1976.
Hessle - Bisat 1940, Boylan 1967, Fenton K 1984.
Holderness - Catt 1963, Catt & Penny 1966, Dossor 1955, Dossor & Penny 1957, Fenton K 1969, Flenley 1987, Gilbertson 1990, Mason & Hansom 1989, Pethick 1988, Phillips 1964, Pringle 1981, Valentin 1953,1954, Versey 1939, Winkelmolen 1978.
Hotham - Lord 1971, 1982, Michael 1979.
Kiplingcotes - Abbas 1973.
Kirmington - Boylan 1966, Cox 1981, Harland & Downie 1969, Watts 1959.
Kirton in Lindsey - Howarth & Rawson 1965, Howarth 1980, Packer 1986.
Lake Humber - Dalton 1941, Gaunt 1975.
Lincolnshire Limestone exposures - Ashton 1975, 1976, 1977, 1979, 1980, 1981,1982, Bate 1967, Emery & Dickson 1989, Packer 1986.
Market Weighton 'Structure' - Hallam 1958, Jeans 1973, Kent 1955.
Melton - Dilley 1969, Hancock 1975, Latham 8: Whitham 1986, Medd. 1976, Ooi 1979, Owen et al. 1968, Sarjeant 1962, Whitham 1975.
Middleton on the Wold - Hancock 1975.
Nettleton - Bradshaw & Penney 1982, Burns 1976, Casey 1973,Rawson 1963, 1964, Riding 1983, 1987, Wright C W 1975.
Newbald - Horne 1984, Horne & Whitham 1988, Walker 1972, Whitham 1984, 1984, 1986.
North Cave - Lord. 1971.
North Ferriby - Boylan 1966, Fenton K 1980, Slater 1976.
Oswaldkirk - Ali 1983.
Peak - Hemingway 1973, Howarth 1973, Rastall & Hemingway 1939.
Port Mulgmave - Coleman & Raiswell 1978, Lehman 1979, Raiswell & White 1978, Raiswell & Plant 1980.
Rifle Butts, Goodmanham - Jeans C V 1968.
River Humber - Brasier 1981, Crowther 1987, de Beer 1970, Gaunt & Tooley 1974, McQuillin et al. 1969, Pethick 1990, Versey 1938.
Robin Hood's Bay - Bairstow & Hemingway 1961, Bramley D 1972, Donovan 1966, Falcon & Kent 1960, Fenton K 1975, Howarth & Donovan 1964, Rawson 1963, Robinson 1977, Sellwood 1970,1972, Thomas 1968.
Roos - Beckett 1977, Rose J 1985.
Rosedale - Emery 1988, Hemingway & Twombley 1964.
Roxby, Lincs. - Sellwood 1970,1972.
Runswick Bay - Hemingway 1955, Rastall & Hemingway 1941.
Scalby - Nami 1976.
Scarborough - Sarjeant 1961, 1964, Versey 1953, Walsh 1953, Whitham 1986.
Selwicks Bay - Garton 1976.
Sewerby - Boylan 1967, Harrison R 1980.
Skipsea - Boylan 1966, Flenley et al. 1975.
South Cave - Brasier & Brasier 1978, Inst. Geol. Sci. 1972, Murghani 1982, Neale 1956, Shaw 1977, Sylvester-Bradley 1947, Versey 1947, Walker 1972, Whitham & Boylan 1968.
South Ferriby - Ahmed. 1987, Carter & Hart 1977, Carter 1985, Chepstow-Lusty 1985, Dennison et al. 1954, Fry 1987,1988, Horne & Whitham 1988, Jeffries 1963, Kelly & Rawson 1963, Lomax et al. 1983, Robinson 1979, Stancliffe 1984, Taylor & Todd 1990, Whitham 1984, Wignall 1990.
Speeton - Abbas 1973, Andrews 1980, Barker 1984, Banner & Desai 1938, Carter & Hart 1977, Casey 1957, 1961,1964, 1971, 1973, Cope 1967, Davey et al. 1966, Davey 1974, 1976, 1979, Dodson et al. 1954, Doyle 1989, Duxbury 1977, 1979, Dypuik 1984, Emery L 1974, 1975, 1978, Fletcher 1966, 1969, 1973, Jeans C V 1968, Kaye 1963 &c., Kaye & Barker 1965, 1966, Kemper et al. 1981, Kimyongur 1978, Knox & Fletcher 1978, Lomax 1984, 1985, Mobey & Gilham 1975, Mutterlose 1978 to 1983, Neale 1960 onwards, Owen E F 1965,
Owen & Thummell 1968, Parker 1974, Pearce 1982, Perch-Nielsen 1979, Rawson 1966 onwards, Simpson & Middleton 1985, Taylor R J 1978 onwards, Thomas & Larwood 1960, Vemsey 1938, West 1969, Wright C W 1967, 1975.
Spillsby - Casey 1962, Hughes 1973, Middlemiss 1973.
Spurn - Bisat 1946, Dawson 1980, de Beer 1963 onwards, de Beer et al. 1965, de Beer & Ward 1965, Dossor & Penny 1957, Pethick 1987, 1988, Phillips 1962,1964.
Tadcaster - Bartley 1962.
Tealby - Hughes 1973, Owen E F 1965, Whatley 1964.
Welton le Wold, Lincs - Alabaster & Straw 1976, Cox 1981.
Wheldrake - Gaunt 1970.
Whitby - Benton & Wimbledon 1985, Donovan 1966, Hallam 1979, Harris 1974, Hemingway 1951, 1958, 1966, Morris 1980, Robinson 1977, Senior 1977, Thumlbumn 1982, Watson J 1976, 1982.
Whitwell on the Hill - Brunsfrom 1962.
Willow Garth - Bush 1986, Bush & Ellis 1987.
Winterton - Cullen 1984.
Yons Nab - Bate 1959.
Geologists -
W S Bisatt - Catt & Madgett 1981, Versey 1973.
S Chadwick (Malton Museum) - Edwards C R 1983.
K Fenton - Chicken 1988, Emery et al. 1986, Horne 1988.
Alfred Harker - Rastall 1939.
Hull Geological Society - Berry 1986, de Boer 1988, Fenton K 1980 Horne 1984, 1986, 1988, 1989, Stainforth 1980, Watson 1975, Wright CW 1984, anon 1938.
Hull Museums - Boyd 1983, 1989, Boylan 1966, 1980, Darnbrough 1989, Edwards 1984, Sheppard T 1938, Spalding 1962.
C W Mason - de Beor 1964.
T B Parks - Boylan 1966, 1980.
L F Penny - Neale & Flenley 1981.
A Rowe - Cox L R 1957, Gale & Cleevely 1989.
Thomas Sheppard - Conway 1986, Darnbrough 1989, Elsom 1990, Holmes 1972, Horne 1986, 1989, Jordan 1937 (1983), Melmore 1946, Sledge 1975, Schadla-Hall 1989, Versey 1945.
C F B Shillito - Barker 1951, Musham 1938.
William Smith - Cox L R 1942, 1957, Sheppard T 1939, Watson J 1976.
Thomas Stainforth - Elsom 1990, Walsh 1944.
J W Stather - Charlesworth 1939, Sheppard 1938, Horne 1989.
F Whitham - Calloman & Wright 1989, Cox 1988, Inst. Geol. Sci. 1977, 1978.
C W Wright - Hancock 1989, Inst. Geol. Sci. 1978, anon 1944.
Humberside Geologist number 9 was prepared by Mike Horne, with the help of Judith Bryce and Anne Horne. It was printed by Hull University. [This updated version was prepared by Mike Horne and Paul Richards]
Please send articles for future issues to the Secretary of the Hull Geological Society; preference is given to items about local geology and the history of geological work in the area.
(updated 30th January 2007)
copyright Hull Geological Society 2015