Humberside Geologist no 1

published 1975



"BRIEF DESCRIPTIONS for making OBSERVATIONS AND COLLECTIONS And for composing a travelling Register of all Sorts of Fossils

1. Of keeping a Register of the Fossils as they are Collected. By means of Paste, Starch or some fit gum ought to be fix'd on each Sample collected, a bit of Paper, with a NUMBER UPON it, beginning with No. 1 and proceeding to 2, 3 and so on. Then in the Register enter NUMBERS, answering those fix'd on the Fossils and under each Note 1 what sort of Fossil or Mineral 'tis reputed to be. 

2 Where 'twas found. 

3 Whether there were more of the same and in what NUMBER or QUANTITY. 

4 Whether it was found on the Surface of the Earth; 

5 Or, if it lay deeper, note what Depth. 

6 In what POSTURE or MANNER it lay. 

7 AMONGST WHAT sort of terrestrial matter 'twas lodged. 

8 Whether in a stratum, or perpendicular fissure.

This is the fittest Conduct and Procedure I can pitch upon … To which purpose that Register ought always to be ready at Hand … and the Observations entered upon the Place, for fear of Mistakes or Failure of Memory. "

J. Woodward - 'Fossils of all kinds digested into a method'

London 1728

ALL collectors take note!


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