Humberside Geologist no 1
Editorial Number 1
by Brian Latham
This Newsletter represents a new venture for the Hull Geological Society. Previous attempts by the Society to produce more lavish publications have failed for a variety of reasons, some foreseeable, others not. In the early days the Society published a Transactions. Volume 1 part 1 was published in 1893 and the last part, Volume 7 part 5 appeared in 1937. Because publication was irregular and distribution local, the Transactions never received the attention the contents sometimes merited and several important papers have been overlooked by recent workers in the Yorkshire area. In particular the early records of the belemnite Actinocamax plenus from the Yorkshire Black Band have been completely missed.
The Transactions was not revived after the war but after recovering from a serious decline during the 1950's the Society again burst into print in 1968 with Field Studies. Although No. l was great success, selling out quickly, the later numbers became a serious financial liability as printing costs increased and sales declined. Withdrawal of support by the contributing societies meant that the final volume, Number 4, was produced entirely by the Geological Society although the contents were far from being exclusively geological.
So now we're trying again - this time with a less lavish publication which we hope will bring a sense of involvement all our members. This publication is a NEWSLETTER and in order for it to be successful we need NEWS. All contributions will be welcome so long as they are of geological interest. In this copy you will find reports of meetings details of temporary exposures, a list of members, book reviews and other items. Some of these items are only of passing interest but others, particularly the reports of meetings and the descriptions of temporary exposures will, we hope, become regular features of lasting value.
Only with regular contributions can this Newsletter succeed. We hope to publish four a year so if you have any items of interest, no matter how short, please send it along. It need not be typed or even grammatical, so long as it is geological.
Editorial Committee: Mr. P. Gravett, Mr. R. Harrison, Dr. C. Heywood, Dr. H. Watson.