Hull Geological Society

Local Geology
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Membership Information for members


Annual Subscription - The annual subscription rates are usually set at the Annual General Meeting following a recommendation from the Committee. The Annual subscriptions for the next calendar year are due on 30th September. if someone joins 2 months before the subscription year their subscription is deemed to start at the start of the subscription year; they may opt to pay again if they wish.        

Arrears - if a member is more than one year in arrears with her/his subscription and has failed to respond to reminders sent by the Secretary they may be considered as a lapsed member and not be entitled to rights of membership. The names of lapsed members will be removed from the membership list after 2 years. If a Committee member is a lapsed member and has missed three Committee Meetings without send apologies she/he will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.

Application and election - Applications should submit an application form to the Secretary along with their first annual subscription. The Secretary shall arrange for the application to be considered by an appropriate formal meeting of the Society (the AGM, a lecture meeting or quorate field meeting; not a meeting of a specialist group). Applicants may attend meeting of the Society before they are elected but may not vote at meetings.

Disability Access - The Society will whenever practicable make activities accessible to disabled people. The accessibility of the rooms for our indoor meetings is the responsibility of the hosts. The rooms do not have inductions loops for members with hearing difficulties. There are adjustable tables and chairs in some of the meeting rooms we use. The nature of geological fieldwork means that it is often unsuitable for people using wheelchairs or have other mobility problems.

Donations and bequests -

Members may donate or bequeath money, books, maps or specimens &c. to the Society. The Society will respect the wishes of the donor and will reach agreement on any conditions concerning the donation or bequest. 

As the Society does not normally hold assets, donations of specimens may be passed on to a more appropriate museum or institution if they are of scientific significance or useful for teaching. Books and maps may be kept in the Society’s Library. Archive material (e.g. field notebooks, drafts of publications, photographs) may be donated to an institution that is better able to care for the material and allow public access (such as a museum of history centre). Duplicate books and specimens may be sold at a nominal price to members to raise some funds for the Society, or given to younger or new members to encourage their interest.

Dissolution of the Society -
If the Society ceases to exist the funds and assets will be donated to other charities and organisations with similar aims. The Trustees and members will not benefit from the distribution of the funds and assets.

Duty of Care The Officers, Committee and volunteers of the Society have not had a criminal record check. Young members and guests under the age of 18 should be accompanied by a responsible adult. The Society does not accept any in loco parentis responsibilities for you members and guests.

Ethics - The Society encourages members to follow the Geological Code for fieldwork and collecting published by the Geologists’ Association.

Expenses - The Society will pay reasonable expenses incurred by Officers on behalf of the Society (e.g. postage, printing, stationery, telephone, internet, web hosting). The Society may choose to recompense Officers for any increased home insurance or heating costs incurred due to the care of the assets of the Society.

First Aid. The leaders and volunteers at our events are not required to be first aiders. The leaders and volunteers at our events are not required to provide a first aid kt.

Fund raising. Funding for the Society's activities comes from memberships subscriptions, donations, interest on investments and sale of publications. We do not sell our mailing list or make profit out of recommending products to members.

Gift Aid  - Members may choose to declare that their annual subscriptions and donations to the Society as Gift Aid by completing and signing the appropriate form. The must have paid an equal amount as income tax in the UK in that financial year. If they have no longer continue to pay tax they should inform the Treasurer asking her/him to cancel their gift aid donation.

Insurance - The Society has third party public liability insurance through our affiliation to the Geologists’ Association. Members and guests attending our events are advised to have their own personal accident insurance

Investment policy - The Trustees will keep sufficient funds in the current account to enable the Society to run in the current year. They may decide to invest any excess in low risk bonds and savings accounts that produce an income. The Trustees must abide by the current laws for Charities.

Liability disclaimer - The views expressed in the Society’s publications (see below) are not necessarily those of the Society. Mention of a site in our publications does not imply that there is a right to access to that site or that permission to visit and collect specimens has been granted by the owner. Mention of a geological site does not imply that there is public access or the right to hammer and collect at that site. Advice in the publications is given in good faith. The Society accepts no liability for any inaccuracies.


·         General Meetings – Society business may be conducted at “General Meetings” that have been called by the General Secretary posting a notice to members in the Summer or Winter Programmes. Meetings called by e-mail or other means are not “General Meetings”. Meetings of specialist groups are not “General Meetings”.

·         Meetings are normally chaired by the President, Vice- President or General Secretary. Meetings of specialist groups are normally chaired by the convener or leader of that group meeting.

·         We do not have “standing orders” for the conduct of meetings because they are not too formal. If there is more formal business require a vote of members the Chair should ensure that there is adequate opportunity for members to speak in favour or against a proposal before the vote is taken.

Property -

The Society does not invest in buildings and land. Normally the Society invests in “low risk” savings accounts of banks or building societies, bonds, unit trusts or shares that will return an annual interest or dividend.

Any assets that the Society possesses should be kept safely by the Officers and should not be included as an asset in the Annual Accounts. These assets are – Society Archives, stock of publications for sale, medals to be awarded in the future, the books and maps in the Society’s library and other items donated or bequeathed by members.

The Society may choose to donate these assets to other organisations where they might be better cared for or used – for example parts of the archives have been donated to Hull Museum and the Local History Centre; geological specimens have been donated to the Museum. Terms and conditions for the donation will be agreed.

Publications -

·         Humberside Geologist

A peer-reviewed printed journal

·         Humberside Geologist Online

A peer-reviewed online journal which may include papers from the printed journal, alternative versions of those papers aimed at a wider readership and papers not in the print version.

·         Transactions of the Hull Geological Society

A previously publish journal of the HGS now out of print; a papers may be available on line.

·         East Yorkshire Field Studies

·         Hull GS Website

The Society website will include a listing of forthcoming events, reports of meetings, abstracts from meetings, photographic records of meetings and articles about local geology that have not been peer-reviewed.

·         Newsletters

The Secretary will send a printed newsletter with the three mailings to members. The Secretary will send an email newsletter to members who choose to receive e-mails, periodically. The Secretary may send an email newsletter to “friends of the Society” occasionally to advertise our events which are open to the public.

·         Society Programmes

·         Social Media

The Society has a Facebook page to occasionally to advertise our events which are open to the public and post reports about meetings. Our Data Protection Policy is followed when posting to this site.

Copyright Hull Geological Society.

Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2016

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
