Hull Geological Society
Trustees of the Hull Geological Society
The Trustees shall be the Officers of the Society
- Treasurer, General Secretary, President and Vice-President and sometimes the
Past President (if she/he is willing to continue to be a Trustee for at least
until such time as the bank, Charity Commission &c. have been informed of the
election of a new Trustee). They shall be the signatories on any bank accounts
held by the Society. Two signatures are required on all bank cheques and or
withdrawal requests.
Trustees must declare any conflict of interest
when dealing with the Society’s funds. They should not benefit from the
Society’s investments for example the Society should not invest in companies or
enterprises run by a Trustee or member of the Society.
Trustees must not have ever been declared bankrupt
nor have committed any financial fraud in the past nor be ineligible in any
other way as described by the Charity Commission. If an Officer of the Society
is not eligible to be a Trustee another member of the Society who is eligible
shall be elected as a replacement Trustee.
Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2016
Registered Educational Charity No. 229147