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Derek Gobbett 1934-2016

Unfinished Works

Margaret Gobbett has donated some of Derek's archives to the Society and has given the Society permission to publish some of his unfinished local projects.

Here are some of Derek's unfinished research papers about the geomorphology of East Yorkshire and related topics. These are unfinished works that have not been edited or peer reviewed by the Society. They are PDF documents.

A cross section of the Holderness Cliffs from Easington to Bridlington 2009 to 2016 (3.7 Mb)

A Geomorphological Atlas of the Yorkshire Wolds

The Geomorphology of the Vale of Pickering

The origins of the geomorphology of the Yorkshire Wolds  (1.2 Mb)

Pre-Devensian erratics from the Yorkshire Wolds (450 Kb)

The Quaternary deposits of Flamborough Head (180 Kb)

The Speeton Shell Bed

The Yorkshire Wolds: geology and landscape (260 Kb)


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