Hull Geological Society



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Society Policies



·         Eligibility

Anyone with an interest in geology is eligible to apply for membership of the Society. No specific qualifications are required. There are no age limits to membership.

·         Application and election

Applications should submit an application form to the Secretary along with their first annual subscription. The Secretary shall arrange for the application to be considered by an appropriate formal meeting of the Society (the AGM, a lecture meeting or quorate field meeting; not a meeting of a specialist group). Applicants may attend meeting of the Society before they are elected but may not vote at meetings.

·         What members receive from HGS

Members are entitled to attend most meetings of the Society including specialist group meetings. The only exceptions are field meetings where the site owner or operator imposes safety restrictions; student members under the age of 16 should be accompanied by a responsible adult; training may be required before attending some meetings of specialist groups.

Members may vote on proposals made at the AGM and other General meetings

Members will receive three mailings per year – the Summer Programme, the Winter Programme and the AGM agenda.

Members may use the Society’s Library.

Members will receive a free copy of Humberside Geologist if it is published in the year when they are a fully paid member.

Members using e-mail may wish to receive an email newsletter (subject to their e-mail security settings)

Members may volunteer to lead field meetings, help at events, join the Committee, and speak at Members’ Evenings…

·         First year of joining - if someone joins 2 months before the subscription year their subscription is deemed to start at the start of the subscription year; they may opt to pay again if they wish.

·         Data protection – the Society has a Data Protection Policy

·         Honorary membership – honorary members have the same rights and privileges as ordinary members.

·         Recognised delegates & representatives from other organisations – other organisations with an interest in the geology around Hull may be invited to send a representative to Hull Geological Society Committee Meetings. Those representatives may speak at meetings but are not entitled to a vote at the meetings. At present Hull Museums and the Geography Earth and Environmental Sciences Department of the University of Hull are invited to send a representative.

·         Lapsed membership –if a member is more than one year in arrears with her/his/their subscription and has failed to respond to reminders sent by the Secretary she/he/they may be considered to be a lapsed member and not be entitled to rights of membership listed above.

·         Lapsed Committee membership – if a Committee member is a lapsed member and has missed three Committee Meetings without send apologies she/he will be deemed to have resigned from the Committee.


Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2016

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
