Hull Geological Society


Local Geology
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Geology field guides and walks

Disclaimer – details about parking and facilities may have changes since the author last visited these sites.

Note all sites are best visited on a falling tide. For some the tide is critical either to view the site or to avoid getting stranded. You are recommended to wear a hard hat when examining cliffs.

Summary -

Hawsker Bottom

Conservation status -

Facilities - none

Access – down steep zig-zag muddy pathway best suited to mountain goats

Beach – mostly boulders

Hazards – the access route, falling rocks and the tide

Escape routes - none

Safety and PPE – hard hat and sensible clothes. Sensible footwear.

Geological highlights – Jurassic sandstones and mudstones; dinosaur footprints

dinosaur footprint at Hawsker

Copyright - Mike Horne and Hull Geological Society 2022

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
