The tills of Holderness may well contain different suites of erratic
rocks. Many of the erractics are grey and brown and not very
distinctive. Here is a list of the more distinctive ones seen
situ compiled from my own observations, the Lewis Penny Collection
and the Yorkshire Type Erratics Collection.
Withernsea Till at
Withernsea -
Chalk, grey flint, red chalk, coal (common), Middle Jurassic Rootlet Bed, New Red
Sandstone, basalt, Old Red Sandstone,
Pseudomytilloides dubius. Skipsea Till at Skipsea - Chalk, grey
flint, black flint, Old Red Sandstone, yellow quartz, coal,
dolerite, basalt, Larvikite, gneiss, pink chalk, New Red Sandstone,
white quartz, orange sandstone (? Tertiary), Carboniferous Limestone,
Jurassic belemnite, Speeton Clay belemnite, porphyry, fossils horsetail (Jurassic), greensand,
sandstones, Middle Jurassic plant bed, granites, black shale, quartzite,
coarse brown sandstone, amygdaloidal lavas, dolerite, Cheviot porphyry,
jasper, dark red microgranite, small modern shells, Brockram, carnelian.
Basement Till -
Arctica islandica,
Gryphaea, black
Links -
reports of the
East Yorkshire Boulder
CommitteeThe Lewis Penny Collection
The Yorkshire Type Erratics