Volume 7, page 166-7

Mr. M. Carmichael occupies a house at Kirk Ella which was formerly the residence of a Hull fish merchant. In the garden are a large number of rounded boulders which, in the old days of fishing smacks, were brought to Hull, dumped on the dock side, and eventually distributed to anybody who cared to have them; there being a large collection round the pond in the Pearson Park, Hull. These boulders are evidently ice-borne, and when they were picked out of the fishing net they were brought to Hull rather than be dropped overboard and allowed to foul the nets in future.


Sixteen chippings from these boulders at Kirk Ella were submitted to the Geological Survey Office, London, and they report as follows:


The specimens submitted are identified as follows:

1. Red medium grained granite.

2. Muscovite-biotite-granite.

3 (and 16). Biotite-granite with bluish quartz.

4. Biotite-granite.

5 (and 11). Fine-grained granites with thick yellow crust. No. 5 shows a flow or foliation structure

6. Pegmatitic granite with nests of biotite.

7 (and 13) Pink, porphyritic, muscovite-biotitic-granite.

8. Granite containing seams of mica-schist.

9. Pegmatitic granite with seams of mica.

10. Massive vein calcite.

12. Banded granulitic biotite-gneiss and biotite-schist.

14. Mica-gneiss formed by injection of pegmatite into mica-schist.

15. Pegmatite in granulitic biotite-gneiss.


The granites Nos. 2, 3, 4, 7, 13 might all be matched among the Aberdeen granites; Nos. I, 5, ii have no diagnostic features; Nos. 6, 8, 9, 14 and I5 are evidently derived from a granite-schist injection complex such as occurs in several areas of the Scottish Highlands, e.g. Aberdeenshire, Sutherland, etc.; No. 12 is one of the Highland Schists probably coarsened by proximity to granitic injection.


T.S. [Thomas Sheppard]


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