
Reported by Mr. G. W. B. MacTurk.

 South Cave. In superficial deposits two Upper Lias Ammonites, viz., A. communis, east of the village, 125 feet above O.D., and A. fibulatus, in a bed of rounded gravel at Kettlet!orpe. In connection with these records it is worthy of note that the present outcrop of Middle Lias is one mile to the west of the localities mentioned, and at a much lower level; and there is no outcrop of Upper Lias known in the neighbourhood.

Reported by Mr. C. THOMPSON, B.Sc. and Mr. H. A. DENHAM, B.A.

Aldborough. A large transported mass of Speeton Clay, 12 ft. × 7 ft. × I ft. 6 in., embedded in the boulder day which occupies the beach. The bedding is still intact, and the contained fossils are not crushed. The full extent of the boulder could not be seen as it dipped towards the cliff. The following fossils were noted :-- Exogyra sinuata, Bel. subquadratus, Astarte senica, and numerous Ammonites, all belonging to the zone D (Lamplugh). The only other recorded case of a transported mass of Speeton Clay is at Flamborough Head, immediately below the lighthouse, though Speeton fossils are very common in the drifts of this coast.

1908.  Reported by Mr. T. SHEPPARD, F.G.S.

Withernsea. A boulder of black flint in which a specimen of Belemnites lanceolatus is embedded. Black flints of this type have long been known in the glacial beds of the Yorkshire coast, and this species of belemnite has has been collected in large numbers. It is now apparent that both have a common origin. The various casts of echinoderms, in black flint, so common in our local drifts, are probably from the same source.

Dimlington. A rounded boulder of quartz-rhomb-porphyry --a rock only once previously recorded, viz., from Burstwick.

Reported by Mr. J. W. STATHER F.G.S.

Mapp|eton, A large patch of Speeton Clay, measuring 12 feet by 10 feet, on the beach, surrounded by boulder clay. The mass contained fragments of belemnffes and ammonites easily recognisable as characteristic of the Speeton Clay. On the same occasion, immediately north of the above, a mass of blacker clay, with crushed ammonites, believed to be Kimeridge Clay, was noted.

Reported by Mr. C: THOMPSON, B.Sc.

Aldborough. Large numbers of Lias Ammonites collected from the drifts of this locality, representing all the zones of the Lias but one, viz., the jamesoni zone.


Reported by Mr. H. E. DENHASL B.A.

Aldbrough. In the boulder clay of this locality a mass of shelly Lias limestone, (Bucklandi zone), containing the ammonite Arietites scipionanus. The specimen measured 24 inches in diameter, and is the largest recorded for Yorkshire, and possibly for the British Isles.

Reported by Mr. C. THOMPSON, B.Sc.

Hornsea. An ammonite from the jamesoni zone in the boulder clay. All the Lias zones are now known to be represented in these drifts. The work, so far, has revealed many new forms, about twenty species having been found either new to Yorkshire records or only doubtfully inserted therein. They include at least four species new to science. 

 Reported by Mr. J. W. STATHER.

Gristhorpe. Large slips of boulder day have recently occurred at Yons Hab, Gristhorpe Bay. Numerous boulders were noted, including a fine conglomerate, (" Brockram ") 4½ feet by 3½ feet by 2½ feet.

 Marfleet. The excavations for the .new dock at Marfleet, near Hull, have disclosed some fine sections in Humber warps, " Forest " Bed, and underlying glacial clays. From the latter, two Shap boulders have been obtained, the larger of which, 16 inches by 14½ inches, by the kindness of Mr. F. L. Pawley, has been placed in the Hull Museum.


[Note -This article has been scanned in from original printed format and then put through an OCR program by Mike Horne. The process may have introduced some new spelling errors to the texts. Some original misspellings have been corrected.]

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