AUGUST, 1901
Ayton, near
One rhomb-porphyry.
Hutton Bushell, Vale of
In gravel-pit at east end of village. One rhomb-porphyry.
Wykeham, Vale of Picketing. In sand-pit behind the
Downe Arms Hotel. Cheviot porphyrite, Lias.
Seamer. In glacial gravel in pit contiguous to
railway station. Rhomb-porphyry, Cheviot porphyrite, basalt, red granite,
Magnesian Limestone (Roker type), Carboniferous Limestone, black flint,
Lias, and much sandstone from local sources.
Etton, near Beverley. In strong boulder clay at east
etad of the village. Cheviot porphyrite (several varieties), greywacke
sandstone, Lias, &c.
Gardham, near Beverley, A shallow pit in chalky
gravel west of the village contained a few foreign pebbles, among which
Cheviot porphyrites were predominant. Basalt and Carboniferous Limestone was
also noted.
Reported by TtIOMAS SHEPPARD, F.G.S.
Meaux, near Beverley. Rhomb-porphyry, Cheviot
porphyrite, Carboniferous Limestone and sandstone, Lias.
Reported by J. W. STATHER, F.G.S.
near Beverley. In old gravel-pit east of Pump
Gravel consisting of chalk with a few foreign pebbles, chiefly Cheviot
porphyrites and greywacke sandstone.
near Beverley. Chalk capped with eight feet of boulder clay half mile east
of station. Among the pebbles of non-local rocks in the clay Cheviot
porphyrites greatly preponderate. Basalts are also plentiful. Greywacke
sandstone and Lias were also noted.
Farm, near North Burton. Fifty yards east
of house. Basalt, 4ft.×3 ft.×3ft.
Grindale-on-the-Wolds. Many boulders
occur in this neighbourhood, and a pavement has been made of them at Field
Spring. Basalts are the most common.
Dimlington. One dolerite, Eycott Hill ;
one gabbro, Carrock Fell.
Common, near Hull. Chalky gravel exposed in small pit on
side contains a small percentage of foreign rocks, including rhomb-porphyry,
basalt, Carboniferous Limestone, &c.
Dale, Vale of Picketing. In the railway cutting (though the beds are mapped
as glacial), east of the station, no foreign rocks seen; all local oolite.
Rported by JOHN
On the left of the pathway from Keswick to the top of Skiddaxv, about 30
yards above the second hut, 1450 feet above Keswick, glacial striae were
observed on the solid slate from ,vhich the turf had recently been removed.
The direction of the striae was W.S.W.
Reported by PAUL DAVIS and J. W. STATHER.
Lincolnshire. Three
large clay-pits near the railvay station show boulder-clay 30 to 40 feet
thick. Many hundreds of boulders of the usual east
types but of smaller average size. Among those noted were rhomb-porphyry,
syenite, Cheviot porphyrites, greywacke sandstone, hypersthene dolorite
(Eycott Hill), grey, black, pink, and green-coated flints.
Reported by F. F. WALTON,
Hornsea. Volcanic breccia
(4 in. X 3 in. × 3 in.) identical with boulders found in stream at Dunmail
Armboth dyke, quartz felsite (4 in. × 3 in. × 3 in.)
Greyvacke sandstone from the fol!oving
places :-
Calder Farm. Roddam Dene, Northumberland.
Alnmouth. Coast, Northumberland.
Carlton Bank. Stokesley,
North Yorkshire.
East Yorkshire.
East Yorkshire..
Ferriby Redcliff, north
bank of Humber,
East Yorkshire.
Flambro'. Railway
cutting north of station,
East Yorkshire.
Railway cutting,
East Yorkshire.
Etton, near Beverley. In
boulder clay, and close to village,
East Yorkshire.
Reported by W. WOOD.
tiull. Pebbles
of Cheviot porphyrite, chalk, Lias, and Carboniferous Limestone (striated),
obtained at a depth of 50 feet, Scott Street,
Barton-on-Humber. Quarry in glacial gravels, half
mile vest of the town. Gravel consists mainly of local chalk and flint, but
foreign rocks also occur as follows:- 2 coarse conglomerates 18 inches in
diameter ; 1 glaciated basalt 8 inches in diameter ; 1 Cheviot porphyrite 12
inches in diameter. Amongst the smaller foreign pebbles, Cheviot porphyrites
are the most common, but Magnesian Limestone (Roker type), greywackes,
basalts, Carboniferous limestone, and Lias also occurred.
Reportedby E. MAUL COLE, M.A., F.G.S.
Driffield. In the Highfield quarry. Rhomb-porphyry.
Reported by G. W. B. MACTURK.
Bluestone Bottoms, near Little Weighton.
In this vold valley, at an elevation of 25o0ft. above O.D., numbers of drift
pebbles occur, Cheviot porphyrites being especially abundant.
Wawne, near Hull. Pebbles of augite
syenite, rhomb-porphyry, basalt, greywacke, Cheviot porphyrite, black flint
and pink flint.
Easington (beach), Holderness. Shap
Granite, 8 in. × 8 in. × 8 in.
Meaux, near Hull Quartzite 3° inches in
diameter. Pebbles of rhomb-porphyry, Cheviot porphyrite, Carboniferous
sandstone, and Lias.
Robin Hoodd's Bay, &c. With regard to
this locality Mr Sheppard vrites as follows :-
A few years ago Mr. H. B. Muff, B. Sc.,
F.G.S., and the writer placed on record particulars of a collection of
boulders made at Robin Hood's Bay, the sources of some of whch could not at
that time be ascertained. Since then Mr. Muff's appointment on the
Geological Survey has brought him into contact with Scottish Geology and
Scottish Geologists. To two of these latter (Messrs. B. N. Peach, F.R.S.,
&c., and E. H. Cunningham-Craig, B.A., F.G.S.), he has submitted several of
the Robin Hood's Bay boulders. These gentlemen have identified some
undoubted Perthshire rocks amongst the specimens, particulars of which are
given below. It is interesting to note that they were principally obtained
from the Upper Boulder Clay, which yields such a large proportion of Cheviot
It should
perhaps here be mentioned that Mr. Muff draws attention to the fact that the
Ochil and Pentlands andesites and porphyrites are as like the Cheviot rocks
that, as a group, the Cheviot rocks cannot be identified from them. It is
also pointed out that the red jaspar so commonly met with on the East coast
is from the Radiolarian Chert beds of the Southern Uplands. Remains of
Radiolaria can often be detected with a lens. The " Haggis Rock," a fine
example of which was obtained on our recent excursion to Aldbrough, is also
from the north edge of the Southern Uplands. A rock from Lanarkshire (North
side of the Southern Upland Watershed) has also been identified in Yorkshire
; and it is probable that many of the coarse dolerites and diabases found in
East Yorkshire
have come from Scotch Midland Carboniferous Sills.
Mr. Muff has kindly
presented the specimens to the Htfll
where they can be referred to at any time.
Particulars of boulders identified by
Messrs. B. N. Peach and E. H. Cunningham-Craig :--
1. Old Red
Beach boulder, Robin Hood's Bay
2 Lower Old Red
Clay, Whitby.
3. Epidiorite, Perthshire. Beach boulder, Robin
Hood's Bay.
4. Moine Schist,
probably Perthshire. Beach boulder, Robin Hood's Bay.
5. Leny Grits,
Upper Boulder
Clay, Robin Hood's Bay.
6. Ben Ledi Grits.
Clay, Egton Brick Works Cleveland.
7. Leny Grits, Perthshire. Beach boulder, Robin
Hood's Bay.
8. Leny Grits, Perthshlre. Stonegate, Clevelaod.
9. Queensbury Grits,
Southern Uplaods.
(contains fragments of black slate and crinoids)
10. Haggis Rock (Top of
Llandeilo), Southern Uplands.
Upper Boulder
Clay, Robin Hood's Bay. (This rock contains fragments of chert with
remains of Radiolaria).
Reported by.
Burstwick, Holderness. Foyaite (Brdgger)
Koelle. 5 in. × 4 in. × 4 in.
Dimlington, Holderness. Zircon syenite. 2
small boulders. Angermanland granite, Join. × 5 in. × 5 in. Coal measure
shale, with many anthracosia, 6 in. × 4 in. × 2 in. Pebble of Chalk with
plate of Marsupites ornatus attached.
Middleton-on-the-Wolds. In a gravel and sand-pit at
west end of the village, O.D., occurs gravel consisting chiefly of waterworn
chalk and flint pebbles, with a small percentage of foreign pebbles,
including rhomb-porphyry, coarse red granite, basalts, ganister and grits,
many Cheviot porphyrites, Lias (ammonite).
Shap Granite, 3 ft. × 2 ft. x 2 ft.
Wykeham, Vale of Pikering. In a sand-pit
behind the Down Arms Hotel. A flint cast of Ananchytes ovatus.
Reported by F. F. WALTON, F.G.S.
Aldbrough, Holderness. Haggis rock.
Hayburn Wyke. Haggis Rock.
Hornsea, Holderness. Rhomb porphyry with
amygdules. Shap Granite, 18 in. × 12 in. × m. Shap Granite, 8 in. × 5 in. ×
3 in. Bedded volcanic ash, probably Barrodale series. Lower Silurian
conglomerates, greywackes (Queensbury grits), &c.
AUGUST, 1903.
Reported by W. CHADWICK.
Holderness. Dolerite, 36 in. x 31 in. × 32 in. Situated quarter of a mile
south of the bridge.
Reported by W. H. CROFTS.
Hornsea. Millstone Grit, 12 in. × 9 in. ×8 in.
Reported by P. F. KENDALL, F.G.S.
Burstwiek. Five or six boulders of the
Trachytic rocks of S.E. Scotland.
by G. W. B. MACTURK.
Little Weighten. Chalky dry valley
deposit near Dannatt's Chalk quarry, 300 feet above sea level, containing
pebbles of basalt, quartzite, and sandstone.
Basalt, 54 in. ×36 in. × 24 in. Situated on the roadside between Bushey Hill
and Little Wood Plantation,
about two and a half miles east of Newbald, 37 feet above sea level.
Probably removed from the adjacent field.
Reported by THOS. SHEPPARD, F.G.S.
Brough. In the boulder
report for the year 1899 a record was made of a large boulder of Augite
Syenite at the Mill Hill gravel quarry, Brough. This boulder has been
transferred to the Hull
Kelsey Hill.
Carboniferous Limestone, 57 in. x 41 in. × 29 in. Found during excavation,
15 feet below the surface. This boulder is now at the
Hull Museum.
Aldbrough. A large mammoth tooth weighing
8 lbs.
Sand-le-Mere, Holderness. Small mammoth
tooth, found on the beach.
Reporled by J. W. STATHER, F.G.S.
Hornsea. Small boulder of Keuper Marl,
showing pseudomorphs of crystals of common salt.
Reported by F. F. WALTON, F.G.S.
Hornsea. Coarse Red Granite, 42 in, × 3°
in. x 24 in. Augen Gneiss, 24 in. x 24 in. x 20 in.. Dalbeatte Granite, 12
in × 6 in.× 5 in.
AUGUST, i904.
Reported by G. W. B. MACTURK.
Raywell, near
Hull. In connection
with the making of the new reservoir at Raywell an interesting section has
been exposed, consisting of boulder clay 10 feet thick, resting on chalk 230
feet O.D. The boulder clay appears to be in two divisions, a red upper clay
and a blue or lead-coloured lower clay. Among the erratics the following
were recognised :--Carboniferous Limestone, ganister, porphrite, greywacke,
basalt, &c.
In the field adjoining the railway, 300 yards east of the railway station.
Carboniferous Limestone, Lower Lias, soft yellow sandstone, ganister, &c.
Reported by THOS. SttEPPARD, F.G.S.
Kilnsea, near Spurn. Two mammoth teeth.
[Note -This article has been scanned in from original printed format
and then put through an OCR program by Mike Horne. The process may have introduced some new
spelling errors to the texts. Some original misspellings have been corrected.]
Copyright Hull Geological
Society 2020