VOLUME V. PART II. [page] 29.





March 23rd, 1899.--Annual General Meeting--Royal Institution, Hull. The President, F. F. Walton, F.G.S., in the chair.

The Secretary read a report of the year's work, and the Treasurer presented a balance sheet ; both of which were adopted.

The Officers and Committee for the Session were elected as follows :--

President : J. W. Stather, F.G.S.

 Vice-Presidents : F, F. Walton, F.G.S., L.R.C.P., Rev. E. Maule Cole, M.A., F.G.S., Alf. Harker, M.A., F.G.S., Percy F. Kendall, F.G.S., G. W. Lamplugh, F.G.S. 

Treasurer and Librarian : W. H. Crofts

Recorders : T. Sheppard, F.G.S., A. Stather

Committee : M. Carmichael, P. Davis, J. Carlton, J. F. Robinson, T. Thelwall, T. R. Williams: Secretary: W. S. Parrish.


A series of Field Excursions was also arranged.

November 3rd.--The Recorders reported on the Summer Excursions. Mr. J. Stears exhibited lantern slides illustrating the geology of [amaica.

November 16th.--A resolution was passed calling the attention of the Hull Corporation to the probability of Mr. J. R. Mortimer's Driffield collections being removed from the East Riding, and urging that these collections should be secured for the City of Hull.

Mr. Paul Davis read a summary of Geological Survey Reports recently published by the Danish Government.

Mr. P. F. Kendall, F.G.S., gave an address on " The Age of the Earth."

December 16th.--Mr. All. Harker, M.A.,F.G.S, gave an address entitled "Glacial Observations in Skye”

The Rev. J. E. Shephard, F.G.S., exhibited a collection of rocks from the district of Loch Fyne, Scotland.

January 23rd, 1900.--Mr. J. w. Stather, F.G.S., read a short paper entitled “Glacial Stratigraphy."

The members of the Photographic Committee exhibited a number of photographs and lantern slides illustrating local geology.

February 5th ---Mr, F.W. Fierke, M.C.S., read a paper on "Fossil Shells of Holderness." Mr. G. Ross followed with a paper on "The Squid and the Belemnite"

March 30th,--Mr. Godfrey  Bingley, President of the Leeds Geological Society and of the Leeds :Photographic Society lectured on "The Yorkshire Dales."

Mr. W. H. Crofts, exhibited a set of striated boulders from the Permo-Carboniferous glacial beds of Victoria. and a photograph showing ,the beds resting on a floor of scratched Silurian rock.


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