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 Secretary's Annual Report for 2008-2009

This year 11 individuals, families and institutions joined the Society and there were four resignations. There are at present about 117 members, of which five are honorary and four are institutions.

 Over the past year we held two special meetings to remember past-President Lynden Emery, who died in January 2008. These were a field excursion to Speeton and a lecture about the Speeton Clay by Honorary Member Pete Rawson. Ann Emery attended both events. We also visited Speeton with Jack Doyle to celebrate the 50th anniversary of his first fieldwork there. Unfortunately Jack tells us that the site is now being over-collected in an unscientific way. The Speeton Clay still has much potential for research but it will only reveal its secrets through careful bed-by-bed recording of the fauna.

 In total we have held five field meetings, six evening lectures, a joint afternoon meeting with the Yorkshire Geological Society, ten microscopy evenings, a microfossils workshop, a workshop on leading and organising field trips, two geology roadshows for the public, three research field trips and our annual spring clean up and social event at Rifle Butts SSSI. Unfortunately three field trips had to be cancelled and the theme for the joint meeting with the YGS had to be changed at short notice.

 On behalf of the Society I would like to thank the Committee for their support, especially Patty McAlpin who is retiring from the Committee after three years.

I thank David Baker for his work on the Society Web-site and Chris Blackhurst our Publicity Officer for continuing to raise the profile of the Society and attract new members, the Geography Department at the University for hosting the meetings; all the speakers and field meeting leaders. I also thank Dick Middleton for his Committee work as the University's Representative, over the last 20 years, who has recently decided to retire. His place on our Committee will be taken by Dr Mike Rogerson.

 Mike Horne, March 2009.

 Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2023

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
