Hull Geological Society


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 Secretary's Annual Report for 2000-2001

  In the summer we held nine field meetings, which were well supported. Two trips were cancelled due to illness. The walk around Spring Bank Cemetery attracted over 250 people, which shows a growing public interest in our local environment. There were also special public events for Science Week. We also led walks for the University Science Club and the Yorkshire Wolds Heritage Trust.

  The Society has maintained contact with several other geological societies and other conservation and local interest groups. Members of the Society continue to play an active role in the local RIGS Group, which this year has designated a further 15 sites and is considering urban geological educational sites. We also put on a display of geology and fossils at the South Ferriby Cement Works open day and raised nearly £12 for local charities.

  The Winter Programme consisted of six meetings, plus a joint afternoon meeting with the Yorkshire Geological Society. The Mark Piasecki Tribute Lecture had to be postponed, but we hope to rearrange it for a Saturday afternoon in the early summer. I would like to thank all our guest speakers and those who have helped at our meetings. The abstracts from the joint meeting were published in Humberside Geologist.

  We published No. 13 of our journal Humberside Geologist, in December 2000. This was the biggest ever edition with 82 pages. It was a bit of rush to get it ready and meet our printer's deadline. I hope we will not have to rush so much next millennium!

  Membership remains healthy. Eleven new members joined the Society during the year and there was one resignation. Dr Lewis Penny, an honorary member of the Society died in August; we are planning a memorial meeting in October as a tribute to his researches in the Quaternary.

  The Society wishes to thank members who have made donations to our funds. In particular we thank Singleton Birch Quality Lime Products of Melton Ross Lincolnshire for sponsoring Humberside Geologist, a member who donated the cost of the mini-bus hire for our trip to Castleton and Gordon Binns for selling geological calendars in aid of the Society. These donations have helped us keep the subscriptions low and fulfil our charitable aims of bringing the science of geology to a wider audience in Hull and the surrounding area. We also thank the Geography Department of Hull University and Hull Museums for their continued support and hospitality.

   Thank you to all members of the Committee for their help during the year and all those who have helped at our meetings.

Mike Horne FGS, Hon. General Secretary, March 2001


Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2020

Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
