Hull Geological Society


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 Secretary's Annual Report for 1999-2000

I am pleased to report that 1999-2000 has been another successful and interesting year for the Society. There have been a few problems, two lectures had to be postponed and the date of another altered. The Public lecture at The Ferens Art Gallery, by Martin Whyte on dinosaur footprints, attracted 60-70 people.

The Summer Programme attracted good numbers for the field meetings, varying from 12 to 24. It seems that they are becoming more popular than the lectures. I remember that when I joined the Society the lectures averaged 3 dozen attendance and the field meetings half a dozen!

We included special introductory meetings and these attracted bigger numbers. The Roadshow, city walk and public lecture seem to be popular annual events.

We have been making more use of computers and the internet. I have started an e-mail newsletter to members and friends of the Society, containing the announcements that I make at meetings. Nigel Whittington has put Humberside Geologist on the world wide web and we plan to publish articles on the web once they have been edited in advance of the printed version. We have started to reach a wider audience and gain new members via the web; one lady from Vancouver attended our Whitby field meeting as a result of visiting the site. I am aware though that the majority of members do not have access to the web and so must point out that this is in addition to the normal service to members and will not replace the mailings that are sent out.

I would like to thank all our guest speakers, leaders of the field meetings and members of the Committee for their help during the year. We are all grateful to Jim Darmody, Bob Head and Mick Stanley who are retiring from the Committee. The Society is also grateful for the continued support and hospitality of the Geography Department of the University of Hull and Hull Museums.

Mike Horne FGS, Honorary General Secretary, 28th February 2000


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