Hull Geological Society


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 Society Newsletters for  1999

The first newsletter was sent to members by e-mail on 11the September 1999.

newsletter number 1 - Trevor Sands has set up his own web-site with pictures of local fossils from his collection. Peter Graves died in June 1999. He joined the Society in 1969. Remember to visit the Society web-site

newsletter number 2 - 20th September 1999

I had not intended to send the second newsletter so soon after the first, but there seems plenty of things happening, so here it is:-

I have had an enquiry from Mr Wilson in Scarborough about mining in the area. He asks for a section of the strata in the area between Staxton Wold and West Heslerton (which I can probably help with). He writes " Also do you know if they mined a mineral in the Dikes and Shafts and what year was this completed? One final question, can you tell me when the two Water Mills were built at Sherburn, the wheels being fed from Sked Dale?" Can anyone help?

 Another enquiry is from Jean Avery who writes "On a visit to Hull Museum some months ago I noted the fine exhibition on East Yorkshire Geology and, in particular, the Humber Lake. It is of great interest to me, living in Wilberfoss, as I am embarking on a village history when time permits, and I want to start at the beginning. The Humber Lake forms part of this and I was wondering whether you can point me in the right direction for maps, drawings and/or articles showing its location and spread, history and disappearance? Any info would be greatly appreciated and acknowledged."

 Also, Trevor Sands asks " Do you know of any quarries in the South Yorkshire area that have any of the Jurassic Lias, clays or rock exposed in them where it is still possible to gain entry to and collect from.?"

There will be a meeting of the East Yorkshire RIGS Group on Thursday 7th October, at Monument Buildings, next to the Ferens Art Gallery, starting at 7-30pm. We will discuss the planning applications affecting 3 RIGS sites and the adoption of a constitution. Mick Stanley will give a report on the UKRIG conference and AGM.

Meetings of the Yorkshire Geological Society:

13th November, at Hull University. lectures on the ‘Triumphs and disasters of engineering geology’ If you would like to display specimens, posters or photographs at this meeting, please let me know a.s.a.p. Also, I expect that help with making the tea and showing people around would be appreciated, please contact me if you can help.
4th December, College of Ripon & York St.John; AGM and Presidential Address I: Dinosaur behaviour - the answer lies in the tracks on the Yorkshire coast Dr. M. Romano. This will be followed by the Annual Dinner, which a group of Hull G S members usually attend. If you are interesting in sharing lifts please let me know.

We are affiliated to both the GA and the YGS so our members can attend their meetings.

E-mail newsletter no. 3

I saw in the paper that the East Riding Council has decided to carry out an environmental impact survey following the planning application to fill Middleton Chalk Pit RIGS due to the orchids and butterflies that can be found there.

 I have heard that the Retford Geological and Palaeontological Group has ceased to exist. Reg Mason, the Secretary, sends his best wishes to Hull Geological Society members. He thanks us for our help in forming the group and allowing them to attend our meetings.

 The British Association has invited the Society to send a couple of people to an evening meeting in York on 2nd November, to discuss Science Week 2000 and meet fellow participants. Would anyone like to go and represent the Society? Alternatively you could attend a meeting at the Dennison Centre at Hull University at 6-30 pm on Thursday 4th November. If you would like to attend please telephone Jim Dumsday at the University on 466326 and also let me know.

 E-mail newsletter no. 4. 22 Oct 99

 There will be the first Annual General Meeting of the East Yorkshire RIGS Group on Sunday 21st November at Monument Buildings, next to the Ferens Art Gallery, starting at 2 p.m.  Please contact me if you would like a copy of the agenda and proposed constitution or if you would like your name to be added to the membership list. Please pass on details to anyone else you think may be interested.

 I have heard that there will be roadworks on the A1034, near South Cave Station Quarry for 6 weeks from 1st November. Lawrence Sherringham wondered if there will be any rocks exposed especially Oxford Clay? If anyone is in the area and sees a new exposure please let me know so I can pass details on to members who may be interested.

 There is a planning application by Stoneledge to quarry chalk from Riplingham Railway Cutting, NGR 950335. Does anyone know what horizon they are working in ? Do you think the RIGS Gp should take an interest?

 There are some new pages due to go on the Web site. There is a Society Notice-board - for queries, news and links, if you would like to post something on the notice-board please e-mail me or Nigel. There will soon be a Scrapbook with photos and reports of field meetings. Hopefully there will soon be more from Humberside Geologist and perhaps some articles that are being written for the next one. Also, in the pipeline is some Hull City geology.

 We were all sorry that Steve Temperley could not come to Hull to give the Mark Piasecki Tribute Lecture. I decided that it would not have been right to have an alternative lecture, but some members did display fossils or give brief talks about local geology. We hope that Steve's lecture can be re-arranged for the spring or next Autumn. I attach a picture of Mark Piasecki, sent in by Judith Bryce.

E-mail newsletter no. 5  - 6th November 1999

John Barry of Cromer (now aged 80) has resigned from the Society, I have passed on our best wishes to him for the future.

 Tim Langdale-Smith has sent me details of a new exposure near Worlaby Hall in Lincolnshire - Red Chalk, Carstone overlying a white sand. Does anyone fancy having a look, I can send you more details if you are interested.

 If you would like to receive (free) copies of the English Nature Magazine you can e-mail [them] your name and address.  It usually includes a few bits about geological SSSIs or RIGS.

e-newsletter number 6  - 13th November 1999

   I am writing to inform you that the date of our December meeting has been changed. The lecture and demonstration by Dr Ben Gearey, of Hull University entitled 'Palynological approaches to Holocene landscape change in Yorkshire' will now be held on Thursday 2nd December, in the ground floor Earth Science Laboratory of the Geography Dept at 7-30pm.    Can members please acknowledge receipt of this message if they do NOT wish to receive a copy through the post?

... Lastly if you have any suggestions for next year's lectures or field meeting please contact me or any member of the Committee. If you would like to volunteer to join the Committee please let me know. It has been suggested that we hold a joint meeting with the Yorkshire Geological Society in 2000 or 2001, would you like to suggest a theme or some speakers?

E-newsletter number  - 7 Nov 28th 1999

   We have had enquiry from Nick Hall, a research Student, who would like information about exposures of the Bridlington Crag.

   Felix has been to see the exposure at the roadworks on the old railway bridge on the A1034, near South Cave Station Quarry. He says that the top of the Cave Oolite is exposed, but no fossils.

  Gordon and Chris would like any info about the Oxford Clay in Yorkshire coast and South Cave, photos and fossils .... They are trying to do a web site of the Oxford Clay of Yorkshire,  thank you.

    There is a chance of some funding for a Hull City Centre geological trail leaflet - could you help by nominating your favourite shop front or building?

 I have had a letter from Eric Robinson of the G A about the Pocklington Canal, apparently it is a SSSI and boats are not allowed to travel along it because that would damage the wildlife. He wonders if the Society would support an application to change this, as there would be nice views of the Wolds? What do you think?

E-newsletter number 8  - 14th December 1999

Advance notice of some things we have organised for Science Week 2000:

 Display of local rocks and fossils at Central Library, Albion Street, Hull. by Nigel Whittington of Hull Geol. Soc. and Matt Stephens of Hull Museums. From Monday 13th March for 2 weeks.

Saturday 18th March - Rock, Mineral and Fossil Roadshow, in the Ferens Art Gallery, Queen Victoria Square. 11-00 a.m. until 3 p.m. Bring in you old fossils and rocks for identification by members of Hull Geological Society and Hull Museum's staff. Entry Free. Sorry - no valuations.

 Saturday 25th March - 'Pick your own Microfossils' for RockWatch at Hull University. Some help would be appreciated.

Sunday 26th March - Walk around Hull City Centre looking at Building Stones and shop fronts (hopefully the launch of a trail leaflet), led by members of the Hull Geological Society. Meet outside City Information Office, City Hall, Queen Victoria Square. Starts at 10 a.m., lasts about 2 hours, bring a magnifying glass if you have one.

 I am starting to compile a list of people, groups and institutions interested in taking part and helping to organise a Yorkshire/Northern England Festival of Geology in the year 2004, please let me know if you would like to be kept informed.

 Query : does anybody know if the beach at Tunstall near Roos has level access suitable for wheel chairs? Can you recommend other coastal sites with reasonable access?

 Prof Dick Moody the President of the G.A. sends the Society best wishes for Christmas and the Millenium.

E-newsletter no. 9 - 28/12/99 

Please remember that our next meeting is Thursday 20th January 2000: Members’ Evening at the Hull and East Riding Museum, High Street, Hull. You are all welcome to give a short talk or slideshow, or bring a display of photos or specimens. The meeting starts at 7-30 p.m. Please let me know if you want to contribute to the meeting so that I can plan the agenda.

Terry Rockett has sent me a cutting from the Hull Daily Mail about the Wold Newton Meteorite:

"A famous meteorite is being returned to the East Riding farm where it crashed out of the sky more than 200 years ago. … The object, weighing 56 lbs., smashed into the ground at Wold cottage, Wold Newton, near Driffield, on November 13 1795. … Prof. Colin Pillinger of the Open University Planetary Sciences research Institute will give an illustrated lecture on its history. Farmer Derek Gray, who owns Wold Cottage, said: 'The meteorite is part of our heritage, and we are thrilled that it is coming back to the village for the event.'"

 Diego Alvarez sends his best wishes to members of the Society. He is now designing Braille printers in Spain

Fossil collecting on the North Yorkshire coast - there will be a meeting in Scarborough on 24th January to discuss issues concerning fossil collecting at popular localities and the problems that arise, as part of the Yorkshire Dinosaur Coast Project. If you have any views on the matter please let me know and I will pass them on to the meeting -  what are your favourite sites, are they being over-collected, should collecting be discouraged or encouraged, can you suggest alternative sites, should there be more information for the public …&c.? The Society has been invited to send a delegate.

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