Event form
(Please complete a form for each event that you are organising. Please cut and paste this page into an e-mail and return it to the YGM organising committee.The information you provide will be pasted on to our website and into other publicity.)
What? Title and brief description of event.
When? Date, start time, finish time (you may want to give exact details only to those who book).
Where? Place, including grid reference and directions if necessary (you may want to give exact details only to those who book).
Who? Name of the leader(s) or speaker(s) or organisers and the society, organisation or business that the event is being run on behalf of, if any. Contact name, address, telephone, e-mail, website. (This information will be made public unless you specify otherwiseby putting at the end of this list. We will try to protect your e-mail address from spam-robots if you wish).
How? Further information about the event:
Is the event suitable for all?
Who is it not suitable for? (e.g. age restrictions, disabled access)
Is booking required?
How to book -
Maximum number of people -
Is there a fee?
Nearest car parking. Is there a charge for car parking -
Nearest public transport -
Nearest public conveniences -
Things that will be provided (e.g. handouts, protective equipment) -
Things to take to the event (including an protective clothing) -
Is there any safety advice that people need to know in advance?
Advanced reading (e.g. books/websites where people can get information before the event)
Summary - please provide a summary of the above information in about 30 to 40 words (maximum 60) - this will go on the links page of the web-site and into the leaflets and posters - please include :- title of the event, leader(s), organisers, costs, booking, any restrictions, contact details for more information.Any confidential information only to be shared only by the Organising Cttee should be listed below this line.
NOTE - It is the responsibility of event organisers to pass on safety information to those attending. Yorkshire Geology Month does not have any liability insurance. By returning this form you are giving permission for this information to be made available to the public and for your details to be held on a computer. We will cut and paste the information you send us into our web-pages and leaflets.
In the first instance please return this form to Mike Horne
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Copyright - Hull Geological Society 2021
Registered Educational Charity No. 229147