Skipsea Withow Mere

references -

Barbara A. Brayshay and Mark Dinnin 1999. Integrated Palaeoecological Evidence for Biodiversity at the Floodplain-Forest Margin. Journal of Biogeography, Vol. 26, pp. 115-131

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Hunt, C.O., Hall, A.R. & Gilbertson, D.D. 1984 The palaeobotany of the Late-Devensian sequence at Skipsea Withow Mere. Late quaternary environments and man in Holderness (ed. by D.D. Gilbertson), pp. 81-108. British Archaeological Reports, British Series 134, Oxford.

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Marsters T 2011. Skipsea Withow Mere. Humberside Geologist 15

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"In the Summer of 1993, Barry Constantine was involved in an archaeological excavation of the old mere at Skipsea Withow. The excavation was funded by ..." Humberside Geologist 11

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