Mike Horne FGS

Honorary Fellow, University of Hull.

Bibliography of geological articles.

- 1976. Geology of Hull University. Journal of the Harker Geological Society 10, 73.

- 1984. A short walk near North Newbald. Humberside Geologist 4, 17-18.

- 1984. Hull Geological Society's members evening, 9th. February 1984. Humberside Geologist 4, 1.

- 1986. From our archives :- A letter from Rev. E Maule Cole. Humberside Geologist 5, 31.

- 1986. Hull Geological Society Field Meetings 1985. A year of plenty. Humberside Geologist 5, 12.

- F Whitham & L Emery 1986. In Memoriam - Kenneth Fenton B.Sc. 1924-1985. Humberside Geologist 5, 3.

- 1986. Members Evening [of the Hull Geological Society] 1985. Humberside Geologist 5, 28.

- 1986. Notes and comments. Humberside Geologist 5, 6 + 14.

- 1986. Past Officers of the Hull Geological Society, 1888 -1985. Humberside Geologist 5, 29-30.

- 1986. The Geology of Pearson Park, Hull. Humberside Geologist 5, 27.

- 1986. Tom Sheppard "Hyper-Scientist". Humberside Geologist 5, 5-6.

- & L H Emery 1988. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 6, 2.

- 1987. The Geology of Melton Bottoms Chalk Quarry [Conference Poster]

- 1988. Field Excursions 1986-7. Humberside Geologist 6, 12-13.

- 1988. Kenneth Fenton and the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 6, 7-8.

- 1988. Members evening 1988. Humberside Geologist 6, 25.

- & F Whitham 1988. North Newbald Quarry revisited. Humberside Geologist 6, 20-23.

- 1988. Notes and comments. Humberside Geologist 6, 28-29.

- 1988. The Centenary Chalk Project of the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 6, 19-20.

- 1988. The Stratigraphy of the Yorkshire Chalk [Conference Posters on behalf of the Centenary Chalk Project]

- & F Whitham 1988. The Turonian of South Ferriby, Middlegate Quarry. Humberside Geologist 6, 18.

- 1989. The History of the Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 7. 40pp.

- & R Harrison 1991. A Geological Walk in the City of Hull. Humberside Geologist 8, 21-25.

- 1991. C F B Shillito. Humberside Geologist 8, 6-7 +11.

- 1991. Cheesecake County. Hull Daily Mail May 10th.

- 1991. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 8, .

- 1991. Field Meetings 1990. Humberside Geologist 8, 26-30.

- 1991. Holderness and Global Warming. The Avenues Shopper 7, 1-2.

- 1991. Living with Global Warming. The Avenues Shopper 8, 1-2.

- 1991. Notes and Comments. Humberside Geologist 8, 5 + 39.

- 1991. [Rifle Butts SSSI]. Humberside Geologist 8, 30.

- 1991. Summer Meetings 1988. Humberside Geologist 8, -5.

- 1991, The Black Band Member. p 12-13 of L H Emery. M J Horne & F Whitham - South Ferriby and Welton Wold [Field Meeting] 15 June 1991. Yorkshire Geological Society field meeting guide.

- , L Emery & F Whitham 1991. The stratigraphy of the Chalk at Thixendale. Humberside Geologist 8, 33-34.

- 1991. The Structure of the Yorkshire Wolds. p 9-10 of L H Emery, M J Horne & F Whitham - Flamborough Coastal Area [Field Meeting] 16 June 1991. Yorkshire Geological Society field meeting guide.

- in Robinson E 1991. Why not England? Do we need English Geology Week? Geologists' Association Circular 887, 8.

- Figs 1 & 2 in Whitham 1991. The stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Ferriby, Welton and Burnham Formations north of the Humber, north east England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 48, 227-254.

- 1992. A Bibliography of East Yorkshire Geology 1938 to 1988. Humberside Geologist 9, 46 pp.

- & C Dutton 1992. Rifle Butts SSSI. [Handout for use by the Y.W.T. Warden] 5pp.

- 1992, Editorial. Humberside Geologist 10, 1.

- 1992. Flint Meal. Humberside Geologist 10, 26.

- , D Beveridge, C Heyes & M May 1992. Members' Evening 1992. Humberside Geologist 10, 10-11.

- 1992. Notes and Comments. Humberside Geologist 10, 7-9.

- 1992. [additional note to] Report of excursions to South Ferriby and Barton, August 18th 1888. Humberside Geologist 10, 3.

- 1992. Starting Geology in East Yorkshire. Humberside Geologist 10, 13.

- & R Harrison 1992. The East Riding Boulder Committee, reports for the years 1987 to 1991. Humberside Geologist 10, 18-22.

- 1993. Introducing the Geology of East Yorkshire. Geological Society of Norfolk & Hull Geological Society field meeting notes. 25pp.

- 1993. Opportunities for collecting from Rifle Butts Quarry, Humberside. Geologists' Association Circular no. 897, 19.

- 1993. Rifle Butts SSSI. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular no. 439,7.

- 1993. The Chalk of Flamborough Head. Hull Geol. Soc. 6pp.

- 1993. [Microfossil correlation and dating] pp. 246, 250, 255 of Whitham F 1993, The Stratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous Flamborough Chalk Formation, North of the Humber, north-east England. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 49, 235-238.

- & M Fry 1993. Urban Geology Fieldwork : Hull City Centre. Field meeting guide for Association for Science in Education, 7pp.

D Beveridge & - 1994. Conserving an SSSI. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular no. 446, 4.

- 1994. Discovering Science [ new lobster species and first dinosaur in the Speeton Clay ] Spotlight on Chemistry (University of Hull) 6, 5.

- 1994. Focus on ... Hull Geological Society (founded 1888). Down to Earth 6,13.

- 1994. Hull Geological Society. Founded 1888. Spotlight on Chemistry (University of Hull) 4, 5-6 (not numbered).

- 1994. Introducing the Geology of East Yorkshire [revised edition]. Hull University Adult Education & Workers Education Association field meeting notes. 24pp.

- 1994. The Stratigraphy of the Yorkshire Chalk [revised] - field trip handout, 3pp.

- 1994. Yorkshire Group [field meeting report] Geoscientist 4, no.1, 60.

- 1995. Conserving the Rocks. Spotlight on Chemistry (University of Hull) 8

- 1995. East Yorkshire RIGS. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular no. 454, 9-10.

- 1995. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 11,2.

- 1995. Field Meetings 1993 Humberside Geologist 11, 44-46.

- 1995. Geological Conservation in East Yorkshire. Humberside Geologist 11, 65-68.

- 1995. Geology in the City. Humberside Geologist 11, 3-4.

- 1995. Going Underground [What is under Hull University ?] Spotlight on Chemistry (Hull University) 7, 26.

- 1995. Notes and Comments Humberside Geologist 11, 69-70.

- , D K Beveridge, G Scaife et al. 1995. Rifle Butts Quarry (information leaflet). Yorkshire Wildlife Trust, York.

- 1995. The Black Band Member. Humberside Geologist 11,40-41.

- , L Emery, S Mitchell & F Whitham 1995. The geology of the Market Weighton bypass. Humberside Geologist 11, 25-33.

- 1996. The marl bands of the northern Chalk and their origin. [Abstract]. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular .

- 1998. First UK RIGS Conference. Geologists' Association Circular No. 931, 13-14.

- 1998. Report of the First U K RIGS Conference. RIGS Briefing, November 1998

- 1999. Another letter from Mary Sheppard. Humberside Geologist 12 ,11

- 1999. Professor Ansel Dunham, obituary. Humberside Geologist 12 , 3

- 1999. The Geology of the Hull Fish Trail. Humberside Geologist 12 , 4-7

- 1999. Holderness Stratigraphy. (personal web page)

- 1999. Pictures of erratics.  (personal web page)

- 1999. Report of the first UK RIGS Conference. Humberside Geologist 12, 34-7

- & Dutton C 1999. Rifle Butts SSSI. Humberside Geologist 12, 37-39

- 1999. Starting a small fossil collection. Humberside Geologist 12, 12-17.

- 1999. The Ice Age in East Yorkshire UK. (personal web page)

- 1999. Yorkshire's Ice Age Coast (personal web pages)

- 1999. Yorkshire's Jurassic Park. Humberside Geologist 12 , 4-7

- & N Whittington, 1998. Visit to Boulby Potash Mine. Humberside Geologist 12, 66-7

- 2000. A new Chalk ammonite from Selwicks Bay. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 491, 2.

- 2000. A new Chalk ammonite from Selwicks Bay.- Humberside Geologist 13, 75.

- contribution to - various authors, 2000. Tourists' rock, fossil and mineral map of Great Britain. British Geological Survey.

- 2000. A year in the life of….Hull Geological Society. Humberside Geologist 13, 16-21

- 2000. An unusual ammonite from Selwicks Bay, East Yorkshire (personal web page)

- , L Emery, D Hill, & N P Whittington 2000. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 13, 2

- 2000. Lewis Penny remembered. Humberside Geologist 13, 3

- 2000. Mark Piasecki remembered. Humberside Geologist 13, 9-10

- 2000. Millennium. Humberside Geologist 13, 14-15

- & N P Whittington 2000. Notes and Comments. Humberside Geologist 13, 77-80

- & B Heaton 2000. Report of 3rd UKRIGS Conference. Humberside Geologist 13, 27-33

- 2000. Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 1992 to 2000. Humberside Geologist 13, 42-45

- , Rockett T & Whitham F 2000. The Glacial Geology of Dimlington High Cliff. Humberside Geologist 13, 53-56

- 2000. The Hull Geological Society Conservation Fund. Humberside Geologist 13, 26

- 2000. The strange and wonderful Speeton Clay. Humberside Geologist 13, 76-77

- 2001. New Web resource for amateurs. Geoscientist 11, no 7, 13

- 2001. New Website. Down to Earth 35, 3

- 2001. Past Officers of the Hull Geological Society, 1888 - present Humberside Geologist Online (updated version of 1986 article)

- 2002. Hull Urban Geological Sites. UKRIGS Newsletter

- 2003. Holderness stratigraphy (personal web-pages) "The Ice Age Coast".

- 2003. Karst features at Sands Top Quarry, Newbald [abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular

- 2004. The distribution of glacial erratics on the Holderness Coast. [abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular no 519, 6.

- 2005 (ed). Open Questions in East Yorkshire Geology. Humberside Geologist Special Publication no. 1 (CD ROM)

- 2005. Open Questions in East Yorkshire Geology - answers from the amateurs. [abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 525, 5.

- 2005. Open Questions in East Yorkshire Geology - answers from the amateurs. (personal web-pages) and on Horne 2005 (ed CD ROM) Humberside Geologist Special Publication no. 1

- 2005. The geology of East Yorkshire coast. - Report of a joint meeting of the Hertfordshire and Hull Geological Societies held in September 2003 [with photographs] Humberside Geologist Online

- 2006 (compiler) Abstracts from the "Open Questions in East Yorkshire Geology" meeting, October 2005 . Humberside Geologist 14, 79-82, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. (compiler) Abstracts from the "The Pleistocene World" meeting 13th October 2001. Humberside Geologist 14, 50-53, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. The Black Band Member. (personal web page)

- 2006. An unusual ammonite from Selwicks Bay, East Yorkshire [Texanites pseudotexanus] published on personal website.

- 2006. Book review "Classic landforms of the coast of the East Riding of Yorkshire" Humberside Geologist 14, 17, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. The dumbing down of science in education reference to geology. (personal web page)

- 2006. East Yorkshire (and North Lincolnshire) Chalk Lithostratigraphy [ personal web page]

- 2006. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 14, 2, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Fossils. CD-ROM - privately produced.

Memczak C, J Burns, M Horne, L Knowles, S Martin & L Southern 2006. The Geochemistry of the Red Clays of Holderness and their origin. Humberside Geologist 14, 101-112, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. A geological walk in Beverley. (personal web page)

- 2006. The geology of East Yorkshire coast. - Report of a joint meeting of the Hertfordshire and Hull Geological Societies held in September 2003. Humberside Geologist 14, 58-60, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. In the footsteps of Lamplugh. A report of the field meeting to Flamborough ... Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 528, 7-8.

Brasier M, C Darmon & M Horne 2006. Memories of Professor Michael House 1930 to 2002. Humberside Geologist 14, 4-5, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Microfossils. CD-ROM - privately produced.

- 2006. Notes and Comments. Humberside Geologist 14, 13-17, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Obituaries. Humberside Geologist 14, 3-4, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Pictures of Fossils. (personal web page)

- 2006. Previous studies of the Yorkshire Chalk  (personal web page)

- 2006. Report of field meeting - Sewerby Chalk and buried cliff led by Mike Horne - Saturday 29th July 2006. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 532, 12.

- 2006. Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 2001 to 2004. Humberside Geologist 14, 92-97, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Unusual Black Band exposure. (personal web page)

- 2006. Ted Wright remembered. Humberside Geologist 14, 12-13, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Yorkshire Geology Month 2005 - a personal report. Humberside Geologist 14, 61-64, and on CD-ROM.

- 2006. Yorkshire Geology Month 2006 Event Form. Hull Geological Society website (published 2020)

- 2007. The Black Band Member [personal web pages]

Heaton H B, M Horne & S Jones 2007. Geodiversity Profile - Humber Bridge Country Park, Hessle, East Yorkshire. pp. 50-51 in Scott P W, R Shail, C Nicholas & D Roche 2007. The Geodiversity Profile Handbook. David Roche Geo Consulting, Exeter, 60pp.

- 2007. Geology north of the Humber. Handbook for Geologists' Association field meeting October 2007, 38pp.

Helm J & M Horne 2007. In Memoriam: John Neale 1949-2006. Annual Report 2006, volume 1, 41-42. Geological Society, London.

- 2007. John Walker Stather 1857-1938: Bibliography of papers about East Yorkshire Geology (personal web-pages).

- 2007. Local Heroes: J W Stather, Tom Sheppard and the East Riding Boulder Committee [abstract]. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 540, 5.

- 2007. Local Heroes: J W Stather, Tom Sheppard and the East Riding Boulder Committee [further information relating to talk for joint meeting of the Geological Society, Yorkshire Geological Society and Hull Geological Society, 27th October 2007], (personal web-pages).

Helm J & M Horne 2007. Obituaries 2006 (M-Z): John Neale 1949-2006 [Geological Society website] http://www.geolsoc.org.uk/template.cfm?name=Obits2006B

- 2007. The history of the Hull Geological Society, read by L Emery at the Centenary Meeting in 1988 (Audio CD). Humberside Geologist Special Publication number 2, part 1.

- 2007. The [history of the] study of the Yorkshire Chalk [web page]

- 2007. Thomas Sheppard 1876-1945: Bibliography of publications about East Yorkshire Geology (personal web page)

- 2008. A tribute to Lynden Emery - Field Meeting to Speeton on 20th July 2008. Hull Geological Society webpages.

- 2008. Geology North of the Humber. Magazine of the Geologists' Association. vol. 7, no 2, p 12

- 2008. Lynden Emery remembered. Gradlink [Hull University Alumni magazine]

- 2008. A Tribute to Lynden Emery, field trip to Speeton on 20th July 2008. 26 pp. [Field trip handout]

- 2010. Dr. Felix Whitham 1919-2009 (personal web-pages) and Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2010. Erratics of the Holderness Coast. [web page - definitions of the types of erratics found in Holderness.]

- 2010. The Felix Whitham Tribute Field Meetings. Hull Geological Society webpages.

- 2010. Fossils of the Chalk [web pages] written for an exhibition in the Treasure House, Beverley, 2011.

- 2010. Hull Urban Geological Sites (HUGS). UKRIGS Newsletter, April 2010.

- 2010. Obituary. Felix Whitham (1919-2009). Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 58, 141.

- 2011. Fossils of the Chalk - display in Treasure House Museum and webpages

Heppenstall et al. 2011. Lost and found: the pre-Skipsea Till palaeo-valley fill sediments of Flamborough Head rediscovered. Unpublished draft report of the Flamborough Quaternary Research Group.

- 2011. The geology of Middlegate Quarry, South Ferriby. Jurassic Times, 60, 7.

- 2012. Note about the Hessle Till. Transactions of the Hull Geological Society Online.

- 2013. BSRG Field Meeting to Flamborough Head (field guide) 18pp. British Sedimentology Research Group.

- 2013. [abstract] The Centenary Chalk Project - the Stratigraphy of the Yorkshire Chalk. Hull Geological Society 125th Anniversary Meetings Abstracts handbook.

- 2013. Proposal to define some of the biozones of the Yorkshire Chalk . Hull Geological Society 125th Anniversary Meetings Abstracts handbook.

- 2013. [abstract] Recent History of the Hull Geological Society 1988-2013. Hull Geological Society 125th Anniversary Meetings Abstracts handbook.

- 2014. Mike Horne p 8 (not numbered of) Kirk-Smith A & J Ray (eds) 2014. On the Endless Here (privately published, Hull) 36pp

- 2014. Where Geology meets Art - exploring the interface [Abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 588, p6-7 plus cover photographs

- 2014. Where Geology meets Art - exploring the interface.  Hull Geological Society website

- 2015. Chalk biostratigraphy - can we get it right please? [Abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 595 , p 9 and  http://www.hullgeolsoc.co.uk/hgchalkabs.htm

- 2015. Chalk biostratigraphy - can we get it right please? [full text] Yorkshire Geological Society Chalk Symposium Delegate pack and http://www.hullgeolsoc.co.uk/hgchalkmik.htm

- 2015. Field Excursion to Flamborough Head  [Abstract] Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 595 , p 6 and http://www.hullgeolsoc.co.uk/hgchalkabs.htm

- 2015. Geology of Flamborough Head [field guide] - Yorkshire Geological Society Chalk Symposium Delegate pack.

- 2015 Introduction and welcome to the Chalk Symposium on behalf of the Hull Geological Society -  http://www.hullgeolsoc.co.uk/hgchalkwelk.html

- 2015. Report of Symposium - The Chalk of the Northern Province. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2015. The Whitham Memorial Medal. Hull Geological Society website

- 2016. Generic Risk Assessments. Hull Geological Society website

- 2017. Mike Horne FGS - list of geological collections. Hull Geological Society website

- 2017. Obituary - John Neale. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2017. Obituary - Ted Wright. Hull Geological Society website

- 2017. Remembering Dr.Derek Gobbett [obituary]. Hull Geological Society website

- 2018. Hull Geological Society: Members' Collections. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2018. Hull Geological Society: Members' Evenings [list of speakers and topics from 2004 to present]. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019. Book Review - The Pebbles on the Beach. A spotter’s guide by Clarence Ellis (2018 reprint). Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 620, 17-18.

- 2019. Centenary Chalk Project - Stratigraphic Methods, biases and problems.  Hull Geological Society website.

Robson J, M Seaward & M Horne 2019 - Churches, Lichens and Rocks field meeting 2019. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

Seaward M & M Horne 2019. Geology and Lichens of Saint Michael's Church [Garton, Holderness]. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2019. Hull Geological Society: Historical Milestones. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019 (Compiler). My favourite geology books. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019. Obituary - Ian Heppenstall. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019. Obituary - Ron Harrison. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019. Pebbles on the beaches of Holderness. Hull Geological Society website.

- 2019. Texanites pseudotexanus [ photograph of ] text-fig 60 and cover of W J Kennedy 2019 The Ammonoidea of the Upper Chalk part 1. Monograph of the Palaeontographical Society

- 2019. [written 1985]. The Yorkshire Chalk: previous studies.  Hull Geological Society website.

Speed A, C Leach, M Horne, P Vixsebroxse & R Connell 2019. Three fieldwork scenarios. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2020 to 2024. A geological alphabet [compiled from "geological I spy" Club Nights]. Hull Geological Society website

- 2020. Bibliography of East Yorkshire Geology 1989-2014. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2020. The Geology of the Hull Fish Trail (updated for Winter 2020). Hull Geological Society website

- 2020. A guide to geological logging. Hull Geological Society Bisat Research Group website

- 2020. A guide to the Tills of Holderness. Hull Geological Society Bisat Research Group website

- 2020. Common Urban Rocks Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2020. Holderness and global warming [first published 1991]  Hull Geological Society website

Haughey D, M Horne & S Jones 2020. The Hornsea Tesco Boulder. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2020. Kiplingcotes Chalk Walk. Hull Geological Society website

- 2020. Organising and leading field trips. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

Boylan P & M Horne 2020. Sixty years of Rifle Butts site Geoconservation 1960-2020. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular  no. 629, 15-16.

- 2020. Some Continuity [report of Yorkshire Geology Month 2020]. Geoconservation Newsletter Summer 2020, p4.

- 2020 to 2024. Something Geological beginning with ... (a geological alphabet). Hull Geological Society Members' Club Page on Facebook.

- 2020. [lecture abstract] The Lewis Penny Collection at Hull University.  Hull Geological Society website

- 2020. The Lewis Penny Collection at Hull University and catalogue.  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2020. [lecture abstract] Towards a practical stratigraphy for the Yorkshire Chalk. Hull Geological Society website

Horne A & M Horne 2020. Virtual fieldtrip to Spring Bank Cemetery in Hull. Yorkshire Geological Society website.

- 2020. Was Rifle Butts SSSI ever a quarry and who used it? Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2020. [lecture abstract] Yorkshire Type Erratics  Hull Geological Society website

Horne M and A Horne 2020. Yorkshire Geology Month 2020: Geology Walk in Spring Bank Cemetery, Hull, led by Mike Horne, Sunday 10th May 2020. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 630, 9-10.

- 2020. Yorkshire Type Erratics Collection at Hull University and catalogue  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2021. The dirstrbution of indicator glacial erratics in eastern Yorkshire. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2021. Felix Whitham DSc 1919-2009. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2021. Lynden Emery Remembered. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

Heaton B, C Clark, M Horne, S Whitaker, S Jones, T Rockett, and T Hibbert, 2021. Geological Survey of North Cave Wetlands 2003. Hull Geological Society web pages

Scott P W & M Horne 2021. A note on the occurrence of ironstone in the Hunstanton Formation (Red Chalk) at Rifle Butts Quarry SSSI, East Yorkshire. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

Hill D & M Horne 2021. Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 2011 to 2021 [alphabetic version]. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2021. Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 2011 to 2021 [geographic version] . Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2021. The scientific study of glacial erratics. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

Horne M and A Horne 2021. A self-guided geology walk around Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bath Road, Bristol. Arnos Vale Cemetery Trust leaflet.

- 2021. vFoG walks - Hull Cemetery. Magazine of the Geologists' Association 20, no. 1, 22 & 24.

- 2022. Adult Education Geology Classes at the University of Hull (unfinished work, written in 2014) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. The Amateur in British Geology today (written in 2002). Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Beaver hair found at Skipsea Withow Mere SSSI. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Biographical notes on some amateur East Yorkshire geologists (2005) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022 onwards. Bulding Stones - images of the rock and the building. Hull Geological Society Members Club Page on Facebook.

- 2022. [Hull Geological Society] Conserving Rifle Butts SSSI. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. The diary of a sculpture: a pictorial record of the weathering of a Jurassic Oolite sculpture at Hull University. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Editorial. Humberside Geologist 16 Online.

- 2022. [History of the] Flamborough Quaternary Research Group. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. The geochemistry of some Marl Bands in the Yorkshire Chalk (1995). Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. The geochemistry of  the Holderness (and other) Tills Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Geodiversity in the Graveyard. (2015) Hull Geological Society web pages

Howes C & M Horne 2022. Geological field note: 'Whin Sill' erratic in Leven village. The Naturalist 147, p 197.

- 2022. [Report of] Geologists' Assocation Conference in Hull 2022. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. The Geology of South Landing, East Yorkshire [field guide] Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Insights and queries regarding East Yorkshire Geology (2022) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Introduction to the Geology of East Yorkshire (2014) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. John Neale Remembered (2006)  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. A list of staff at the Department of Geology, University of Hull. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022.The marl bands of the northern Chalk and their origin (1998) [and associated tables and graphs] . Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. [Hull Geological Society] Membership in the 1930s to 1950s. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Moore Medal acceptance speech by Mike Horne. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Notes on Rifle Butts SSSI (2007) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Notes on the history of the Hull Geological Society 1988 onwards. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Obituary - Barrie Heaton. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Pebbles of the Ice Age Coast. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Picture of Fossils. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Report of the East Riding Boulder Committee 2022 onwards (a work in progress) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. A self-guided geology walk around Arnos Vale Cemetery, Bath Road, Bristol. [pdf] Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Skipsea Withow Mere (self guided field trip) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Student memories of the Geology Department, University of Hull. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. A thin Chalk layer at Gransmoor Quarry (unfinished work) Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022 Treasure House Stories - planning the East Riding Geology display (2007) Hull Geological Society web pages

Horne A & M Horne 2022. Virtual fieldtrip to Spring Bank Cemetery in Hull (updated version) [pdf]. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2022. Yorkshire Coast field guide summaries. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2023. Curating your collection (pdf of lecture slides) . Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2023. Dealing with Diamicts - a practical guide for amateurs. HGS Bisat research group web pages.

Exton L 2023. [report of] Evening lecture: The Pebbles of the Ice Age Coast by Dr [sic] Mike Horne FGS, University of Hull. Magazine of the Geologists' Association 22, no 2, 29-30.

- 2023. Flamborough Quaternary Research Group - fieldwork data. Flamborough Quaternary Research Group web pages.

- 2023. Hull Geological Society 135th Anniversary meetings. Hull Geological Society Archive web pages

- 2023. Mike Horne's memories of some Hull Geological Society meetings. Hull Geological Society Archive web pages

- 2023 News from Society newsletters 1999 onwards. Hull Geological Society Archive web pages

- 2023. Pebbles of the Ice Age Coast [abstract]. Magazine of the Geologists' Assocaition vol 22, no. 1, p 8.

- 2023. Pebbles of the Ice Age Coast (pdf of lecture slides)  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2023. Secretary's Reports 1999 onwards. Hull Geological Society Archive web pages

- 2023. Sieving for small fossils (pdf of lecture slides) . Hull Geological Society web pages

Howes C & M Horne 2023. Whin Sill erratic at Leven. Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2024. A brief introduction to the geology of East Yorkshire (Long Abstract of lecture to the Yorkshire Society) -  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2024. Flamborough Quaternary Research Group - fieldwork and planning reports.  Hull Geological Society web pages

- 2024. A geological alphabet [compiled from "geological I spy" Club Nights 2020 to 2024]. Hull Geological Society website

- 2024. Photographs of Yorkshire Geology - Album on Hull Geological Society Facebook site.

- 2024. Obituary - Rod Towse 1947-2024  Hull Geological Society web pages

Mayo G 2024. Yorkshire Chalk or Chalk of the Northern Province a talk by Mike Horne. Brighton and Hove Geological Society Newsletter No. 153  p 4-7

- 2025. Catalogue of the Centenery Chalk Collection. Hull Geological Society web pages


Some Acknowledgments -

Bateman M et al. 2015. Late glacial dynamics of the Vale of York and North Sea Lobes of the British and Iris Ice Sheet. Proceedings of the Geologists' Association 126, 712-730.

Black R D & P Dodsworth 2021. The palynology of the Kimmeridge Clay and Carstone Formations (Upper Jurassic - Lower Cretaceous) at Middlegate Quarry, North Lincolnshire, UK, and its lithostratigraphical and palaeoenvironmental significance. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 63, 351-366.

Hildreth P, 2013. The Vale House Flints Member, a flint rich unit of the Burnham Chalk Formation in the Northern Province, East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, U.K. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 59, 177-186.

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Whittaker J E, D J Horne D & A Lord 2005. New microfaunal data from the Raincliff Formation (Speeton Shell Bed), North Yorkshire. Quaternary Newsletter 107, 20-24.

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Yorkshire Geological Society 2024. Yorkshire Geological Society Registered Charity No. 20014 Society Proceedings 2022. [Moore Medal awarded to Mike Horne.] Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 65, issue 1-2.

Some Citations -

Briggs C S 2009. Erratics and Re-cycled Stone: scholarly irrelevancies or fundamental utilities to lithic studies in prehistoric Britain and beyond? Internet Archaeology website.

Hildreth P 2013. The Vale House Flints Member, a flint rich unit of the Burnham Chalk Formation in the Northern Province, East Yorkshire and Lincolnshire, U.K. Proceedings of the Yorkshire Geological Society 59, 177-186.

Seaward M 2004. Sheppard Thomas (1876-1945), Oxford Dictionary of National Biography Oxford University Press http://oxforddnb.com/view/article/57394

Some mentions -

Knight J 2023. President's Word. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 642,3-5

Waters C 2023. Reports on selected YGS indoor meetings and webinars: April - May 2023. Yorkshire Geological Society Circular 642, 9 -12

List of geological lectures and events

(Updated December 2024)

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