Generalised Geology around the Cave and Newbald area*
tutor: Mike Horne FGS
for the Centre for Life Long Learning
Alluvium - Post-Glacial
Dry Valley Deposits - gravels
Blown Sand
Lake Humber Deposits - Devensian
Welton and Burnham Chalk Formations
Ferriby Formation - Lower Chalk
Red Chalk Formation (Hunstanton Formation of some authors)
Ancholme Clay Formation - (Kimmeridge and Oxford Clays)
Kellaways Formation - Kellaways Rock and Kellaways Sands
Thorncroft Sands
Cave Oolite
Ravenscar Beds including the Kirton Cementstone
Whitby Mudstone
Marlstone Rock
Redcar Mudstone
Penarth Group - Rhaetic
Mercia Mudstone - Keuper Marl
*note - because of unconformities and the effects of the Market Weighton Structure these beds thin to the north and may not always be present.
(mostly based on -- Gaunt G D, T P Fletcher & C J Wood 1992. Geology of the country around Kingston Upon Hull and Brigg. Memoir for 1:50000 geological sheets 80 and 89 (England and Wales). HMSO, London. ix + 172pp, 6pl.)
copyright Mike Horne - 2019
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