Hull Geological Society
Registered Educational Charity No. 229147
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in rocks, minerals and fossils; no qualifications are required. Though some previous experience does help with some of the lecture meetings. Unfortunately we occasionally cannot allow children to attend quarry visits for safety reasons. The current annual subscriptions are 10 poundsand 10 pounds for families and institutions,
Donations are always welcome.
To join the Society please return the slip below and your first annual subscription to the Secretary, Hull Geological Society, 28 Salisbury Street, Hull, HU5 3HA. Please make cheques payable to "the Hull Geological Society" or enquire about paying by bank transfer.
Your membership subscriptions and donations can be treated as gift aid if you complete a declaration and send it to the Secretary
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Please arrange for me to be elected to the Hull Geological Society :
Name ..
telephone no. . .
e-mail .................
type of membership - ordinary, retired, student, unwaged, family, institutional (delete as necessary)
I give my consent for the Society to contact me using the information above (signed) .......................................
Please indicate if you do not wish your personal details to be stored on a computer .....
[ for office use DB ...... CI ...... EM ...... PR ...... SAF ..... GA ..... Data .....D2E ....]
[Recd................Wel .......fb ......EL .............. ELL ........ PD ................. TR .............]