Geological Fieldwork Equipment
Mike Horne FGS
for the
Centre for Life Long Learning
University of
List* of equipment to take on
1 - Personal safety
- The right clothing for the
weather conditions - waterproofs, warm clothing or sun block.
- The right foot where for
the terrain you will be working in.- Wellington boots for muddy areas,
walking boots for rough ground or trainers for slippery rocks.
You may be required to have steel
toecaps when entering private quarries.
- safety glasses
- Gloves
- Food and drink
- Hard hat - essential for
quarries, building sites, waste disposal sites and cliffs
- Hi-Vis waistcoat - may be
required for quarries, building sites or waste disposal sites.
- First aid kit or emergency
kit. Some plastic sacks to keep yourself dry and a whistle to attract other
people's attention. Penknife.
- Mobile 'phone
2 - Geological equipment for
general fieldwork
- A notebook
- A pencil (you can write in
the rain using a pencil)
- A large clear plastic bag
(you can put your notebook and pencil inside the plastic bag and keep on
writing when the weather turns bad)
- Hand lens or magnifying glass
- A geological hammer and safety
- Some chisels
- A trowel
- Sample bags and some newspaper
to wrap specimens in
- Camera
- compass and clinometer
- Maps so you know where you're
- small bottle of dilute acid
for testing limestones
- A large rucksack to put all
this stuff in
additional equipment for
specialised tasks -
3 - Equipment for logging-
- Blank logging sheets and a
- Ruler or tape up to five
metres long
- Grain size charts
- sample bags
4 - Equipment for 2 D logging-
- Blank logging sheets and a
- Rule to measure, up to five
metres long
- Longer tape measure perhaps
25 metres long
- String and tent pegs or
- Split level
- clinometer
- grain size chart
- Camera
- binoculars
- Theodolite, laser level or
dumpy level
5 - Equipment for mapping-
- Large-scale base maps and a
- Compass
- Clinometer
- Sample bags
- Binoculars
- Camera
- Auger
- Tape measure
*list not necessarily comprehensive!
copyright Mike Horne - 2019
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